The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 60 Possible Clues (Please Subscribe!)

"I think I understand what you mean by family, Professor Dumbledore." Tonks said, looking at Harry who was wiping tears not far away.

"They raised Harry, although it was a very bad way, but they risked their lives." Dumbledore's face showed a trace of emotion at this time, "Ten years of nurturing is not something that can be discarded just by leaving of."

"Harry understands a little bit about this now."

"But I also think that maybe this is the best thing for this kid." Tonks said, "After all, he won't have to live that kind of life anymore."

"Whether it's good or bad, only Harry himself knows." Dumbledore turned around and walked towards Fox standing on a desk lamp, "He still has a lot to go through in the future."

"Professor Dumbledore, what about my husband..." Seeing that Dumbledore was about to leave, Tonks couldn't help but stop him.

He promised himself one thing.

"Don't worry, it's all right," said Dumbledore with a smile. "I think Lupine has got the owl's invitation by now."

Tonks instantly showed a happy smile: "Thank you, Professor Dumbledore."

Then with a phoenix crowing, Tonks was the only one left in the house.

Harry outside the house was immersed in the empathy for his mother's relics, and he didn't notice the flashing fire of the neighbor's grandmother's house at all.

He stroked the faint name on the cover of the diary, looked up at the blue sky, and now he had the first chance to be close to his parents.

Harry collected his mood and carefully put away the diary, now is not the time to read this.

He injected magic power into the guild crest on his arm, and disappeared on the street in the blink of an eye. 24 He went back to Fairy Tail and looked around to see that no one was there.

Where has everyone gone?

"Harry!" A familiar voice came from behind.

Harry turned away, it was Ron.

I saw Ron walking over in a hurry: "Harry, where have you been? I've been looking for you for a long time, and I thought something happened to you!"

Harry smiled and shook his head: "I'm fine, just saying goodbye."

"Farewell?" Ron couldn't understand what the words meant.

"It's nothing. Seeing that you are in such a hurry, are you looking for something from me?" Harry asked curiously.

"Oh! That's right! There is something important!" Ron suddenly remembered that there was still business to be said, "That's right, the guild leader just issued a death order, requiring everyone in the guild to complete the basic magic formation during this summer vacation. 3 seconds to describe, otherwise he will give us a class in person when the school starts.

"What?!" Harry looked shocked, "Now we have only just learned the complete description of the basic magic circle, how could it be so sudden?!"

"It's not that little guy Zoe who made trouble." Della Ke who was lying behind the bar suddenly appeared, with a displeased expression on his face.

"What the hell?! When were you here?!" Both Harry and Ron were taken aback.

"I've been here all along." Della looked tired.

"Did you continue to talk about what happened to Zoe just now?" Harry's face was full of curiosity.

Della sighed helplessly: "She tricked Luna into tying some ugly braids on the president's hair, but the president caught her."

"Then the president taught her a lesson and at the same time checked the progress of her magic circle. It turned out that she couldn't even complete the complete description of the basic magic circle."

"Zoe and Luna are fooling around together every day, but Luna's progress is very fast, almost minutes.

"On the other hand, Zoe, she can't even draw a complete basic magic circle. As a result, the president was furious and conducted a large-scale investigation of the entire guild, and found that the overall progress of our magic circle is relatively slow.

"That's it, the president has just issued a death order, and the 3-second drawing of the basic magic circle must be completed within the summer vacation."

"Otherwise we will have a better time after school starts."

Ron also had a gloomy expression on his face: "The people who came back now all went to the practice area to practice."

"Especially Zhang Qiu and Li En, the two of them heard that the president was going to train them personally, their faces turned pale with fright, and they ran to the training room immediately."

"Well, I remembered the last time we copied the school rules." With a look of despair on Harry's face, he turned his head to look at Della again, "Della, why don't you go?"

"I'll go later." Della Ke lay on the table and waved weakly, "I was dragged by my father to attend the Parkinson family's banquet early this morning."

"My God, you all don't know how tiring it is to deal with those adults you don't know. I escaped back by using the president to find me."

"Okay, then Ron and I will go first." Harry nodded, and then walked with Ron to the training room in the practice area.

Ever since, Fairy Tail has entered into a two-month crazy practice.

At the same time, Dumbledore also found Bai Hao, beside the Black Lake...

Bai Hao had just removed the power of sky magic from his body when Dumbledore suddenly appeared behind him.

"Good afternoon, Professor Dumbledore." Bai Hao greeted first.

