The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 45: The Rules Of Great Martial Arts (Please Subscribe!)

Bai Hao was really eye-opened by how the 5 groups of kitty eagles dealt with snake monsters in the fourth grade.

The first group of eaglets: Raise the hand and eye disease spell, one person is responsible for harassing and attracting the snake demon to open its bloody mouth, one person uses the floating spell to control a fist-sized stone and throw it into the snake demon's mouth, and one person is in charge of the stone being swallowed by the snake demon. Immediately after releasing the Enlargement Curse, the huge stone was directly stuck in the snake demon's throat.

Then there was no need for the three little eagles to do anything, the snake demon rolled wildly on the ground, and soon lay exhausted on the ground dying.

Bai Hao silently gave an O (excellent).

The second group of eagles: They did not use the eye sickness spell to restrict the eyes of the snake demon, but instead used a modified version of fluorescent flashes to directly cover the entire snake head. As a result, Bai Hao saw a strange creature with a bald head and a snake body.

Then the three little hawks arranged a triangular formation, and used the transformation spell to transform three roosters. Although they were not real roosters, their crowing also caused serious harm to Snake Girl.

Not long after, the snake demon passed out completely, and blood flowed from its mouth and nose.

Bai Hao gave this group an O (excellent) because so far they are the first group to know how to exploit Basilisk's weakness.

The third group of kitty eagles: this group is the strangest among the strangest, they actually used the transformation spell to conjure up the second snake demon of "617", a male!

Snake monsters are actually divided into male and female. The way to tell them apart is that the male snake monster has a scarlet crest on its head, while the real snake monster is female.

The three groups of eaglets added food under the male snake monster. When the female snake monster accepted mating, the poison was injected into the cloaca. The female snake monster stopped cooking for a short time.

Bai Hao reluctantly gave this group of little eagles an O (excellent). Although the scene is very eye-catching, the transformation skills of this group of three little eagles are really excellent.

The fourth group of Kitty Eagles: This group took a long time. They first sent a person to attract the attention of the snake monster, and then the other two dug a deep pit beside a river as a trap

Afterwards, the three of them enraged the snake demon with an eye sickness spell and led it into the deep pit.

After the snake demon fell into the trap, the three little eagles cast a magic spell on the pit wall to eliminate friction, so that the snake demon could not climb out of the trap, then led water into the pit, and cast a freezing spell at the same time.

The effect of the freezing spell on the stream water made the snake demon's body temperature lose rapidly, and it didn't take long before it froze in the trap.

Bai Hao gave this group an E (excellent). Their group took too long. In actual combat, there is not so much time for you to set such complicated traps.

The fifth group of Kitty Eagles: This group is the most direct. The three of them raised their hands and cursed their faces. After eliminating the threat to the eyes, they directly greeted each other with various high-attack spells.

But they were very targeted. All the spells were cast into the mouth. They knew that they could not break through the defense of the snake demon's scales, so they directly cast them into the mouth without scale defense.

One of the eaglets was very interesting. He actually used his front teeth to match a big stick. This spell directly made the snake monster's fangs pierce its lower jaw.

Finally, under the attack of the three little eagles in turn, the snake demon finally couldn't stand it anymore, and fell to the ground with light smoke from its mouth.

Bai Hao gave this group an O (excellent). Although they don't have any fancy strategies, they are very good at applying spells.

At this point, the second to fourth grade Kitty Eagle's exams are over.

I don't want to talk about the exams for the fifth and sixth grades, they were completely abused by Bai Hao.

There were 13 Kitty Eagles in the fifth grade, 7 O (excellent), 5 E (good), and one P (pass).

The little eagle who passed the pass, he was very handy in using many spells, but he was not very good at using silent spells. You Ji had a feeling that he would become one of the prisoners of Azkaban in the future.

There are 12 Kitty Eagles in the sixth grade, 8 O (excellent), 4 E (good), and the overall results are relatively good.

"Okay, you all know your respective results." Bai Hao closed his notebook, "This result is real and effective, and it will be included in your files, so don't think this is just a simple self-examination."

This time, Bai Hao would directly use the Imperius Curse to manipulate Lockhart into the file, otherwise this exam would be meaningless.

"In this exam, I hope that students with good grades will not be proud and continue to encourage themselves."

"Students with poor grades go back to self-summarize and try to solve their own problems as soon as possible. If you don't understand, you can ask me.

"Now there is only one month left before the big martial arts performance. I hope everyone will continue to work hard and strive to enter the competition team."

At this point, the end-of-year exams of La Wen Keluo's Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the 1993 school year ended, and the time soon came two days before the Hogwarts Wizards' Great Demonstration.

