The Lucky Bride Is Pretty And Delicate

Chapter 117 Despair in a Dream

Chapter 117 Despair in a Dream

Su Miaomiao's mind was blank. She looked around and panicked: "W-Where is this? Where is this?"

This ordinary device is not her boudoir in the flower building.

The unfamiliar place made Su Miaomiao panic all of a sudden.

Su Miaomiao looked at this strange place. She didn't know why she was like this man, but she knew that this couldn't go on.

She pushed the man away: "let go of me, help, help."

But the man only took it as fun: "Miao Miao, this is really exciting. I've known you for so long, but I didn't expect you to be so good at playing."

There is a message in every man's words, this is not the first time for them.

They have known each other for a long time.

Su Miaomiao couldn't believe it, it was not true, she could not have done such a thing, she would never do it.

What time is it now? Where is this place? Su Miaomiao's sanity is collapsing bit by bit.

A man's strength is too great, and the physical disparity between men and women is too great. She is not his opponent at all. Su Miaomiao's eyes are full of tears when the man presses her down, and her resistance becomes insignificant.

Seeing that the man was about to leave, there was a sound outside the door. It seemed that someone had returned, and he seemed to have put down something.

Su Miaomiao heard a familiar voice coming from outside: "Miaomiao, I'm back, I'll bring you your favorite chestnut cake, come out and have a taste."

Su Miaomiao panicked. This voice was the voice she had hoped for countless times. The voice came from the man she fell in love with, the swordsman Zhang Yao.

The man pressed on Su Miaomiao, and his face panicked: "Your man is back, it's over, he will kill me."

The man got out of bed, hearing the footsteps getting closer and closer like ants on a hot pot.

Su Miaomiao couldn't help hugging her knees. Her clothes were disheveled, and there was a man in the room. She hugged her head, not daring to think about the next scene.

The door was pushed open, and Su Miaomiao covered her ears.

Zhang Yao roared furiously, and the man begged for mercy: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, she seduced me."

"She seduced me."

The man pointed at Su Miaomiao and said accusingly.

Su Miaomiao didn't dare to raise her head, she didn't know what happened, she only knew that Zhang Yao was very angry, like a raging beast, looking for something in the house, he found his sword, and gave the sword to the man sword.

Su Miaomiao covered her ears and closed her eyes, not daring to look or listen.

It seemed like a long time had passed, she felt the bed was heavy, and Zhang Yao's voice was heavy: "Why did you treat me like this."

Su Miaomiao shook her head brokenly, she didn't know what happened.

Zhang Yao's voice seemed to be filled with pain: "Miaomiao, is it okay for us to be together? Don't you love me? Or can't you forget that when you were an oiran, you were a bitch in your bones? We have been together for five years Years, your nature is hard to change?"

Su Miaomiao raised her head suddenly. She looked at Zhang Yao with disbelief in her eyes. What five years?

She looked into Zhang Yao's eyes, and suddenly there were many vague memories in her mind, and she burst into tears: "No, I don't, I am not such a person."

Zhang Yao didn't lie to her. After she redeemed herself, she was with Zhang Yao. At the beginning, they were very affectionate and they were family everywhere. Zhang Yao fulfilled his promise to love her and protect her.

But what about her, she betrayed him, she took love under different men, she was a slut, she finally got all these things, but she didn't cherish them.

A wave of despair rose in Su Miaomiao's heart. She looked at Zhang Yao and suffocated with pain in her heart: "That's not me, that's not me."

Zhang Yao's expression gradually became indifferent: "Miao Miao, you hurt my heart too much. A woman like you is not worthy of anyone's love. A dirty woman like you should not live in this world at all. You betrayed me." Me, you go to die."

"Go to hell, go to Huangquan and wash your dirty body."

Zhang Yao's words seemed to be under a spell, making Su Miaomiao find her target all at once.

She was so dirty, she lived the life she dreamed of, but she didn't cherish it, she deserved to be damned.

She doesn't deserve to live.

Su Miaomiao closed her eyes, but she still had some hope in her heart. She looked up at Zhang Yao. Zhang Yao's expression was very cold, which extinguished the last hope in Su Miaomiao's heart.

Zhang Yao said coldly: "A woman like you should have died a long time ago. You betrayed me. You should be punished. Tunjin and die."

Su Miaomiao cried aloud, she seemed to have lost her soul, she got up numbly, she didn't notice the exquisite decoration in the room.

Su Miaomiao walked to the dressing table and took out her own small box from the cabinet, which contained her gold. She took it out, opened her mouth and swallowed it.

Swallowing the gold, she looked at Zhang Yao: "Zhang Lang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Zhang Yao looked at Su Miaomiao, his expression changed from indifference to a smile.

His figure became more and more blurred and farther away. Su Miaomiao reached out to grab him, but she couldn't touch him no matter what.

She clutched her throat, feeling more and more suffocated...

at the same time.

Yu Zhenzhen felt the pressure on her body. She opened her eyes and was startled. She tried her best to push away the man on her body, but she couldn't.

The man on the body smiled: "Sister-in-law, stop making trouble. If you are making trouble, my brother will be back soon."

Yu Zhenzhen broke down and cried: "Go away quickly, I don't know who you are, I don't know you at all, and I don't know who your brother is."

The man smiled: "Sister-in-law, this is no fun, my brother is Li Sangui."

Yu Zhenzhen couldn't believe what she heard, who was Li Sangui, and Li Sangui was the man she fell in love with.

That peddler, the peddler with whom she wanted to grow old forever.

Before Yu Zhenzhen wanted to understand what was going on, there was a knock on the door outside, and then she heard a voice shouting: "True, I'm back, surprise me, I'll bring you your favorite Something, come out and see if it looks good."

"I said, I want to go all over the world to buy you beautiful jewelry, I did it, this time I brought it from Haizhou, you come out quickly, I will put it on for you, you love beauty so much, you will definitely like it. "

Li Sangui's footsteps were getting closer and closer, as long as he opened the door, he would discover what was going on inside the house.

Yu Zhenzhen cried without tears.

But the man next to her panicked: "Brother is really back, what should I do? It's all your fault, bitch, why don't you live with my brother well, you want to seduce me, a woman like you, a lifetime You can't change it, you are a villain, not only wandering around, but also causing my brothers to turn against each other."

Yu Zhenzhen looked into the man's eyes, and many pictures appeared in her mind.

She redeemed herself, she married a shopkeeper, and the shopkeeper treated her very well, but when the shopkeeper was out, she was unwilling to be lonely and seduced her brother-in-law.

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