"Good afternoon, Bai Hao." Dumbledore walked slowly, "How is your injury?"

Bai Hao looked relaxed: "Fortunately, thanks to Professor Snape's potion and Madam Pomfrey's magic, there is no root cause of illness.

"You came here to ask me why I was injured so badly?"

Dumbledore nodded: "Yes, I'm curious, what happened to you, I was also taken aback when Harry informed me."

"Okay, what I said to you is fine." Bai Hao raised his mouth slightly, "Professor, do you still remember what I said when I asked you about the Fiendfyer Curse?"

"You mean the world on the other side of Fiendfire?" Dumbledore was a little shocked, "You managed to get there?"

Bai Hao nodded with emotion: "Yes, I managed to get there, and almost lost my life, although it was also because I was too pretending."

"It's the first time I've encountered that scene, and it's simply hopeless for human beings."

"I'll take you to see it for yourself."

After Bai Hao finished speaking, he took out his wand directly, and then a white light flashed, and he brought Dumbledore to the place that was familiar and unfamiliar to him.

Dumbledore's eyes widened instantly, and the instinct of human survival made him take a few steps back naturally.

Gray earth, violent magma, chaotic sky.

Countless hideous and ugly monsters are coming in a steady stream.

Countless demons rained fire on the entire sky, and the giant snake that spewed flames was screaming and crawling ashore from the magma.

The huge black flesh soaring into the sky made the earth tremble, and the black tentacles could shatter the earth with just a flick of it. Wherever the black goat went, the black pus corroded the earth.

There is also a kind of ghost-like terrifying creature, they are exhaling smoke and making rumbling noises, and they appear in one place in an instant.

It was the first time Bai Hao saw Dumbledore in such a gaffe.

"This is what I faced in that world." Bai Hao stood beside him and said calmly, "All kinds of monsters that only exist in legends appeared in front of my eyes, and the pure magic power in me was a fatal temptation for them .”

"We had a fight with them, they were all wiped out, and I was seriously injured to the point of dying."

After speaking, the two returned to the shore of the beautiful Black Lake.

Dumbledore was silent for a while, and asked a question full of worry: "Then can they come to this world?"

Bai Hao shrugged: "Who knows."

But Dumbledore stared at him with a dark face, as if he was going to fight him desperately if he didn't make it clear.

Bai Hao rolled his eyes and said impatiently: "Don't worry, these monsters would have come here long ago.

"And even if they come over, what can you do? Do you think you can deal with them with the current human strength?"

"The result is the same! The world is destroyed!"

Dumbledore relaxed a little, but still frowned: Which huge black mass of meat is the black goat from Cthulhu Mythos?"

Bai Hao nodded: "With their appearance, do you think there are others? Among these monsters, they are the most difficult to deal with."

"Conventional magic attacks can't kill them at all. I beat them into a meat paste, but the black goats that follow will swallow the meat paste and become stronger."

"There's only one way to kill them, and to use the opposite force against them." 543 "If that's really a black goat, that's a very strange thing." Dumbledore started pacing up and down.

"You mean that the Cthulhu myth itself is a literary work?" Bai Hao guessed what Dumbledore was thinking, because he also felt very good about this question.

Cthulhu Mythos (Cthulhu Mythos) is based on the novel world view of Lighthouse writer Howard Philip Lovecraft, compiled and perfected by August William Derleth, and co-created by many authors. series of literary works.

In other words, the Cthulhu mythology is not a folklore or a religious product that has been handed down from ancient times at all, but is derived from modern literary works.

That's why the two feel strange. You said that a monster invented by modern literary writers, without any historical foundation, how did it appear in another world?

This is a big question.

"Bai Hao, you have said before that the name of Eiendfire is the earliest recorded record from a goblin named Zuel Kayo?" At this moment, Dumbledore raised a question.

Bai Hao nodded: "That's right, at least in the information I found, this goblin's record of Fiendfire is the earliest.

"I said Professor, you don't mean to ask the goblins, do you?"

"Don't forget, the existing goblins are descendants of goblins who survived the goblin rebellion. People at that time were afraid that goblins would rebel again, but they burned most of the goblin clan's inheritance."

"In other words, except for alchemy, all other knowledge inheritances of goblins are hereditary."

"What could they know?!"

But as soon as Bai Wu finished speaking, he saw Dumbledore's smiling face.

Bai Hao raised his eyebrows and looked at him suspiciously: "No way, professor?!"

Dumbledore nodded with a smile: "Yes, exactly what you think!"

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