The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 55 The Legendary Monster (Please Subscribe!)

Suddenly, Bai Hao felt something approaching him.

He looked up and saw hundreds of bright red spots shining on the gray sky in the distance.

Bai Hao frowned: "What is that?"

He activated [Eagle Eye] and looked towards the sky, a strange creature with a height of at least three meters, a triangular face, one-eyed, antlers, a horse body, bat wings, four legs and four hands, wrapped in Fiendfire came into view.

They had ferocious expressions, flying densely in the sky, flying towards him.

"Wow! You can see that they can move." Bai Hao showed a happy expression, "But they don't seem to be doing well.

Bai Hao tried to search in his mind for any information matching the image of this monster, but as expected, he couldn't find it.

I can only call this kind of monster for the time being: the devil of the gods....

The name actually comes from an anime that Bai Wu watched when he was a child. It is a demon that symbolizes fire in this anime, and its name is also called Holy Master.

The gods and demons fanned their pitch-black wings and kept approaching here. When Bai Yi was able to see their figures with his naked eyes, all the gods and demons began to scream like electric mics.

But they didn't open their mouths, but violent flames spewed out from the gaps between their teeth, and then hundreds of fireballs with a diameter of two meters hit the white nose.

Bai Hao squinted his eyes, and pointed forward with the magic wand in his hand: "Rhoias!"

Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!

The seven huge red shields arranged in a straight line from small to large directly blocked all the fireballs.


Bai Hao looked at the broken shield with only one layer left in front of him, with a serious expression.

"Are you kidding, it's all Fiendfire!"

That's right, those fireballs just now were all made up of Fiendfire. In order to block the attack just now, the blazing seven-fold ring was directly shattered until only one layer remained.

The gods and demons actually produce fierce fire of their own!

Choo Choo Choo!!!

It came again, and before Bai Hao could catch his breath, the second wave of attacks came one after another.

Bai Hao flew directly into the sky this time to avoid the attack.

"In this case, let's play with you!"

"It's been a long time since I've had fun, so I don't have to worry about damaging the environment if I play here."

Bai Hao immediately changed into light clothes, his whole body erupted with astonishing magic power, and strong winds spread out like shock waves.

The demons in Shendu seemed to be extremely excited because they felt the pure magic power on Bai Hao, and all the demons flapped their wings frantically towards Bai Hao.

The corners of Bai Hao's mouth raised slightly, and several magic circles of different colors lit up behind him.

Immediately, fierce battles erupted on the entire coast of the magma sea, and the gray rocks on the ground would be blasted out of a big pit from time to time by powerful attacks.

The remnants of the demons in the capital of God are constantly falling from the sky-heads, hands and feet, strange internal organs, wriggling purple flesh.

It can be seen that these remnants have been damaged by different attacks.

Some of them were wrapped in ice and fell to pieces, some had smooth cuts, some looked as if they had been squashed by heavy objects, and some were even twisted into twisted shapes.

Ten minutes later, the last Shendu demon had its head crushed by a giant rock hand.

Bai Hao stretched his waist and let out a long sigh of relief: "Huh~~ It's been a long time since I was so happy!"

"This is a place to release stress in the future."

He doesn't want to go back for the time being, the adventure to this world has just begun, and now he has only seen a strange creature, how can he just leave.

Bai Hao found a rock and sat on it, took a piece of chocolate and ate it. He was going to take a rest before continuing on the road.

But when Bai Hao was resting, he suddenly saw the pebbles under his feet beating regularly.

He squinted his eyes and stood up, activated [Hawkeye] to look into the depths of the gray continent.

Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!

I saw groups of huge chunks of meat tens of meters high like black clouds, with five giant feet walking towards him with heavy steps.

There are many tentacles on their bodies, and there are several large round mouths between the tentacles, which are full of staggered fangs. Ten drops of black pus precipitated from the depths of the fangs and dripped out on the ground. Black smoke.

Bai Hao was shocked: "Sab Nicholas?"

These monsters are too similar to the outer god named [the black goat of the forest that breeds thousands of descendants] in the Cthulhu myth.

Can't say it's unrelated, it's exactly the same.

At the same time, Bai Hao also heard low hums coming from behind him.

He hurriedly turned his head to look, only to see monsters like giant snakes gushing out of the depths of the magma sea.

