The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 987 Xia Yan: Masters? No! baby cup! (7k!)

Sinnoh, Zhensha Town.

A luxurious villa that was built quickly at an unknown time has already become an extremely beautiful landscape in Zhensha Town.

In the summer night, the wind is gentle, taking away a trace of heat and throbbing during the day.

In the garden of the villa.

The rustling forest leaves rolled up green waves under the breeze, and among the shadows of the trees, a speaker cricket led a few chubby round mages to play a summer concerto in the corner of the garden.

A neat row of Mukels was docked on the branches. Under the refreshing rhythm, they shook their heads in unison and twisted their fat buttocks.

Two big-toothed civets poked their heads out of the pond in the yard. When they heard the melody, their heads shook involuntarily, and their two thick tails beat to the beat, splashing the splashing water in the pond.


At this time.

A well-proportioned and graceful Menus jumped out of the water, stretching out the perfect curve of the most beautiful elf in the air, accompanied by drops of crystal water, reflecting the brilliance of the moonlight.

This scene made the water elves in the pool straighten their eyes.

But only see.

Returning to the water again, Menus flicked her gorgeous tail like a cattail fan, rolled up a pool of crystal clear water, and sprinkled it all over the newly plowed fields next to it.

Under the big tree in the yard.

On two lounge chairs.

A young man rests and relaxes with his hands under his head and a hat covering his face.

The other young man was meticulously dressed and was carefully fumbling with the box in his hand with tweezers.

And what was placed in the box seemed to be stones of different shapes, shapes, textures, and origins.

These two people.

Naturally, they chose Dawu and Xia Yan, who were temporarily relaxing in Zhensha Town.

Feeling the thin cool water mist coming, Dawu carefully protected the stones in the box, looked at the "culprit" Menus, and couldn't help sighing.

"Elves like Menus can indeed be called the most beautiful elves."



The fairy Ibrahimovic and Jiuwei, who were lying on the lawn beside Xia Yan and stretched their bodies, heard Dawu's words, slightly pricked up their ears and raised their eyelids.


Facing the "death stare" of the two elves, Dawu answered the words very carefully.

This made Fairy Eevee and Kyuubi lower their heads again.


Under the hat, Xia Yan seemed to be able to sense what was happening next to him, and couldn't help chuckling.

The corners of Dawu's eyes twitched.

He muttered, "Whether I look good or not can't be eaten. I always think that my appearance restricts others from seeing the truth, goodness and beauty in my heart."

"Yes." Xia Yan agreed.

Without waiting for Dawu to show his "confidant" appearance, Xia Yan continued to add: "But I think if you take away the title of the young owner of your German company, maybe people will see it more truthfully."

Whether Dawu is not popular has anything to do with his appearance?


There are still.

If it is said that Dawu's popularity is 10%, then his appearance can only account for 0.5% at most, and the remaining 9.5% comes from his damn "money ability".

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

After spending time with Xia Yan, Dawu and him are completely familiar.

Others get along with him, either because of his status as the young owner of the German company, or because of his status as the champion of Fengyuan, no matter how close they are, there will always be an unspeakable barrier between them.

But Xia Yan is different.

He didn't take Dawu's identity and status to heart, he still joked when it was time to tease, and joked when it was time to joke.

This made Dawu feel very relaxed.

So even though the matter in the Sinnoh area was over, he was not in a hurry to go back to Fengyuan.

Anyway, the champion has been resigned to Mikoli, and it is rare for him to have a little time to relax freely.

"But speaking of it." Dawu looked at the flame monkey who was plowing the land in the yard, and his expression became a little weird.

"Use Gulardo's carapace fragments to plow the ground, use Gaioka's scales to water, use Palkia's space scales to expand the planting area, use Dialga's time scales to speed up the flow of time to ripen, and Feng Milong and these elves mature faster."

After a pause, he looked at Xia Yan again, "Do they know you did this?"

Speaking of this, Xia Yan finally sat up.

"You don't want to think about doing this because of whom?"

"Huh?" Dawu was taken aback.

"All my inventory was eaten up by that big bastard Regichkas, and those guys like Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina squeezed me even more, your conscience! Won't it hurt?"

If it wasn't for saving Dawu and forming a good relationship with Regichkas, with his abundant reserves of energy cubes and tree fruits, he wouldn't be exhausted in such a short time after coming to this world.

every day.

His own elf energy cube expenditure is also quite expensive.

