The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 40 New Plan (Please Subscribe!)

"The second thing, I need you to help me find all the past of a man named Tom Riddle, especially the things before he entered Hogwarts and after graduation, as much as you can find."

Rita Skeeter swallowed, with a reluctant expression: "There is no problem, but with only one name, the things that can be found will be very limited.

"This is Tom Riddle's identity information." Bai Hao took out a piece of parchment, and untied the rope tied to her body by the way, "Remember, you must be very careful when checking this person. Only You and I know."

"I'm not kidding, it's all about your safety."

Rita Skeeter staggered to her feet, took the parchment, roughly glanced at the content on it, and said, "How can I contact you? If this matter is a secret, there is a risk of using an owl." It's going to be big."

Bai Hao smiled: "You can just investigate, I will naturally find you when I need to use the information in your hand.

"Of course, if you encounter some difficulties during the investigation or if you find it difficult to solve the "380" problem by yourself, just let me know.

Rita Skeeter nodded, and Bai Hao sent her to Diagon Alley with satisfaction, and then went home.

The reason why he wanted to do this was entirely because of a conversation he had with Dumbledore some time ago.

It was Christmas Eve, and he suddenly got hungry and wanted to eat snacks, so he habitually ran to Dumbledore's principal's office to prepare wool.

"Where did this old bee hide the snacks?" Bai Hao was rummaging through the box to find snacks, "There is no reason, I clearly remembered that he put them here before."

"Fox, where did Dumbledore hide the snacks?" Seeing that he couldn't find it around, Bai Hao decided to ask Fox, as Dumbledore's pet, he must know.

But Fox just uttered a cry, and continued to nest in the brazier in silence.

Seeing that Fox ignored him, Bai Hao stared with dead fish eyes: "Ignore me, right? Then I will continue to look for it by myself. If I mess it up, I will say it is because you didn't tell me the location of the snack cabinet."

He turned around and continued to rummage through boxes and cabinets, but when he rummaged through them, he accidentally rescued a familiar thing, an old diary.

"Isn't this the diary I gave to the old bee last year? Why did he put it here to eat the dust!" Bai Hao instantly had a few wells on his head.

He spent a lot of time creating this "Jascar Foley's Diary", and he racked his brains just about making up stories.

And this old bee puts all of his hard work in the cabinet, what does he mean?!

It just so happened that Dumbledore came back from the outside at this time. As soon as he entered the office, he saw a mess around him, and then he saw an unexpected guest.

"Bai Hao, you're looking for snacks again!" Dumbledore knew what happened without even thinking about it. This mess must be caused by Bai Hao's failure to find snacks.

"I ran out of snacks yesterday, and the owl at Honeydukes hasn't delivered any new ones yet."

"Don't talk about this now, Professor Dumbledore." Bai Hao picked up the diary, "Can you explain this to me?"

Dumbledore understood the meaning of Bai Hao's words, and he was silent for a while: "Now is not the time, Bai Hao.

"This diary will indeed seriously shake Voldemort's power, but you have to know that in the understanding of many people, he is already dead."

"Taking this diary as an issue now, no matter how it is manipulated, it will only have some impact on Voldemort's old forces and some pure-blood families, and time will dilute all of this.

"Of course I understand this." Bai Hao said, "I originally planned to use this diary to create publicity, and the purpose is to plant a seed in people's hearts."

"It takes time for the seeds in your heart to germinate, and you're wasting time keeping your diary here."

Dumbledore shook his head, expressing his strong opposition to Bai Hao's approach: "There is no rush for anything, and the current campaign will only arouse the fear of some people, the Death Eaters lurking in the dark, the pure-blood families whose interests are paramount, Even the Ministry of Magic."

"None of them are fools, they can all sense the impact of this diary, they will attack in groups, and you will become the center of the entire storm."

"Death Eaters may do crazy things for the honor of their master, and the pure-blood family will spare no effort to maintain the orthodox status of pure-blood."

"As for the Ministry of Magic, most of them have been silent in the false peace for too long, which has made them lose the ability to think independently. They will never allow a diary to destroy their current peaceful life, no matter how short this life is. That's fine too."

Bai Hao stood there and was speechless.

He used to do it to Dumbledore, but this time Dumbledore beat him back.

In fact, Dumbledore was right. Although this diary was forged, the content inside it was too influential.

Once the momentum is built as Bai Hao said, it is impossible for the situation to be calm. It is hard to say whether the seeds will be planted or the mines will be planted.

What would a Death Eater do if he heard his master was a Mudblood?

It must have come out of the shadows, and whenever anyone heard bad things about Voldemort, they would kill one by one.

What would a pure-blood family do?

Voldemort relied on the theory of pure blood to start his career and win people's hearts. Now it is said that Voldemort is a mudblood in their mouths?

This will first seriously shake the status of the pure-blood families, and people will talk a lot, saying that these pure-blood families who followed Voldemort back then were fools and idiots, and they actually surrendered to what they called the most lowly person.

It's like Nan Bangzi recognized a bald eagle as his big brother, but later found out that this big brother is a chicken with a bald eagle skin on it, that would be disgusting.....

For this reason, they will use all their resources to wipe out this matter. No matter whether this matter is true or not, they must do it for their own status.

Secondly, even if the diary's influence on the pure-blood family is only in terms of public opinion and does not touch the core interests, they still have to smooth this matter out.

Because who knows when Voldemort will come back and ask directly: "You are loyal to me, but you are indifferent?!"

At that time, the whole family really ate big melons, as seen in the history books.

As for the Ministry of Magic, most of them are politicians in power now [there are fewer practical people.

Once the diary is released, it will definitely cause an uproar. In order to live a "peaceful" life, they will also use official power to eliminate the impact of the diary.

To sum up, Dumbledore was right this time. The diary cannot be released at this time. By then, the seeds will not be planted and become mines.

So Bai Hao had nothing to say, threw the diary away, and left the principal's office bravely.

But Dumbledore was very happy. It was the first time he had won against Bai Hao. Sure enough, it is good to be old and knowledgeable. Jiang still has to be old and spicy.

After that, Bai Hao began to prepare another plan to overthrow the pure-blood theory. This plan first needs enough information about Voldemort, some unknown information.

Originally, he planned to investigate it himself, but he didn't expect a professional beetle to come to his house suddenly, so he didn't use it for nothing, just took advantage of it.

You can ask the ghosts in the school or Dumbledore, why bother Rita Skeeter to investigate.

Because Voldemort is very good at disguising, I don’t know if it’s because of his childhood or because of the blood of the Gunter family. Dumbledore’s knowledge of him is actually quite limited. God knows what Voldemort 5.5 did in the dark. thing.

That's why Bai Hao wanted to investigate some of Voldemort's unknown past, which might be of great help to his plan.

The scene turns back to the Hogwarts Express train again, and Bai Hao is reading a literature book on a street stall, from which he sometimes draws inspiration to create some new magic.

"President, can I come to your place to hide?" At this moment, the door of the carriage was opened suddenly, and Harry and Ron came in with grievances on their faces.

In the direction of Bai Hao, he looked at the two of them with a puzzled face: "What's the matter, you are frowning, have you been bullied?"

The two looked at each other and nodded stiffly. In a sense, they were indeed being bullied.

"If you are being bullied, go to Hermione and ask her to find a place for you. She might come to me again."

After Bai Hao finished speaking, he wanted to continue reading, but Harry and Ron still didn't leave.

He frowned and said, "I said what happened to you guys?"

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!).

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