The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 49 Interview And Response (Please Subscribe!)

Bai Hao and Evan found a relatively secluded place. There were no people there, but they could overlook the entire Quidditch pitch.

Evan held a notebook and a quill: "Mr. Felkes, if there are no problems, then we will start."

Bai Hao smiled and nodded: "No problem."

Evan first asked the first question: "Mr. Felkes, you are the organizer of this Hogwarts martial arts demonstration. May I ask why you did this thing?"

The corner of Bai Hao's mouth raised slightly: "Actually, the reason is very simple, I just want to make Hogwarts a little angry.-"

"Angry? Can you explain in detail?" Evan didn't quite understand what Bai Hao meant.

"Are you a Hogwarts graduate, too?"

Evan nodded: "Yes, I am a Hufflepuff, and I have graduated for more than ten years."

Bai Hao looked at the lively scene below: "Then do you think Hogwarts like this is better, or Hogwarts when you were studying?"

Evan followed Bai Hao's gaze and smiled knowingly: "I like the way it is now."

"Isn't that what it is?" There was deep meaning in Bai Hao's eyes.

Evan looked at Bai Wu's clear eyes, and nodded naturally: "I think I understand!"

He seemed to understand the meaning of Bai Hao's words.

He recalled that when he was a student, Hogwarts looked like that, but more than ten years have passed, and the castle has not changed much.

For so long, students and professors have come and gone.

Compared with the famous Durmstrang Academy of Magic and Beauxbaton Academy of Magic, this castle seems to have no obvious advancement except for the addition of some ghosts.

At this time, Evan also suddenly thought of another question: "Is this why you created Fairy Tail?"

Bai Hao raised his head and thought for a while: "You can say that."

"Okay, thank you." Evan recorded in his notebook, "Then, the second question."

"Mr. Felix, I know you. You are a wizard from a Muggle family. You should have never been exposed to magic before this."

"I'm curious, may I ask what prompted you to do these things, you must know that you are only a second-year wizard this year, although you are about to enter the third grade.

"To be honest, I can't answer this question for you." Bai Hao sat up straight, then shook his head, "Because I don't even know what prompted me to do these things."

"Sometimes people are like this, inexplicably they will become a person who even feels strange to themselves."

"I can only say that there are various factors, and you can always find various reasons."

Evan thought about it, and it seemed to make sense.

As time goes by, many times people will indeed gradually become a person that they did not expect at all.

Like himself, he never thought about being a reporter, but he did.

And if you want him to talk about why he became a reporter, in fact he can't explain clearly.

Evan once again recorded the conversation between the two in his notebook: "One last question."

"Everyone knows that you are the inheritor of La Wen Keluo. Have you ever envisioned what kind of person you will become, or what goals do you have?"

Bai Hao was silent when he heard this question, and he turned his head to look into the farthest distance, his eyes filled with the past and future he knew.

"Maybe... I just hope that there will be fewer unnecessary tragedies in this world."

Evan frowned and looked at him puzzled: "Tragedy?"

Bai Hao lowered his eyebrows: "A product left behind by a love potion, I didn't know what love is since I was a child, and exchanged a miserable childhood for an evil nature. This is the source of tragedy for many people."

"A cowardly and brave person, the gap between blood makes him feel guilty for eternal life, to protect the person he loves and hates until death."

"A star that fell before it had time to shine, a man of whom everyone was proud, became the first victim of the future, meaningless."

"This...... I'm sorry, Mr. Felix." Evan looked puzzled, "What are you talking about, can you explain it a little bit more clearly?"

Bai Hao came back to his senses and smiled: "It's nothing, you just need to listen to the first sentence."

"Okay...Okay!" Although Evan was full of doubts, he could see that Bai Hao obviously didn't want to say more on this issue, but he still recorded the few words he just said.

Then Evan asked a few more simple questions, and then the interview came to an end.

Bai Hao returned to the spectator seats again. It was already lunch time, and the five teams had a tacit truce.

After all, people always have to eat.

The current battle situation is: the four colleges, except La Wen Keluo, are all occupied by Fairy Tail, La Wen Keluo is also in danger, and a lot of combat power has been consumed, and I am afraid they will be defeated after lunch time.