What else can we do without farming?


Whether it's Gulardo's carapace fragments that accelerate ground reclamation, or Kyoka's scales that irrigate and grow.

If it was Diya Luka and Palkia's flexible use of the rules, Xia Yan would really be squeezed out.

heard the words.

A look of embarrassment appeared on Da Wu's face who understood Xia Yan's meaning.

"Ahem, small things, small things, if it's a big deal, I'll give you an orchard."

"Bah, just talking but not practicing, fake moves." Xia Yan stretched, and lay back on the reclining chair again.

Looking at the bright and clean starry sky, I lamented the speed of time.

Almost a month has passed since the collision of time and space brought by Tianguanshan Galaxy team.

During this month's time.

In addition to collecting some precious stones with Dawu and carrying out elf training as usual every day, he also secretly followed the line of Pluto to investigate some more important information.


With the strength of the Rockets alone, investigations in many aspects have been severely hampered.

In particular, some investigations within the alliance are severely restricted.

He glanced at the black ring formed by the unknown totem of question marks on his right index finger.

He can feel it.

There is not much time left to stay in this world.

So we must seize this last bit of time and find out as much as possible about the opponent.

After returning to the original world, Xia Yan can join forces with Juzi and Du, Kona, Dawu, Sirona and others who are gradually entering the upper echelons of the alliance to find out the real moths in the alliance and then eliminate them!

Listening to Xia Yan's words, Dawu's eyes flickered.

He changed the subject again and said, "Are you really going to participate in the Lily of the Valley Contest?"

"Isn't it possible? I have collected all eight badges."

As he spoke, Xia Yan opened the neckline, and eight of the characteristic badges belonging to the Sinnoh region were neatly displayed in it.

This is the first time Xia Yan has collected all eight badges in his life, and it is probably the last time he has collected all badges in his life.

After returning, in order to have enough authority, he may try to challenge the champion.

At that time, there will be no chance to collect badges.


Xia Yan felt that there was still a sense of ceremony.

After all, if you want to bully and bully children in the future, you may have no chance.

Looking at Xia Yan's badge, the corners of Dawu's eyes twitched.

Six of them were offered by others, right?

However, after a short pause, Dawu's expression gradually became serious, and he said slowly: "Do you want to challenge the Sinnoh Alliance's championship?"

If they can win the Lily of the Valley Contest, they will have the qualification to challenge the road to the championship.

As long as you can defeat a king on the road to the championship, you have a chance to replace him.

If you can win all of them, and finally walk in front of the Sinnoh champion Sirona, and defeat Sirona, you can directly complete the triple jump.

Triple-jump from major championship to regional king to league champion.

But this is only in theory.

so far.

It seems that no one has completed such a terrifying triple jump.

"Try it." Xia Yan said ambiguously.

"You want to get in touch with the top management of the alliance?" Dawu said slowly, resting his chin.

After getting along during this time, although he didn't know what Xia Yan was going to do.

But Dawu knew that his father, Zifuqi Mujin, seemed to have guessed it, and provided Xia Yan with a lot of help and support.

Out of trust in his father and understanding after getting along with Xia Yan during this period of time, Dawu thinks that Xia Yan is absolutely impossible to be a bad person.

It just has its own clear goals and objectives.

Xia Yan was also noncommittal about this, but just shrugged slightly.

"Then why don't you try to challenge the frontier area?"

"Battle against the frontier?" Xia Yan was taken aback.

"The top sixteen of the competition are eligible to challenge the battle frontier area. If you can get the approval of all the leaders of the frontier area, you can become the new leader. Compared with the champions and four kings of each region, the battle frontier area is directly affiliated to the general alliance. This may allow you to do what you want to do better than becoming the Four Heavenly Kings.

Of course, if you can go straight to the championship road and defeat the champion Sirona, just ignore me. "

Beat Sirona?

The Sirona of this world is the perfect champion!

If it is a full field fighting mode with no rules and no restrictions.

Xia Yan may still be able to defeat Sirona by virtue of tactics and some showy operations.

But if the battle is played according to the rules of the alliance, his hope is not great.


Once the champion's road starts, there is no chance to stop, and there will be no time to restore the elf's physical strength and state in the middle.

Relatively speaking, it is much easier to get through the battle frontier than to get through the championship road.


As Dawu said, the battle development area is directly under the General League.

Maybe it will allow Xia Yan to conduct a better investigation.

Xia Yan listened to Dawu's suggestion.

