Lieshan Hall, Siyue Hall, and Kuikui Hall all stood on Tian Yan's side.

If the Zhu family and Tian Hu had one heart, there might be some changes.

Tian Yan looked at Tian Zhong and said, "For so many years, the information that Tian Zhong Hall Master has provided to Luo Wang is no less than Tian Mi.


Tian Hu looked at Tian Zhong with an angry expression, this bastard actually threw himself into Luo Net?

"Tian Zhong, you dare to betray the farmer!"

Tian Hu held the tiger sword, and he could do it at any time.

Tian Zhong hurriedly explained: "The second in charge, this is just a one-sided word from the eldest lady, I am really wronged, Tian Zhong left are all peasant disciples, how can he throw himself into Luo Net."

Tian Zhong didn't expect Tian Yan to even know this, she really couldn't understand why Tian Yan would report others so brazenly.

Did she think that this would secure her position as a hero?

After Tian Yan said this, Tian Hu could not fully trust Tian Zhong.

"Second uncle, believe me, I will lead the farmer to a good road, I just want to convince you completely, that's why I said so much, if I don't explain, I am still a hero, have you forgotten what Young Master Su said?" He gave me this stone of confusion. The

Zhu family said, "If you can lead the peasant family and avenge the six hall masters, my Shennong Hall will absolutely obey your orders."

Tian Yan looked embarrassed.

The six elders were able to kill Su, how should they take revenge?

If you tell them the truth, I'm afraid they won't listen to themselves, even if Fusu is here, they won't listen.

"Judging from the sword wounds of the six elders, I remembered two people."

"What people?"

Everyone in the peasant family looked at Tian Yan with a look of surprise, it would be great if there was a goal.

No matter who the other party was, it was impossible to withstand the retaliation of the 100,000 disciples of the peasant family.

"Black and white Xuanxuan!"


As soon as Tian Yan said it, the Zhu family had already vetoed it.

"Hall Master Zhu, listen to me."

The Zhu family asked, "Black and white Xuanxuan has been dead for many years, could it be that Zhao Gao has re-cultivated people?"

"Yes, but the current black and white Xuanxuan is not one person, but two."


The crowd was amazed.

However, they were surprised that the black and white Xuanxuan was not the murderer of the six elders.

Even if they are two people, they don't meet the conditions.

"The current black and white Xuanxuan is Zhao Guo's daughter and son-in-law, and the two help Zhao Gao cultivate the Six Sword Slaves, and they are the masters of the Six Sword Slaves."

"Master of the Six Sword Slaves?"

This is exciting news, the strength of the six sword slaves is very strong, and they don't talk about the rules of the rivers and lakes, as long as the target person does not die, their pursuit and killing will not stop.

The six sword slaves are six in one, and they have always acted in one breath.

It was Zhao Gao's strongest killing weapon, but I didn't expect that the six people were cultivated by Zhao Gao's daughter and son-in-law.

"Xuanjian is usually kept by Zhao Gao's daughter Zhao Yan, and Jade Sword is usually kept by Yan Le, but whether the two are one-handed swords or two-handed swords, their strength is above me."

"How is this possible!"

Although they have never seen Tian Yan's strength, Tian Yangui is one of the eight swords of the King of Luo Netyue, no matter how bad his strength is, he is also a heavenly word.

The strength of the black and white Xuanxuan was actually stronger than that of the shocking salamander, so it was still very possible for them to kill the six elders.

"Wonderful, it's wonderful!"

Just when everyone in the peasant family listened to Tian Yan analyzing the black and white Xuanxuan, Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie came here.

"Wei Zhuang, you killed my eldest brother, and you dare to come here to die."

Tian Hu glared angrily at Wei Zhuang, and the hand holding the tiger sword creaked.

Gai Nie explained: "Tian Meng's death has nothing to do with us. "

Unrelated? So many brothers in Lieshan Church have seen it with their own eyes, and you even say that it has nothing to do?

Gai Nie said, "We went to the Lieshan Hall after accepting the invitation of the hall master Tian Meng on the road, but with Tian Meng's skills, can we be killed so easily?"

"Hmph, you must have used some trick to gain my eldest brother's trust before being attacked by the ground."

Wei Zhuang smiled shamefully and said, "Tian Hu Hall Master won't even have seen Tian Meng's corpse."

Tian Hu frowned, he really hadn't seen it.

However, when he found Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie, he concluded that they were killed by them, how could he need to go for an examination.

Gai Nie said, "The two of us have already been to the Lieshan Hall just now.

Tian Yan's eyes narrowed and began to think about countermeasures.

If they had been injured, they would definitely know how Tian Meng died.

At this critical juncture, they must not be allowed to disrupt their plans.

Tian Hu said angrily, "If you dare to disrespect my eldest brother's body, I will let you die here today."

Wei Zhuang's face was full of disdain.

This threat is simply irrelevant to them.

Gai Nie said: "We found that Tian Meng in the coffin is fake. "


As soon as Gai Nie's words came out, not only Tian Hu looked incredulous, but others were also shocked.

Tian Yan was so shocked that he couldn't help but take a step back, this was absolutely impossible.

Tian Meng died in front of him, how could it be fake.

If they do this, if they can't produce evidence, how can they convince the public?

Tian Yan asked, "My second uncle and I have both seen my father's corpse, how can it be fake?"

Wei Zhuang said: "The real Tian Meng is not dead, he has been secretly watching everything that happens in the farmhouse.


Everyone was shocked again, Tian Meng was not dead?

Which one is this acting.

If Tian Meng wasn't dead, then why didn't he show up?

Just when everyone was about to ask where Tian Meng was now, a person suddenly walked out from among the trees.

"Tian Meng!"

"Big brother!"


Tian Meng's sudden appearance made everyone frightened.

He really is alive.

Wei Zhuang said: "Hall Master Tian Meng, I haven't seen you for a long time.

Tian Meng nodded, looked at Tian Yan and said, "The person who kills his father is also worthy of the position of a hero?" "


Tian Hu looked at Tian Yan in surprise.

Tian Yan was a little flustered in his heart, what was going on, why was Tian Meng still alive?

Impossible, absolutely impossible, when I have repeatedly confirmed it.

Wei Zhuang said: "The fox tail finally can't hide it, in order to get the hero, he even killed his own father."

"Ah Yan, you are so disobedient!"

Tian Hu glared at Tian Yan with an angry expression.

As long as Tian Meng gave an order, he would directly kill Tian Yan.

Even if the eldest son of Changpingjun was here, she couldn't escape the sanctions of the peasant family.

Tian Meng said: "When you took advantage of my lack of attention and sneaked up on me behind my back, fortunately, I would hold my breath so that you mistakenly thought that I was dead."

Tian Yan's eyes narrowed, I sneaked up on my back?

A little more smile suddenly appeared on her face.

She figured out that this person was not Tian Meng at all, but the ink jade unicorn of quicksand.

It is said that the Moyu Qilin can conjure anything, and almost fell for them.

Damn Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie dared to use this method to obstruct her from becoming a hero.

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