The Luckiest Man

Chapter 393: Worthy of being the grandson of God's father!

Now with the baby Hongyun, Hong Xiaofu immediately felt the responsibility on his shoulders increased.

This is your own child, call yourself dad!

Even if he is a sub-level Meng baby, but he must be the best thing for him as a father.

Everything, everything I can do.

"Grandpa Grandpa," Hong Xiaofu holding Xiao Hongyun baby, asked the curator: "What will my baby eat in the future?"

People are iron rice and steel, so they are hungry when they don't eat.

Although Xiao Hongyun is now full of nuclear energy, he will definitely be hungry in the future, right?

So what he eats is very important, can't he be called a human eater?

"Generally speaking, the dragon's food is more complicated," said the curator. "They can eat anything of this race. Those who fly to the sky and swim to the sea basically have nothing he cannot eat."

Hong Xiaofu: "..."

It suddenly feels like this ... so scary, will he even eat the planet in the future?

Planet devourer?

"That's it," Hong Xiaofu thought for a while: "So what do you think he should eat now?"

Everyone listened carefully.

This is now the biggest baby pimple on the earth except Hong Xiaofu and Shen Xiaoling. The sub-level Meng baby, as long as the curator speaks, even a panda ...

Never mind that pandas can't eat, but you can consider getting one for him ...

"His current upper limit is sub-level," the curator said: "But the body strength is almost around LV3. Born to be a little guy of LV3, hey ..." The curator sighed, and then said: "It's far away, Cough, he is more suitable for eating LV3 level beasts. Or, in the same words, those who swim in the sea flying on the ground and catch what to eat. "

After saying this, the curator added another sentence: "Yes, don't look at this little guy, the meal is super big. After all, it is a descendant of the ancient dragon. Generally speaking, it takes tons to eat what you eat. Unit. When he grows up, he will eat ten tons, one hundred tons, and one thousand tons. "

Everyone: "..."

Are you serious? One thousand tons for a meal? !

Feeling the eyes of everyone, the curator shrugged helplessly: "Don't look at me like this, otherwise you think why there is war in Kings Canyon?"

Everyone: "..."

So the actual cause of the Dragon Slaughter was actually eaten by that dragon?

Fangyuanwanli has eaten up and can't carry it anymore? !

Everyone suddenly felt that this world is so magical, a **** crime caused by eating, right?

Sure enough, as soon as the curator had finished speaking, Xiao Hongyun pouted, and lying weakly in the ear of Hong Xiaofu said, "Dad, hungry ..."

Then his stomach grunted ...

Everyone: "!!!"

My goodness, is this hungry too fast? !

So now you need LV3 food to feed? Where is this rush to engage in LV3's biological killing? !

After all, it is LV3. You know that even if the wolf king in the foreign land on the 19th is just LV3!

"What should I do?" Liu Huajun was also anxious at this time.

Hong Xiaofu calls him grandpa, and this cute baby must call him grandpa.

Now that his great-grandson is hungry, he gave Liu Huajun a great place to go round in a hurry.

"Or ..." Zhao Ming asked: "Let's go back to the Xinghai to catch animals?"

"What a joke," Liu Huajun decisively rejected this proposal: "Then there are three star-level Wuyin clan strongmen squatting, are you looking for death?" Speaking of which, Liu Huajun stomped hard : "This **** group of Wuyin clan, if they hungry my baby, Lao Tzu and they are endless!"

Everyone had scalp numbness.

Liu Huajun always laughed with everyone before, now this angry and that momentum is really not ordinary scary!

After all, it is a big leader. Although his strength has just reached LV3, the gas field when he was angry is really not acceptable to ordinary people.

"What should I do?" Hong Xiaofu was also anxious.

Seriously, now I'm in a hurry to find a large number of LV3 beasts as food, this is really not very easy to find.

There are now 32 strange places on the earth, but there are not many high-level beasts in it. Those who can now be used almost as leveling copies of the earth people.

Broken Star Sea can't go ...

Would n’t it really starve the baby?

"Dad, I'm hungry ..." The little child was hungry almost immediately, not to mention the descendant of the ancient dragon, Xiao Hongyun, who was really gurgling when he became hungry.

It's really the listener who grieves and tears, pitiful ...

A group of people hurriedly turned around, and it was at this time that Hong Xiaofu suddenly froze.

His Xuanyuan sword jumped out of the space cube, and then a projection hit the open space of this room!

It is an international metropolis, the most obvious landmark is the spiral skyscraper, and there is a bottle opener on the side ...

"Modu!" Everyone was stunned!

What does it mean? !

I saw that the picture kept moving, all the way to the east, and then I reached the east of Modu into the sea.

All of them watched breathlessly.

Suddenly, Zhao Ming shouted, "Look, Haili!"

Inside the sea, the water suddenly boiled.

Originally, the scene of people traveling and vacationing by the sea changed instantly!

The sea began to roar, and then, countless marine creatures revealed from the ocean, those marine creatures gave birth to four feet, various strange shapes, and body shapes are not small, so it looks like an average of about two meters long !

The monsters in those oceans started attacking humans as soon as they landed, and then they rushed towards Modu City like tide!