Because he really doesn't care about the identity of the Four Heavenly Kings, the champion, or the leader of the battle frontier area.

He just wanted to find out the identity of that group of people, even if he only knew the identity information of some marginal people, it was enough.

"And I heard that this Suzuran Competition seems to have attracted a lot of top trainers from Kanto and Johto? It seems that it is going to evolve from an ordinary competition to a world championship." Dawu said with a hint of teasing.

"World Championship?" Xia Yan's expression was even weirder.

He knew that what Dawu was talking about was the group of Chi Hong, Xiao Lan, A Jin, and Xiao Yin who came after hearing the news.

But be it.

"Don't worry, it won't happen." Xia Yan said firmly.

three days later.

Suzuran Island in the Sinnoh region.

During the annual Lily of the Valley Competition, not many residents of the Sinnoh area who were affected by the Galaxy team arrived at Lily of the Valley Island one after another during the opening period of the competition.

Compared with the Hoenn region, the Sinnoh region is considered very lucky.

Only Tianguan Mountain suffered the most.

The opening ceremony of the Lily of the Valley Contest was also held on this day.

In the huge silver brazier, the flame of King Ho was successfully escorted from the Johto area to Sinnoh, and the fiery golden flame painted a large area of ​​the night sky.

With the fireworks everywhere, the colorful flags and satins fluttered.

The lively competition finally kicked off amidst the noise and cheers of the crowd.


Vulcan Moth looked at the golden flame in the torch in the silver basin at the top of the arena, subconsciously slammed his mouth, and swallowed his saliva.

"Don't be impulsive. When the crowd disperses at night, we will come back quietly, and I will take you to taste it." Xia Yan pressed the brim of his hat and said to Vulcan Moth.

It caused the speechless eyes of several people around him.

How about eating Phoenix King's flames?

Vulcan Moth's head was pounding, and it repeatedly clicked.

There was only one person, who was carelessly carrying a thing like a pool cue, wearing his hat on one side, and said to Vulcan:

"How can such a small amount be enough to eat? Next time you go back to the city with the young master, the young master will call Feng Wang to make you full."

heard the words.

Vulcan Moth's eyes lit up immediately.

"Ah Jin, don't brag, Feng Wang sees you and doesn't just burn you, you should be thankful."

Chi Hong patted his forehead, he had seen Ah Jin's boldness more than once.

Don't look at him as if he is joking now.

But believe it or not.

As long as Xia Yan's Vulcan Moth dares to go to Chengdu with Ah Jin, he really dares to turn over the Chengdu area to find Feng Wang.


At that time, it will be hard to say whether the Vulcan Moth will eat the flame given by King Feng, or the flame ignited on A Jin's body.


The red-haired Xiaoyin curled her lips with her arms crossed, her face full of disdain.

"Say it again?!" Ajin became angry immediately, and was about to rush towards Xiaoyin with his cue in hand.

But was stopped by Kristal in the middle.


Seeing this, Ah Jin could only hold his head up and snort coldly.

To this, Little Silver also responded with the same cold snort.

"Speaking of which, although we arrived at Sinnoh and there is not enough time before the start of the Suzuran Contest, I still have the last badge left, which is a pity." Xiao Lan looked at the seven badges in her box, feeling somewhat said regretfully.

"I'm one short too."

It was Red who spoke.

But his result surprised everyone.

There will also be times when Crimson fails to collect all the badges?

Noticing everyone's gaze, Chi Hong scratched her head in embarrassment.

"I don't know what happened. Mr. Dianci, the master of the gymnasium in Binhai City, has been missing for a month, so I can't find him."

Then he looked at Xia Yan who was raising his head up to the sky at 45 degrees, and his regretful expression became more and more intense.

"Other things are fine, but I can't compete with Mr. Xia Yan in the competition."

"Eh?! Chi Hong, don't you want the lighthouse badge of Binhai City?"

Xiaolan blinked unexpectedly.

Immediately, the two compared some badge boxes and found that they were exactly the same, but one was missing.

"Me too."

At this time, Xiao Yin with a cold face also took out his badge box.

Strange to say.

He had heard that the main gymnasium in Binhai City would give badges directly, so he put Binhai City at the end.

As a result, when he went to challenge the gymnasium in Binhai City, he found that the badge was no longer given away.

Even if he turned to the Binhai Gym and tried to steal one, he couldn't find it.