They spew flames from their mouths, smoke from their noses, have sharp teeth, and their bodies seem to be covered with black scales.

There are also countless gods and demons flying above their heads.

"Leviathan?!" Bai Hao was even more shocked. The giant snake that could swim in the magma in front of him was exactly the same as the sea monster called Leviathan in the Bible.

"Hahaha!!!" Bai Hao burst out laughing, "Very good! Very good! Very good!"

"Although I don't know what's going on in this world, it's all so interesting!"

"Let's have a fight!!!"

"Legendary monsters!!!"

Bai Hao completely unleashed his instincts, and once again his magical power burst into the sky. He first flew in the direction of the black goat.

"Hymn to life—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————The Birth of Tree Realm!!!"""

The huge green magic circle lit up, and the magic power of Fiendfire World was being crazily extracted. Huge trees gushed out from the ground, forming a green tsunami tens of meters high.

Not long after, Shuhai and the black goats collided together.

The black goat was knocked down to the ground, and it let out a whimper that didn't match its evil and ugly appearance.

Black smoke billowed from their bodies, and the giant wood wrapped around them was corroded, turning into wisps of light smoke and floating in the void.

"Solarflare!" Seeing this, Bai Hao waved his magic wand, and hundreds of huge golden magic circles appeared in the sky.


The sun beams of the solar flare pierced through the black goats one by one, and then produced violent explosions.

Hundreds of huge semicircular light spheres suddenly appeared on the gray continent.

The light dissipated, and Bai Hao was suspended in mid-air, looking at the puddles of black meat paste that were smoking lightly on the ground.

"Is it finished?"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Probably because the companions were injured, the following herd of black goats made harsh and strange baby-like noises.

Bai Hao instantly felt a crack in the Great Wall of Thought in his mind.

At the same time, the black meat paste on the ground suddenly began to roll violently, instantly turning into huge black smoke and rushing towards the following black goats.

Bai Wu was horrified to see the black goat that came up after him open its big round mouth dripping with black pus, swallowing up the black smoke.

Their bodies instantly rose by a third.

woo woo~~~

A low groan came, and Leviathan had landed and was walking towards the main battlefield.

Bai Hao left a drop of cold sweat: "It seems to be a little too big."

Judging from the fact that the demons in the capital city became extremely crazy when he exploded with magic power, he knew that pure magic power might be a fatal temptation for the creatures in this world.

To be honest, he wants to run away now, but if he wants to go back to HP's world, he has to go back to the space node where he came in.

Otherwise, he doesn't know where he will be sent if he opens the space door indiscriminately. He may just run from one end of this world to the other, or he may run directly into the turbulent flow of space.

Bai Hao actually placed a 907 space marker at the entrance of the space node, but this marker must be within a radius of 10 kilometers to achieve teleportation.

And he also conveniently placed a few space markers during the flight, and now he is more than 20 kilometers away from the nearest marker that can initiate teleportation.

Bai Hao looked at the God City demon who couldn't see the side, the black goat wriggling on the ground with its tentacles corroding everything, and the evil sea monster Leviathan that could swim in the hot magma.

Now that all the sea, land and air creatures in this world have gathered, it is a bit impossible to run away.

And it is not ruled out that there will be other unknown monsters coming.

So, Bai Hao decided to start working on it!!!

Kill these monsters and go back!

In the Fiendfire world...

The boundless barren dust, the violent red sea of ​​fire, and the dead gray chaos.

Groups of monsters that only exist in legends are fighting a "small" human.

Huge magic circles of various colors are constantly shining in the chaotic void——meteorites wrapped in flames, blazing beams of light, severe cold, huge treants, storms wrapped in thunder, etc.

The corpses of countless gods and demons fell to the ground like raindrops, becoming the delicacy of the black goat.

After a dozen Leviathans spat out Fiendfire that could cover the sky, their necks were cut off and they hated the northwest.

The black goat continued to devour delicious food and became bigger and bigger. The chaotic gray clouds had covered part of its body, and a huge lightning storm like it was hitting it, and the huge black meat was gradually torn into pieces.

Bai Hao released all kinds of super magic to the surrounding monsters like crazy, and the light of the goblin rained down on Leviathan and the black goat.

The solar flares also skewered the gods and demons like a machine gun.

But the truth is, he's not feeling well...

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!).

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