Today, the Hogwarts owl army is ready to go. Each owl has an invitation letter in its beak. They will go to the homes of Hogwarts students and invite their parents to participate in the Hogwarts Hogwarts two days later. The Watts wizard performed his martial arts.

The venue for the martial arts performance is set on the Quidditch pitch, Bai Hao is preparing the venue here, and 90% of the house elves in Hogwarts have been transferred here to help.

Due to the large number of people this time, the original spectator seats on the Quidditch stadium were temporarily demolished, and the original high tower was replaced with a low-slung auditorium style and seat design completely in accordance with the standard football field.

On the original green lawn, 5 huge arenas were paved with hard granite, and these 5 arenas can be combined into one at any time under the control of Bai Hao.

A tent area is set up outside the stadium for parents and participating students to rest.

The martial arts performance lasted for three days, the first day was a group arena, and the third and fourth days were team competitions.

Competition rules:

1. The four colleges and Fairy Tail each guard a ring, one guards the ring, and 20 attack the broadcast.

2. Everyone except the team can challenge on the stage, but the challenger must not exceed the 2nd grade of the defender.

3. The ring guards and attackers are not allowed to use the Unforgivable Curse, and are not allowed to use curses and magic props that cause serious injury, disability or death.

4. The defenders and attackers can use any means without violating the third rule.

5. Those who fall to the ground for 10 seconds or are kicked out of the ring are deemed to have failed to defend or attack the ring (warm reminder: flying out of the ring and not touching the ground is not considered eliminated.).

The ring defense competition lasts for one day, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, and the team that occupies the most rings after the game is deemed the final winner.

Team competition rules:

1. Each team sends five people to participate in the team competition.

2. Personnel can be replaced during the game, but there is no pause during the replacement process and there are only two replacement opportunities. …

3. During the competition, if a team is eliminated by one person, the team can send substitutes to play, and the number of substitutes shall not exceed twice.

4. The team competition adopts a double round-robin competition system. All participating teams can meet twice, and finally rank the teams according to their victories in the two round-robin competitions. The top three figures in the tenth round advance.

5. In the second round of the team competition, the three advanced teams will enter the simulated virgin forest together to compete, and the team that completely eliminates the other two teams will be deemed the final winner.

6. During the competition, everyone is not allowed to use the Unforgivable Curse, curses and magic props that cause serious injury, disability or death to people.

The floor plan of the second round of the team competition is as follows: Summoner’s Canyon (Confidence Brain Supplement)

There are a total of 96 participants in the wizarding martial arts show, 20 from each of the four college teams, and 16 from Fairy Tail.

Rewards for the champion of the group arena: trophy and 1000 Galleons.

Rewards for team champions: trophies, medals and 1400 Galleons.

Thanks to Fairy Tail, Ministry of Magic, Daily Prophet, Sluggers Pharmacy, Florin's Cold Drink Shop, etc. for their kind sponsorship.

Yes, Bai Hao originally wanted to pay for the bonus for this big martial arts show himself, and he is not short of the money.

But things seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, and gradually the Ministry of Magic and the Daily Prophet knew about it.

So I don't know what Dumbledore did. It was originally an internal matter at Hogwarts, but now everyone knows it.

At this time, the young wizards of Hogwarts were huddling in front of the bulletin board, looking at the competition rules of this big martial arts show.

"Wow! There are so many Golden Galleons in the championship! If I had known earlier, I would have signed up to join the team."

"Come on, at your level, you were beaten down in less than two seconds."

"I heard that the deans are currently conducting special training for the team. Which one do you think will be the champion in the group arena?"

"I don't even need to guess that it must be Fairy Tail, they are all 5.3 elites from various academies, and with the training of Felix, it's no wonder they are not champions.

"What about the team competition?"

"It's hard to say in the team competition. Among the members of Fairy Tail, only Lean from La Wen Keluo Academy is in the fourth grade, and the others are all low-grade wizards.'

"That's right, almost half of the teams from the four major colleges are senior students, so the outcome is hard to predict."

"But I think they'll be fine in the top three.

"I'm not very optimistic about Hufflepuff in the team competition anyway. Professor Flitwick is the duel champion. Needless to say, Professor Snape, you all know that Professor McGonagall is a master of transfiguration." Professor Bisprout is good at herbal medicine Elephants are of no use."

"Who said that the rules only say that you can't use spells and props that cause death or serious disability, and don't say that other things can't be used. If I were a member of the Hufflepuff team, I would prepare the baby Man Della grass, absolutely killer when it comes to the game."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that, I'll go back and tell Professor Sprout right now!"

"Fuck! You old six tricked me!"

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!).

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