What three ladies, there are obviously two here, okay, do you look at the sky?

Xi Yan, who realized that something was wrong, was shocked in her heart, this Han Xin would not find out that she was fake.

"Be bold!"

Xi Yan turned around, and the sword in his hand was directly placed on Han Xin's neck.

Han Xin said without changing his face: "Han Xin has important matters to discuss, please ask the three ladies to forgive them!"

Xi Yan said angrily, "Do you know what kind of sin this is?

"Xiaguan will definitely not talk nonsense!"

Once the news of Fusu's absence in the barracks spread, it would definitely cause panic.

If it spreads to the court again, I am afraid that Fusu will be beaten into the cold palace by Yingzheng.

This Han Xin is too dangerous, and he must find a way to restrain him.

Shao Si Ming walked to Han Xin's side and said, "Your words can't be believed!" "

If Madame kills me now, maybe the news that Gongzi is not in the army will spread."

"Threatening me?"

The young master ordered his hands together to launch the Six Souls Fear Curse, and said coldly: "Since you think you are very trustworthy, then you don't object to adding some restrictions to you, right?"

Han Xin broke out in a cold sweat, this is a six-soul fear curse.

Is this limiting capacity? This is clearly a restriction of life and death!

"Madam, Gongzi is in danger in Dongjun, shouldn't we really send someone to support?"

Although the three were worried about Fusu's safety, they could not show it, lest they be used by Han Xin.

Hu Ji snorted coldly and said, "It's more dangerous to keep you alive.

"Xiaguan really turned to Gongzi, so he was willing to risk death to give advice!"

Xi Yan asked, "Sincerely surrendered?" Luo Net's secret agent, Ying Miwei's minions, himself a disciple of Lieshan Hall, and joined the Gonggong Hall, you say you really want to surrender?

Han Xin trembled, he didn't expect that his own details, Fusu had already known.

But why did he keep himself around?

Is it to see what you plan to do?

Seeing that Han Xin was speechless, Xi Yan continued: "You are indeed very smart, and Gongzi also wants to reuse you, so while letting you do things, send someone to supervise you, because there is a problem with your loyalty, it is better to say that it is called wandering between various forces to find a suitable master, to put it ugly, you are a wallhead, which side of the wind falls to which side." "

Gongzi said that you have the ability to command the army, Gongzi cherishes talent, and leaves you by your side, just hoping that you can recognize the reality, there is no way to live against Qin, and betraying Gongzi is a dead end."

Han Xin wiped a cold sweat and said nervously: "There is no intention to conspire against Xia.

"Hmph, you don't have it, doesn't mean that your future master doesn't have it."

The young master said in a deep voice: "Only our son-in-law can solve the Six Souls Fear Curse, how do you choose?" "

Han Xinxin panicked, can he really solve it?

The two generations of giants of the Mo family died under the Six Souls Fear Curse, if they could solve it, how could they die.

But it's an investment for Hanxin.

If Fusu can really untie it, he will definitely be able to gain Fusu's trust.

I have learned this talent, and I also have the opportunity to show it.

The question at hand is, is the current Daqin worth serving himself?

I used to hear that Fusu Gongzi was generous and benevolent, but now Fusu is not much different from the brutality of Yingzheng.

"Han Xin is willing to serve Gongzi and will never betray!"

Han Xin finally figured it out, and the problem now is either to follow Fusu or die.

Fusu already knew his ability, so he couldn't let himself help others outside.

The Six Souls Fear Curse condensed in Shao Siming's hand was directly printed on Han Xin's body.

Then he quickly condensed a sleeping spell seal and said: "The Six Souls Fear Spell can't let you use internal power, otherwise the blood will boil and die, but the Sleeping Sealing Spell Seal can offset this, but the only drawback is that when you are emotional, you will fall into a crazy state." "

The Six Souls Fear Curse and the Sleeping Sealing Curse Seal Yin and Yang collide, usually have no effect, but if they are not lifted for a long time, they will already die violently.

"Han Xin will never betray Gongzi!"

Xi Yan asked, "Just now you said that Gongzi is in danger?" How would you know this in the army?

"Before Xiaguan arrived at Songhai, he had already gone to Dongjun, where all forces gathered, but they all went for one thing."

"The Stone of Confusion?" Shao Simei asked with a frown.

"Yes, the Stone of Confusion fell from the sky, there was originally no writing on it, and Xiaguan was the first to arrive there, but after that, several groups of people went there and carved words on the Stone of Confusion."

"Who are they? Shao Si Mei hurriedly asked.

"There is a net, there is a yin and yang family!"

Yin-Yang family?

Shao Siming's face turned cold.

What they carved into it.

Hu and Shi Huang died and helped Su Li.

Which one was carved by the Yin-Yang family?

Han Xin continued: "Once Luo Wang knows that Fusu Gongzi is in Dongjun, this is a crime of cheating, and we must replace Fusu Gongzi as soon as possible. Shao

Siming thought about it, the secret order of Ying Zheng was sent by Zhang Han, he had already sent it to Fusu, if it was an urgent matter, then he would definitely come back.

The young master looked at Hu Ji and said, "Sister Hu, you and Nuo Min follow Han Xin back to the Central Plains, and take the two puppets with you." "


When Han Xin saw the two puppets, he was horrified in his heart.

This is the Soul Destroyer among the Six Sword Slaves.

How can it be a puppet....

Suddenly, something came to his mind.

Half a month ago, Zhao Gao sent people around to look for the Six Sword Slaves.

But there was no news.

Could it be that the Six Sword Slaves had really been destroyed by someone as rumors had been rumored in the rivers and lakes?

Hu Ji looked at Han Xin and said, "The puppet is very obedient, I think the puppet is very suitable for you."

Han Xin was speechless, is this a matter of obedience?

"Madame said and smiled, Han Xin will definitely be more obedient than the puppet."

"Oh? Then you hurry up and think of an idea, how do we find Gongzi!

"The farmer fights for the hero, will definitely go to Daze Mountain, I guess Gongzi will definitely go, we might as well go to Daze Mountain first and wait, maybe we can also play the role of a surprise soldier."

Hu Ji discussed with Nuo Min and decided to carry out Han Xin's plan.

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