Chapter 119 Arrest

Wei Shilai looked solemn: "Miss Liu, is there a way?"

Liu Sanniang said: "He should still look for me."

Wei Shilai's expression became more solemn: "Miss Liu, his strength has increased, and I don't know what he will do. You should pay attention to safety these few days. I will give a report to the emperor and ask the emperor to send someone to help. "

Liu Sanniang nodded: "Alright, if I'm not his opponent, I must catch him."

Wei Shilai nodded heavily.

Liu Sanniang was also in a heavy heart. When she left the yamen, she could feel a pair of sinister eyes looking at her as she walked down the street. After he became stronger, he seemed to have noticed that she was different, but he did not give up.

That's good too, Liu Sanniang is really afraid that he will give up, after all, if he leaves, when the small fish grows into a big fish, it will be even harder to deal with and harder to catch.

Liu Sanniang returned home after wandering around the street, and she was not afraid of being targeted.

The people arranged by Wei Shilai are secretly protecting her. As for people with supernatural powers, as long as they are not caught, these people can't do anything to him.

What he wanted to do to Liu Sanniang had to have a chance.

In the next few days, Chu Yan did not show up.

Wei Shi and Father Liu didn't ask, so they didn't know what happened.

Days went on as usual.

Liu Sanniang often went shopping on the street, and she could feel that those eyes staring at her were getting longer and longer. Liu Sanniang was not afraid, as long as she could catch someone, she might not be worse than him when she confronted him. .

As long as you grasp the opportunity, you can grasp the opportunity.

Yuzhen is really recovering from her injuries, Liu Sanniang goes out a lot, she goes in and out of the flower building openly, and she asks her identity to be passed on.

She is a spiritual person, and her mind is stronger than ordinary people.

In this way, it will make that person stare at her even more, because it is difficult, so he wants to conquer.

In a blink of an eye, it's August.

In the past few nights, Liu Sanniang would have dreams, and the dreams the man made up for her became more and more complicated, but every time, Liu Sanniang would not stay in the dreams he made up, she would wake up quickly, sometimes, Just by pushing the door open, she woke up.

When Liu Sanniang went out, she could feel that the gaze falling on her was getting closer and longer, and she could feel that the man exuded the desire to conquer her.

He has already felt that she is extraordinary, she is a spiritual being, conquering her, killing her, the happiness will be doubled.

He was waiting for an opportunity, and Liu Sanniang didn't make him wait too long for this opportunity.

On the third day of August, Liu Sanniang left the city in the morning.

She was also betting that he couldn't wait any longer.

In the face of the government's search, you are required to hide the evil in your heart, and the person who wants to take it has been unable to take it for a long time, and the unwillingness in your heart will reach a point. At this time, you must either give up or find an opportunity to make a move.

And Liu Sanniang going out of the city alone is undoubtedly the best opportunity.

Jiang Sheng was dressed in gray clothes. He looked very poor, but his eyes were superior to others. He left the city with his book bag on his back.

When he left the city, he could feel that the inspection of the city was very strict, but he was a scholar, and those soldiers didn't check much at all, which made Jiang Sheng feel contemptuous.

A group of mindless things have been looking for him for half a month, but they don't even know his true identity.

They thought he was Song Yu, Tang and Song, Zhang Yao, Wen Qinghua, and Li Sangui, but they didn't know that his real name was Jiang Sheng.

It has to be said that Jiang Sheng was very interested in Liu Sanniang's ability. He even wanted to trample Liu Sanniang under his feet to satisfy his abyss-like ambition.

He observed for a long time before making a move. He is stronger now, but he is still very careful. He doesn't want to be caught right now. He wants to leave Yong County.

Or, become a god.

Liu Sanniang went out of the city to burn incense outside the city.

After walking a long way out of the city, and once again feeling the power staring at her, Liu Sanniang knew that she was right.

The incense in Guiyin Temple was very strong, Liu Sanniang entered the temple, lit a stick of incense, and gently inserted it into the incense altar.

She looked at the huge Buddha statue in the center, stretched out her hand in front of her, and said softly: "My Buddha is merciful."

She opened her eyes, and there was a sound of footsteps next to her ear, Liu Sanniang turned her head to look, a man came in, maybe Liu Sanniang was looking at him, he smiled slightly, and he went to burn incense in front of the Buddha statue.

Liu Sanniang had already walked out of the Buddhist hall, and not long after, the man behind came out and caught up with her.

"Is the girl coming to burn incense today?"

Jiang Sheng opened his mouth and walked beside Liu Sanniang, he was satisfied no matter what he saw, the woman was soft and beautiful, her skin was as white as suet, such a woman should belong to him.

Liu Sanniang nodded: "Yeah."

Jiang Sheng smiled: "What is the girl asking for?"

Liu Sanniang also smiled and said nothing.

She was already sure that it was the man beside her.

Liu Sanniang looked at him, this should be his original appearance.

It didn't change into anything else.

Jiang Sheng smiled at Liu Sanniang: "Girl, look into my eyes."

Jiang Sheng's words seemed to have magical power, leading Liu Sanniang to look into his eyes.

Liu Sanniang also seemed to be confused, and looked into his eyes in a daze, Jiang Sheng raised the corners of his lips: "Miss, did you see clearly?"

Liu Sanniang nodded: "I see clearly."

Jiang Sheng smiled, and stretched out his hand to Liu Sanniang: "See clearly, then come with me, let's get married, and live the life you dreamed of."

Liu Sanniang looked at Jiang Sheng: "No."

Jiang Sheng froze for a moment.

Outside the temple, there were many footsteps, and the police who rushed over had already entered the temple and surrounded Jiang Sheng.

Jiang Sheng narrowed his eyes: "You are indeed very unusual, but do you think these people will be able to catch me?"

Liu Sanniang looked at Jiang Sheng and couldn't help frowning, but Jiang Sheng smiled at her.

"Do you know what abilities I have? You probably don't know, so I'll show you how?"

Jiang Sheng turned his head to look at the policemen who surrounded him. His gaze was sharp. Every policeman who glanced at him began to lose sight, and the knife in his hand fell to the ground without knowing it.

Liu Sanniang exclaimed, "Don't look into his eyes."

Lin Zheng immediately ordered: "Don't look into his eyes, catch him for me."

If such a person is let go, what will happen, I can't imagine, he doesn't take human life seriously at all.

They didn't look into Jiang Sheng's eyes, and Jiang Sheng's face changed a little. He is a frail man, and in terms of skills, he is not as fast as these arresters.

His face was grim, and he poured his consciousness into his strength, and he ordered silently: "Kill, kill these people who stop me."

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