The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 1 Sirius Black (Please Subscribe!)

In Hogsmeade Village, come out of the post office on Central Avenue and turn into a small road next to it. There is a bar at the intersection.

A tattered wooden signboard hung from rusty brackets over the door, with a picture of a severed pig's head, blood seeping through the white cloth it was wrapped in.

Open the door and walk in, only to see that the first floor is a bar and the second floor is a hotel.

The bar on the first floor is small, dark and very dirty, with a strong smell of lamb.

At first glance, many people would think that the ground here is compacted mud, but when people step on it, they realize that the ground that should have been paved with stones has actually accumulated centuries of dirt.

The bay windows in the walls were so thick with grime that the light from outside could hardly get through, and the only light in the house was a few candle stubs burning on rough wooden tables.

This is the Pig's Head Bar, a place where people from all walks of life come and go.

Hagrid once met a disguised Quirrell here, and got the Norwegian Ridgeback egg from him.

And in the depths of the dim environment, an old man with a strange temper, a tall and thin figure, and a white beard with long gray hair was standing behind the bar, wiping the wine glass with a gray-black cotton cloth that had not been used for a long time.

"Give me a glass of butter beer, please!" At this moment, a person suddenly appeared in front of the bar. Everyone in the bar didn't see him, and they didn't even realize that there was a person sitting in front of the bar.

The white-bearded old man put the "clean" cup in his hand on the cup holder with an expression on his face: "What are you doing here, you are not welcome here."

"Aberforth, I'm here for something important." Dumbledore ignored his brother's indifference to him, they had been like this for many years.

"If you're here to ask about him, no!" Aberforth's tone was full of impatience. "The biggest news recently is that the McFasty clan is worrying about their pets."

"Just a few days ago, Fercus was seriously injured and returned to Hogwarts." 430 Dumbledore's words directly stunned Aberforth, and he frowned: "I didn't find them haunting Mark of."

"It wasn't the Death Eaters who didn't have that ability."

"Who is that?"

Dumbledore was silent for a while, and slowly revealed part of the reason why Bai Hao was injured.

"Another world, are you sure you're not kidding me?" After listening to Dumbledore's absurd narration, Aberforth only felt a burst of anger, he felt that Dumbledore was fooling him.

"I don't need to lie to you, Aberforth." Dumbledore said calmly, "In order to find out the truth of that world, I opened the family library to Fercus."

"Hehe!" Aberforth sneered, "So you came to inform me that you let outsiders enter the family castle.

"I just came to ask for your opinion."

"Soliciting? Haven't you already agreed?!" Aberforth looked at Dumbledore coldly, "What kind of honest man are you pretending to be?"

Dumbledore was silent....

"But it doesn't matter. There are only two of us left in the Dumbledore family. It's just a collection of books. What's the use for a family that is about to die out." Aberforth said mockingly.

Dumbledore is still silent...

"If you have nothing to do, you can leave. To be honest, I don't want to see you." Aberforth directly ordered the eviction.

Dumbledore stood up slowly, turned around and walked out the door slowly. He still didn't drink the glass of butterbeer, leaving only his lonely and lonely back.

And the picture came to the castle of the Dumbledore family...

Fairy Tail Everyone was looking for the book, but all of a sudden they went astray.

Hermione and Zhang Qiuzheng were holding (cebi) a book and looking at it intently, they had long forgotten about looking for the book.

Luna was holding a scroll that recorded magical animals that only existed in legends, and she went to another world as if in a dream.

The girl Zoe was fishing secretly.

The little lions, headed by Harry, got together and excitedly read a wizard's adventure biography.

Dellake is curiously playing with a huge dragon scale, which he found in a "book", but this "book" is actually a box containing giant dragon specimens

Meanwhile, Justin and Iansi were discussing how to prepare the dishes in an ancient wizard cookbook with bright eyes, and the greedy nature of the little badger was fully revealed.

In the end, only the money-hungry Weasley twins remained, with Cedric and Viola still looking for books in earnest.

Bai Hao said to this, let them go!

Anyway, Dumbledore has promised that Fairy Tail can come to the library at any time, and the truth of Fiendfire's world is actually not that important to him.

He's not Dumbledore, who looks worried all day long.

Even if one day the monsters from Fiendfyre World really come here, so what?!

What's there to say, Yu it!

If you win, you will continue to eat, drink, and sleep. If you lose, the world will be destroyed, and billions of people will walk with you.