Gryffindor Ringkeeper: Neville Longbottom (Fairy Tail)

Slytherin ring keeper: Dellako Malfoy (Fairy Tail)

La Wen Ke Lao ring guard: Luo Jie·Davis (La Wen Ke Lao)

Hufflepuff Ringkeeper: Luna Lovegood (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Ringkeeper: Viola Birch (Fairy Tail)

Everyone was extremely horrified by the performance of Fairy Tail.

Neville Longbottom seemed to be a submissive person, but his aura of swearing to death when he stood on the ring really frightened many people.

Dellaco Malfoy, with his tricky angles and off-guard spells combined (practiced with Harry), had the Slytherins shouting traitors.

Luna Lovegood, a eccentric girl and a first-year student, beat her opponents to death with the Patronus Charm, which is both offensive and defensive.

Viola Birch, this is even more amazing, this cold girl, no matter what spell she casts, everyone thinks she used some buffed props.

At this time, Bai Hao was having lunch with his guildmates in the tent of the Fairy Tail team.

"Potter, you are so shameless, you were beaten down the first time you went up to attack."

"Shut up Malfoy, if I hadn't knocked down the two main Slytherins when I attacked the ring for the second time, you would be able to defend the Slytherin ring now?!"

"What? You mean I fight the weak?!"

"Is not it?"

"Screw your shit!"

The two wrestled together.

Bai Hao couldn't laugh or cry, Harry and Della fought every day when they disagreed with each other. Maybe this is the way Lawen Crow gets along with Slytherin.

...asking for flowers......

Others in the tent, the Weasley twins and Zoe were researching the magic props to be used in the next battle, and Ian Si and Justin were preparing lunch for the next few partners who were going to defend the battle.

Hermione and Luna are being pestered by Sitaia to ask all kinds of magic questions, Hermione looks helpless, Luna looks indifferent, the two are completely different.

Locke was having a lively discussion with Harry about Quidditch.

Seamus is figuring out how to use his explosive magic to retake Rawen Klau's ring.

And the parents are also doing homework, Mr. Arthur, Mr. Granger, and Bolas Uncle get together, Mary Aunt, Mrs. Molly, and Mrs. Granger get together

They chattered nonchalantly about what they were talking about.

Looking at this warm side, Bai Hao walked out of the tent with a smile. There was also a lively scene outside. Many students and parents came and went, discussing enthusiastically the development of the afternoon martial arts performance.

"Bai Hao." At this time a familiar voice came.

Bai Hao turned his head away: "Good afternoon, Professor Dumbledore."

Dumbledore walked over and stood shoulder to shoulder with Bai Hao, also admiring the lively scene in front of him: "I have been the headmaster of Hogwarts for decades, and this is the first time it is so lively here."

"Man is a creature with complex emotions, but communication can make this emotion easier." Bai Hao looked at the bustling crowd, "Muggles and Muggles, wizards and wizards

Muggles and wizards. 11

"Do you understand what it means, Professor.

Dumbledore thoughtfully looked at a group of people who were having a lively conversation, including wizards and Muggles, but there was no natural barrier in the conversation between them.

"Perhaps you are right, we are capable enough to avoid many unnecessary tragedies."

Bai Wu raised his eyebrows: "It seems that both of us will be on the headlines tomorrow."

"Evan is a very good Hufflepuff. He played Quidditch very well back then. I thought he would become a professional Quidditch player." Dumbledore sighed with emotion.

"We can choose fashion when we are young, but when we grow up, we will have a lot of involuntary things, unless you can give up enough things."

"Indeed." Dumbledore agreed, "To be honest, I've learned a lot since I met you."

"I gradually felt that Tom was no longer my trouble."

"At the very least, the curse in Defense Against the Dark Arts class didn't come true, maybe I was too suspicious before."

"Uh... Maybe you should know one thing, Professor." Bai Hao suddenly showed a harmless smile, "I provided evidence that Lockhart used the Oblivion Curse to steal other people's stories to write novels To Mr. Evan."

"So in other words, Voldemort's curse still fell on him, and he might have to spend the next few years in Azkaban."

Dumbledore suddenly felt a little headache, this student always does things so beyond the expectations of others.

He originally wanted to seriously recruit a reliable Defense Against the Dark Arts professor next semester, but now it seems that he still has to think about it.

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!! Small).

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