"Me too." Kristal stuck out her tongue and playfully agreed.

"Could it be that Mr. Xia Yan was afraid of the young master's competition, so he hid the owner of the gymnasium in Binhai City?"

Ah Jin looked speculative.

Xia Yan next to him trembled while holding his hat.

"What are you looking at, my lord?! It's not impossible."

Noticing the gazes of several people, Ajin stared.

"Teacher Xia Yan is afraid of you? How many badges have you collected?" Xiaoyin asked in a flat tone.

heard the words.

Ajin's expression froze, he swung the cue in his tight hand, and said viciously:

"Next time, let me see that Nohara City gym master Ji Xian, and I will blow his dog's head off!"

"You didn't collect any of them?" Chi Hong hesitated.

Ajin threw the cue stick to the ground, stared and said:

"Such a burly man, he is not allowed to directly attack the trainer in the duel?!"

Everyone: "."

Everyone showed a "sure enough" expression.

Ajin believes that if he can kill the trainer, he will never get along with the elf ink. This habit has been deeply rooted in his bones and cannot be changed.

"That's why you came so early, and in the end, none of them were able to participate. There was also one who didn't even have a badge."

Qinglu, who was in her pocket, almost didn't laugh outright.

"Damn it, can the young master kill him directly?" Ajin's eyes were fierce.

Qinglu gave him a sideways glance, and said lightly: "You can try."

"Try and die!"

Ah Jin rolled up his sleeves.

Just as he was about to move forward, he found that his chest was being blocked by someone.

After trying a few times, I couldn't move around.

looked down.

Just saw a straw hat.

"Sister Straw Hat, are you so strong?"

Xiao Huang said with a sneer: "Okay, okay, everyone failed to compete, so let's cheer for Teacher Xia Yan together."

A Jin curled his lips, "You and Chi Hong come to Sinnoh for a couple's vacation, and we'll be just wandering around."

heard the words.

There was a little blush on Xiao Huang's face, and he hesitated with his head down, not knowing how to explain it.

Chi Hong next to him heard the words, looked at Qing Lu, and suggested, "Shall we do Ah Jin?"

Qinglu nodded, "That's exactly what I mean."

Xiao Yin, who had been resting on the concave shape, interjected, "Count me in."

Seeing this, instead of being afraid, Ah Jin laughed strangely.

"Jie Jie Jie—I have been waiting for this day for a long time! Today I will kill all three of you!"

A few minutes later.

Ah Jin: "Wrong, wrong, really wrong."

It was seen that Kristal, Xiaolan and Xiaohuang raised their foreheads one after another.

"Hey, where is Teacher Xia Yan?"

At this time, Xiao Lan realized that Xia Yan was missing.

"over there!"

After Xiao Huang closed his eyes and felt for a while, he opened his eyes and said.

see you.

Xia Yan didn't know when he left them, pretending to be unfamiliar, chatting with many "acquaintances" who came from the Sinnoh area.

"Hahaha——Teacher Xia Yan is absurd, absurd."

The head of the gymnasium in Nohara City, with his bare upper body showing a pimple, and the masked former professional wrestler Ji Xian smiled.

"Here, that kid is right there. He wants to fight you, Mr. Ji Xian, in real life, saying that you have a whole body of muscle and flesh, and you are vulnerable to a single blow."

Following Xia Yan's line of sight, Ji Xian saw A Jin sitting on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Clenching his fists and "smiling grimly", he walked towards Ah Jin step by step.

"It turned out to be your kid, who called himself Young Master in front of my uncle"

A Jin just broke free from the clutches of the red three and met Ji Xian's sight.

Hastily retreated, "You don't want to come here!!"

Xia Yan, who stood behind Ji Xian and watched with a smile, cast a "compassionate" look at A Jin.

Akin, you know too much.

Baby Cup upgraded to Masters?


I, Xia Yan, said it was a baby cup, it was a baby cup!

"Teacher Xia Yan."

The voice came from behind Xia Yan.

"It's Shinji."

Seeing Shinji with an expressionless face, Xia Yan greeted with a smile.

Shinji bowed slightly respectfully.

"Mr. Xia Yan won't use the main spirit in the competition, right?" Shinji asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Xia Yan froze for a moment.

But as long as Chi Hong and the others don't participate, he really doesn't need to use the main elves.

Originally, I promised a few little guys to show their faces.

Seeing Xia Yan's silence, Shinji's face showed confidence again, and he said seriously: "I will definitely become the champion!"

