However, the dramatic scene just now also gave the Zhu family time to break through.

Dianqing rushed directly to the side with the weakest defense.

Liu Ji and the Zhu family followed closely and once again fought out of the siege.


Tian Hu roared: "Chase me!"


Dianqing split a large tree with an axe, slightly blocking Tian Hu's steps.

Then another house collapsed around the corner, and smoke and dust instantly rose around, and when the smoke cleared, the figure of the Zhu family was gone.

"Search for me!"

The three people hiding in a certain private house breathed a sigh of relief, and finally had a little chance to rest.

Liu Ji tore off a piece of cloth, bandaged the wound on his shoulder, and asked, "Big brother, this is only one street away from the Shennong Inn, if we rush out now, we may be able to reach there before the other party notices." The

Zhu family shook their heads, such a big movement, it was impossible for Qi Su not to hear it, he had not appeared until now, there must be something wrong.

"Brother, the peasant disciple from earlier said that something happened to the Six Sages, do you think it is true or not?"

Liu Ji said with a look of indifference: "Big brother, there are six elders sitting in the Six Sages, and if something really happens, it will also be leveled." The

Zhu family lowered their heads and pondered, Liu Ji was right, the strength of the six elders had reached the pinnacle, even Tian Ci, the number one master of the peasant family, could not escape the combined attack of the six of them.

Maybe he is worried about the sky, in any case, he must rush to the Six Sages Tomb as soon as possible.

"Then we'll wait here until we're out in the evening."

On a mountain peak not far from the farmhouse's Liuxian Tomb, Zhang Wei stood there with the shadow guard, watching what was happening below, and his heart was happy.

Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang of Ghost Valley came to the farmhouse to make trouble, causing the chickens and dogs to jump.

He was standing in a position just enough to see the situation underneath.

"General, those two are fleeing."

The corner of Zhang Han's mouth smiled slightly, and said, "Everyone follow me." "

Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang who came out of the Six Sages Tomb were about to return to their station when they were suddenly blocked by Zhang Wei.

The shadow guard quickly surrounded the two.

Wei Zhuang frowned, Zhang Han, what does this mean?

"Two, how about a trip to Xianyang with me?"

Wei Zhuang said disdainfully: "Just rely on these people? "


There were many people in black around, and it seemed that all of them were not easy to mess with.

"What if you add me!"

A man wearing the costume of a soldier Qin appeared not far away.

When Wei Zhuang saw the appearance of the other party's weapon, his eyes flashed coldly, and he was shocked by the salamander sword!

The culprit of the farmhouse chaos has finally appeared.

Zhang Wei looked at the shocked salamander and said; "This is the credit of our shadow guard, and we don't need Luo Net's intervention."

He didn't expect that the salamander would bring someone over.

"General Zhang Handan, you can't fight them alone."

"Finally here!" Wei Zhuang looked at Zhang Wei with a shameful smile.

Zhang Wei snorted coldly, and without saying a word, he rushed directly to Gai Nie.

The shocked salamander standing there hesitated, but still chose to let his subordinates attack Weizhuang.


Gai Nie shouted at Wei Zhuang, and forced Zhang Wei back with a sword.

Although they are not afraid of these people, if they fight, they may be injured.

Moreover, Gai Nie also felt that there was a very powerful force around him, secretly peeping here.

After Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie came out of the siege, Zhang Wei led people to chase for a while, but did not catch up with the two, so he gave up.

When he was about to return to Dongjun, the salamander suddenly blocked Zhang Handan's way.

"What do you mean by that?"

Zhang Wei looked at the shocked salamander suspiciously, and the shocked salamander smiled: "Of course, get rid of you!" With

a wave of his hand, the killers under his command directly pounced on the shadow guards, and these shadow guards thought that Luo Net was here to help them, and it can be said that they were unguarded.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Zhang Handan's dozens of shadow guards were killed to only five or six people, and Zhang Wei was also forced to the precipice.

Zhang Wei said angrily: "Shocked salamander, do you want to rebel? But I am directly at the command of Your Majesty. "

As the shadow secret guard personally commanded by Ying Zheng, anyone who sees it will be afraid of three points.

Luo Wang dared to confront the shadow secret guard directly, and he simply didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

"Someone wants you to die, do you think you can go back alive and send the news to Your Majesty?"

The shocked salamander pointed at Zhang Han with a sword, and the killer of Luo Net directly rushed up.

The last few shadow guards were also solved by them.

A lot of sweat oozed from Zhang Han's forehead, he knew that the strength of the shocking salamander was very strong, and with his ability, he might not be able to beat the shocked salamander.

What's more, there are so many killers around, is it really explained here today?

Zhang Wei was a little unwilling, in order to support Hu Hai, Zhao Gao dared to attack his colleagues, and he must inform Ying Zheng of this matter.

Looking at the cliff behind him, Zhang Wei was thinking, if he jumped from here, the probability of living was still very large.

He is not an ordinary person, but wherever there is a place to borrow from the bottom, he can reach the bottom unharmed.

"Zhang Handan, you have no way back."

The force of the salamander's feet appeared directly on Zhang Handan's side, and a quick sword slashed at Zhang Handan's neck.

Zhang Han's reaction was not slow, the long sword in his hand held the frightening salamander sword, and his left hand suddenly pulled out the short sword at his waist and stabbed directly at the chest of the shocked salamander.

The two fought in front of this cliff.

The net killer on the side can't get his hands on it at all.


A signal flare suddenly sounded in the direction of Four Seasons Town, and the attack in the hands of the salamander became faster and faster.


Zhang Wei was forced to retreat one after another, and when he retreated to the edge of the cliff, his feet slipped and he fell directly.

The shocked salamander did not intend to let him fall alive, she jumped down after her, and then the shocked salamander sword in her hand, flung it hard, and rushed to Zhang Han's body.


Zhang Han's abdomen was directly penetrated.

The salamander held the hilt of the sword, and a roundhouse kick hit Zhang Handan's body, and directly picked it up with the help of the momentum.

Zhang Han's body was falling rapidly, and the kick that startled the salamander just now made his body far away from the cliff, and he couldn't catch the vines on the cliff at all.

Is it over?

Zhang Han's brain went blank.

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