The Lucky Bride Is Pretty And Delicate

Chapter 125 I will create a dream for you too 2

Chapter 125 I Will Make You a Dream, Too 2

He wanted to have that dream again at night.

But he never dreamed again.

People say that they think about it every day and dream at night, but why did he never dream again.

Jiang Bing couldn't hear Jiang Sheng's reading. He felt that he couldn't live anymore, and despair enveloped him.

Jiang's mother fed him impatiently, and urged him impatiently: "Eat quickly, I have something to do."

Jiang Bing looked at Jiang Mu: "Mom, I don't want to live anymore."

When Jiang Bing spoke suddenly, Jiang's mother knocked over the bowl in fright. After Jiang Bing could speak, he only spoke in that year, and then he didn't speak again. When he spoke suddenly, Jiang's mother was shocked. She even forgot that Jiang Bing could speak. Speaker.

Jiang Bing watched Mother Jiang knock over the bowl, and she cleaned it up slowly.

Jiang Bing said slowly: "Mother, I beg you to make something happen."

Jiang Bing seldom spoke, and his speech almost degraded. He was just a child, but his voice sounded like an old man in his seventies or eighties.

Jiang's mother heard it in her ears, especially harsh. After she calmed down, she looked up at Jiang Bing: "What did you just say? Say it again."

Jiang Bing took a few breaths: "Mom, I said I don't want to live anymore."

Jiang Bing knew that Mother Jiang wanted to hear this sentence, and she had been waiting for this sentence for a long time.

A person like him shouldn't have lived in this world long ago, but he has lived for ten years, and he has lived for ten years, which is equivalent to torturing Mother Jiang for ten years.

Jiang's mother had long since lost her love and affection for him, but she couldn't make up her mind to take his life. The whole family was waiting for him to give up on his own.

Jiang's mother looked at Jiang Bing: "Bing'er, what wish do you have, you can tell mother, mother will grant you."

Living like this is a torture for everyone, and death is still a relief.

Jiang Bing smiled, his smile was not good-looking, but a bit penetrating.

Mother Jiang frowned.

Jiang Bing said slowly, "Mother, I want to see Jiang Sheng, please."

Jiang's mother frowned: "Bing'er, you can change your request. What do you want to eat and what do you want to wear, and your parents will give you permission. Go there decently. In the next life, you can vote for a good family, okay?"

Jiang Bing wanted to see Jiang Sheng, why did he want to see him, Jiang's mother didn't want to ask, but she knew that Jiang Sheng couldn't come.

They and the Jiang family are not even considered relatives. Jiang Bing scared Jiang Sheng last time, so why should he see him?

This request is unreasonable.

After all, he is his own son, and he is willing to give up, but Jiang's mother is still willing to be satisfied.

Jiang Bing shook his head: "No, I just want to see him, just once, just once."

Jiang Bing grabbed Jiang Mu's clothes: "Mother, please, please."

He just wanted to meet Jiang Sheng, just to take a good look at him.

He couldn't make that dream come true, he wanted to see Jiang Sheng's appearance, he missed it so much, he almost forgot what he looked like in the dream, he wanted to take a look at Jiang Sheng, and then remember what was in the dream.

Mother Jiang shook off Jiang Bing's hand, and Jiang Bing's hand fell on the edge of the bed, and it immediately turned purple, but he didn't seem to know the pain, and the veins on his forehead were bulging, and he grabbed Jiang Mother again: "Mother, promise me it is good."

Jiang's mother threw Jiang Bing away again, and took several steps back, leaving Jiang Bing far away, so that Jiang Bing could not reach her, so she stopped.

Jiang Bing stretched out his hand and scratched, his face was ferocious and a little scary.

Mother Jiang felt her scalp tingling, and she said patiently, "Bing'er, it's not that I don't agree with you, this is really embarrassing."

Jiang Bing looked at Jiang's mother: "As long as my mother promises me, I will not eat a single bite of rice after meeting Jiang Sheng. If you don't agree, I will eat all of it and work hard to live."

He knows how to convince Mother Jiang that if he eats well and lives carefully, he won't be able to die, it's just so disgusting, his life is better than death, but he just can't die.

Mother Jiang's face darkened: "Okay, okay, I promise you, I'll ask."

Jiang Bing just smiled, and closed his eyes tiredly. His body is weak, and he felt very tired after talking so much.

And the hand hurt like it was about to break.

Mother Jiang went out and closed the door loudly.

Jiang Bing breathed slowly and adjusted his breathing for a long time.

His legs and feet are rotten, they are easy to break, and he will be very painful.

I don't know when he started to feel more sensitive to pain.

Jiang's mother had longed for Jiang Bing's death, but he was still alive. Now that Jiang Bing was willing to give up, Jiang's mother told Jiang's father.

The two were silent for a long time, and Mother Jiang cried.

Father Jiang said, "Let him be fulfilled."

Living like this tortured Jiang Bing and tortured them.

No matter what method is used, the Jiang family must agree to Jiang Sheng's visit once.

Mother Jiang nodded, begging for help must be sincere.

Jiang's mother found Jiang's family and told Jiang Bing's affairs verbatim. Jiang Sheng's parents felt embarrassed, but Jiang Bing wanted to see Jiang Sheng, and they didn't want to agree.

Jiang's mother and Jiang's father both kowtowed and begged, saying that this was Jiang Bing's last wish. He never spoke, but only saw each other.

No matter how you say it, Jiang Sheng's parents agreed, and Jiang Sheng also agreed.

On the same day, Jiang Sheng's parents brought Jiang Sheng here.

Jiang Bing hadn't sat in the main room for a long time. The whole family looked at him, but it seemed like they were looking at a stranger.

Jiang Bing knew that he was born here, but he never integrated into this place. He didn't care about others at all. He looked at Jiang Sheng greedily, and the people around him seemed to have disappeared. Jiang Bing said to Jiang Sheng: "You Do you know? I had a sweet dream, in which I took your body."

Jiang Bing smiled, very excited: "I use your healthy body to walk, eat, and do everything I dream of. Do you know how much I hate my body? I dare not speak, I dare not eat more, I don't Dare to walk, I dare not do anything."

Jiang Bing looked at Jiang Sheng greedily, up and down: "I want to be you so much."

Jiang Sheng looked at Jiang Bing lightly, and he said: "But you are not me, and you will never be me, you are you, you are weak, you can't walk, and you will even die early, and I, It will be fine, you will never change your identity, you came with this identity, and you will die with this identity."

Jiang Bing opened his eyes wide, he was terrified, the feeling of suffocation was overwhelming, but he couldn't say a word.

No, no, Jiang Sheng uttered the most fearful thing in his heart, and Jiang Bing couldn't accept it. He struggled, his heart was overwhelmed by fear and despair, and his rationality and emotions collapsed.

What he fears the most is that he will never be able to escape this identity. He hates his body, hates that he was born like this, and is also afraid that he will die like this, but now, he died like this.

Consciousness dissipated little by little, he was not reconciled, not reconciled, so unwilling.

ps: If you can afford it, make a full reservation!

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