Then challenge the frontier zone and follow the old path of brother Leisi.

But he will definitely not fall at the last moment like Reiss, and he will never recover!

"Courage is commendable." Xia Yan patted him on the shoulder, but he didn't feel much emotion because of it.

Even if he doesn't use the main elves, Xia Yan feels that if he can't win the championship like this, he should go home, wash up and sleep.

Just wait until you return to the original world and just lie flat.

Not to mention any Sinnoh champions.


Darkrai is not the main elf, is he?



Shinji nodded solemnly and left.

"Teacher Xia Yan! I found you!"

Just as Shinji left, Xiaozhi, Xiaoguang and Xiaogang also found him.

"It's you guys." Xia Yan greeted them all, then turned his eyes and said, "Just now Shinji said that you must defeat Xiaozhi first, and then defeat me to win the championship."

heard the words.

Xiaozhi's face was serious, "Don't worry, Teacher Xia Yan! Shinji, I will definitely defeat him!"

"come on."

Xia Yan nodded.

For this competition, Xiaozhi should call all the elves he had tamed before to prepare for the battle.

The difficulty and excitement of the battle were even higher than that of Carlos's competition.

It can be said that this is the peak of Xiaozhi's battle skills.

It doesn't matter if Carlos played against Ailan.

"Teacher Xia Yan, I finally found you."

Miss Platinum and the three also squeezed through the crowd and found Xia Yan.

"Teacher Xia Yan, let me introduce someone to you."


Platinum, Diamond and Parr moved out of the way.

A handsome young man with fluttering long hair and a red windbreaker walked up to Xia Yan.

"Teacher Xia Yan." The young man was quite aristocratic, and introduced himself after slightly bowing: "My humble Dakoto. I have seen news about you, Teacher Xia Yan, on the Internet more than once recently, and I didn't expect to meet you in this competition."

Seeing the person coming, the corners of Xia Yan's eyes twitched slightly.

He thought he would never meet.

did not expect.

So, this time is a battle between the real and the fake beast man?

Rayquaza, give me back my Latios!

"Ahem, come on, I look forward to your performance."

Dakdo's eyes were burning, "Of course! I am also very much looking forward to the moment when I will fight against you, Mr. Xia Yan!"

"It's Darko of the Belrich family."

Sirona didn't know when she appeared behind Xia Yan, looking at the distant figure, she said slowly.

"He belongs to the Berrich family?" Xia Yan was taken aback.

So to speak.

The hair colors of Dakoto and Missy seem to be really close!

Moreover, if Darko is a member of the Belrich family, then it makes sense to a certain extent that he owns so many beasts.

after all.

The Belrich family is also an important member of the "Rayquaza Capture Project".

Rayquaza has been caught, it makes sense to take a Darkrai and a Latios, right?

Platinum stuck out her tongue.

"Not exactly, Duckdo's surname is not Bellerich, but he does have some relationship with our family. Well, he is my cousin."

Good guy.

Xia Yan once again realized how terrifying the family background in this world is.

Dawu from the Zvitch family, Dakoto from the Belrich family?

"Dakdo has been studying and growing up in the outside area before, and he just returned to Shen'ao not long ago. My father only told me after I got home." Platinum said again.

"He's a good trainer, worthy of attention." Sirona blinked her playful eyes and looked at Xia Yan.

The corner of Xia Yan's mouth tugged down.

The identity of this beast man, this time I'm afraid it's really going to be true or false.

After continuing to chat with Xia Yan for a while, Sirona walked towards the high stage of the arena amidst the roar of cheers and supported by the hunting black windbreaker.

Holding the microphone with one hand and supporting his waist with the other, his blond hair fell away.

"The Lily of the Valley Conference, officially begins!"

in an instant.

The gorgeous and bright fireworks shot up, and the enthusiasm of the audience and all the players was instantly ignited.


Full Moon Island.

The slightly embarrassed Yong Daimei drilled out of the jungle, "It's strange, why can't I find the electric elf that Xia Yan said I've never seen before?"

The electricity slapped his forehead once.

"Oops! Lily of the Valley Conference! My badge."

After a while, I let out another breath, "Fortunately, I left the battle robot and enough badges, so it shouldn't affect the contestants. Let's look for it again."

do not know why.

this time.

In addition to looking for the elf, Dianci felt that there were a lot of dreams at night.


PS: It’s a new month, ask for a monthly pass~~

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