"Oh, it seems that everyone likes this place very much." At this moment, Dumbledore suddenly appeared in the library.

Looking at the lively scene in front of him, he couldn't help showing a smile.

The castle had indeed been quiet for too long.

"Good afternoon, Professor Dumbledore." Bai Hao was sitting on the ground reading a book, and he was already messed up.

There are too many books, and he has no patience to find them.

"Have you found anything?" Dumbledore asked as soon as he came up.

Bai Hao looked at him as if looking at a fool: "Professor, what do you think?"

Dumbledore instantly showed a look of embarrassment.

This question is indeed a bit stupid.

There are more than 100,000 to 200,000 books and scrolls, and it takes less than a day. How can we find relevant records so quickly.

But he really cares about the influence of Fiendfyre World on this side, and the figures of those monsters are always lingering in his mind.

Seeing Dumbledore's regretful expression, Bai Hao couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"Professor, why are you worrying so much when you're old?" Bai Hao put on an "I'm doing it for your own good" look, "The outstanding wizards in the magic world are not dead.

"I advise you to retire early, give up the headmaster's position to Professor McGonagall or Professor Snape, and forget about it."

"Stay here and think about that every day, people will live a lot shorter!"

Is this calling me old or cursing me to death?

Dumbledore's head was full of black lines, and he didn't answer, but joined the book search army with aggrieved emotions.

But there is no doubt that he gradually strayed astray. He was attracted by one of the books that recorded the Deathly Hallows. He was very concerned about the records about Easter in it.

Therefore, the road to find books is difficult, long and far away!

In this way, with the passage of time, Hogwarts is approaching the time to start school unconsciously.

Azkaban, a world-famous wizard prison.

It is a wizarding prison on an isolated island far from the crowds, guarded by a group of terrifying creatures called dementors who live by sucking the souls of others.

And at this moment, in a cell deep in Azkaban.

A man with a thin and sunken face, sallow skin, yellow teeth, long and messy hair, and a crazy expression was clutching a newspaper.

Extreme anger made his eyes tear open, and a painful roar came from his throat.

"Peter! Pete!!!"

Then, the alarm bell rang, the dementors suddenly started to riot, and the Aurors guarding the prison looked nervous and started to act.

Azkaban fell into chaos, and a vicious prisoner jumped out of his cell.

The next day, a new issue of the Daily Prophet was owled to the Philks' home.

Bai Hao crossed his legs in the living room, staring at the yelling man on the newspaper cover, looking thoughtful.

"Who is he? He looks so scary!" Xitaya next to her looked curious.

Her younger brother subscribed to the Daily Prophet for the family for 5 years, and it was the first time in a long time that she saw such a wanted warrant on the newspaper with such a large cover.

"His name is Sirius Black, and the newspaper said he escaped from prison." Bai Hao looked at the Daily Prophet in his hand [already blurred memories gradually began to emerge in his mind.

The timeline has come to the "Prisoner" chapter, and there are only five pieces of information he has:

1. Dementors will enter Hogwarts this year because of Sirius Black's escape from prison.

2. The reason why Sirius escaped from prison was to seek revenge from Peter Pettigrew.

3. Sirius Black was wronged back then. He forgot the specific reason, but it must have something to do with Peter Pettigrew.

Four, Peter Pettigrew is an Animagus, it is a mouse, its current identity is Ron's pet.

5. Dumbledore recruited a werewolf to Hogwarts as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, whose name he forgot.

To be honest, Bai Hao has no feelings for Sirius.

Compared with this mad lion, he preferred Snape, the tolerant snake.

Of course, except for the poisonous tongue.

According to the original plot, this year's Hogwarts can be said to be a very depressing year, mainly because of the dementors stationed in Hogwarts.

He plans to catch a few to study.

At the same time, he also hoped that the Ministry of Magic could restrain the dementors, otherwise he would not mind killing them. He had never had a good impression of this dark creature.

Besides, Bai Hao intends to turn a blind eye to the fact that the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is a werewolf.

After all, he has no grievances or enmities with him, so there is no need to cause trouble because of his status.

He was still thinking about how to deal with the Death Eater Pettigrew.

He had forgotten that this character existed before, and he just recalled it.

With his strength, killing this mouse is very easy, but how to use the waste is the key.

A loyal Death Eater, an Animagus, if used well, can play a big role.

As for the issue of Sirius wanting to kill Peter, this is out of his consideration.

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!!!).

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