There are a lot of human security forces along the way, but they are all LV2 strong. Under the impact of these marine monsters, they were dispersed in a blink of an eye!

Sea creatures began to attack the magic city area.

There was smoke everywhere, and countless humans were killed under this shock.

Finally, the picture was fixed on a building. There is an electronic clock on it. The date of the electronic clock reads: "August 16, 2019, 3:22 pm."

Then the screen closes, and Xuanyuanjian returns to the space cube.

Everyone was silent.

The picture just now is really shocking.

Countless marine monsters are overwhelming.

The army of LV2 level can hardly resist, then in other words, these marine monsters are at least LV3 level.

"This is the power of the Prophet ..." Liu Huajun murmured, and then looked at the time, said: "Today is August 15, that is, at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon, these marine monsters will impact our magic capital Coastline ?! "

At this time, Xiao Hongyun mumbled again: "Dad, hungry ..."

Then cried with a wow!

Everyone looked at him together.

Suddenly everyone was silent ...

Worthy of being the father-in-law of God's father, this is so many marine LV3 creatures that just climbed into the sea when I was hungry!

This is very afraid that you will be a little wronged!

"Fine," Liu Huajun sighed softly: "This time the food is enough ..."

Afterwards, he waved his hand fiercely: "Start, Magic City Shanghai! We must keep people's lives and property safe this time, and hunt down some seafood and return it to my great-grandson!"

Everyone: "..."

No problem!


On the other side, broken sea of ​​stars, in the main city of Tumen.

The three shadows of the Wuyin tribe are sitting on a ruin in front of the Huaxia restaurant. In front of them is a small table with a few simple foods and tea.

Since the last time Hong Xiaofu escaped, their three shadows have been waiting here.

There is Grandma Ziyu in the Huaxia restaurant, they absolutely dare not do it.

But they can stand by and wait outside.

Although Hong Xiaofu is capable of space, it is said that the monk can't run the temple.

They waited here, as long as Ziyu dared to leave them and dared to smash this store.

Those with space capabilities should always have space beacons before they can send them at will. As long as the store is smashed, then see where Hong Xiaofu can go!

"The old monster Ziyu is really determined to help them guard the gate here," Fengying looked at the door of the Huaxia restaurant, picked up a snack on the table and threw it into his mouth, coldly said: "I want to See how long she can protect them! "

"It's just a restaurant," Huo Ying said indifferently, and said with a smile: "How many dishes can you have? Ziyu's old metamorphosis is a big eater. Now she's watching a novelty here. I won't believe that she is not greasy and long. As long as she leaves, it is their death! "

Lei Ying was relatively serious. He took the tea and took a sip, saying: "But you said that the strongest power of the Huang Ming clan now poses a threat to us?"

"Impossible." Fengying shook his head: "All of their star master levels have come out of the battle of genocide. We haven't been killed by us yet? Now even if they can get on the table a little, it's just the dust. Escaped. It ’s a mixed energy, so that we wo n’t let us look at it. ”

After hearing his words, the other two shadows nodded together.

Their method is actually the most stupid way, but sometimes the most stupid way is the most effective way.

They are waiting here, as long as you Ziyu dare to leave here one step they dare to smash this store.

Broken star sea iron law, but the battle of race can not interfere, whoever interferes will be bad luck, even if Ziyu is a sub-level!

So give you some face while you are guarding, and you can blame others when you leave.


In the restaurant, Huang Chen looked at the three shadows outside seriously, and sighed gently ~ ~ These three shadows are the strongest three people in the film department of the Wuyin clan, and they died in their hands. There are as many as five main players of the Huangming clan star master class.

Want to know how many star owners the Huang Ming clan has?

"It was these three people," Fang Chen frowned. "I was worried that the Wuyin tribe would send them to catch me when I fled. But I didn't expect them to take the clan king so seriously. Strong sent out. "

The servant beside him nodded softly and said, "Master, shall we go back and inform the clan king?"

"Well," Huang Chen nodded and said, "Yes, I hope the clan king is going well, otherwise staring at these three people makes me very uncomfortable. Let's go back to the earth to inform the clan king not to come for now At that time, it is king to work hard to accumulate strength. I do n’t know if the dragon egg hatched or not, what level it would be if it hatched. "

He was thinking about this, and suddenly Hong Xiaofu came downstairs, and smiled as soon as he saw the dust: "Far dust, hurry, we need you over there!"

"Good king," Huang Chen froze for a moment, then smiled: "Dragon egg hatched?"

"Yeah, it's hatched," Hong Xiaofu's eyebrows danced: "As soon as it came out, it was a sub-level, right?"

"Ya ... Yatian level?" Huang Chen froze for a moment, then exulted: "Really ?!"

"Can I still lie to you?" Hong Xiaofu looked at the three shadows outside with a smile and said, "They have been waiting here?"

Nose nodded: "Yeah."

"Oh," Hong Xiaofu said: "It seems that I have to do a trick!"

Trick? !

The barren dust is a bit dumb-what about the trick?

Then I saw Hong Xiaofu open the door, slowly extended his right hand towards the three shadows, and hooked his finger--

"You, come here!"

Dust: "..."

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