The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 4 Classes And Divination (Please Subscribe!)

Bai Hao directly caught a dementor and brought it into Rawen Crowe's common room, which really scared the eaglets.

Everyone felt that the temperature in the lounge dropped sharply, the light in front of them seemed to be much dimmer, the courage and hope in their hearts were dissipating, and nothingness gradually occupied their hearts.

Bai Hao tugged on the dementor's cloak in his hand: "You can feel it, this is the feeling of facing a dementor."

"These disgusting creatures are among the most detestable creatures in the world, and they will haunt the darkest and dirtiest places in droves, cheering corruption and despair, while bringing peace, hope and joy to the air around them." Emotions sucked dry."

"Get too close to a dementor and it sucks away all your good feelings, any memory of joy.

"If it can do it, it will be more than happy to live on you for a long time, and finally make you like it, without a soul, and the evil will leave you with only the worst memories of your life

Immediately after finishing speaking, Bai Hao's hand wrapped in the power of the Patronus Charm directly lifted off the cloak of the dementor in his hand, revealing the extremely ugly face inside.

On a gray, rotten and haggard head, there were no facial features, and there was a bottomless black hole where the mouth should have been.

"This is the mouth of the dementor, or the kiss of the dementor, which the world calls, and it sucks people's souls.

"Dementors will press their mouths against the mouths of their victims and suck out the souls of their victims."

"Remember, this is infinitely worse than death!"

"A person whose soul has been sucked has only the brain and the heart working, no sense of self, no memory, nothing.

"And the soul that has been sucked away has no way to recover. People who have been kissed by dementors are just alive, just walking dead.

"By the way, what is in the hole in 24?"

During class, Bai Hao became curious about the body structure of dementors.

The appearance of these guys is beyond normal life, not the structure of carbon-based organisms at all, and the idea of ​​dissecting a dementor suddenly popped up in his mind.

So, just do it!

Bai Hao put his hand into the dementor's mouth under the shocked eyes of the eaglets, the kind that stirred.

Under the suppression of the powerful force, the dementors didn't even have the ability to struggle, and there was a moment of silence in the lounge.

A second-grade eaglet saw Bai Hao was motionless, so he stepped forward and poked Bai Hao's arm: "Master Eagle?"

But Bai Hao was still unmoved, and the little eagle poked again: "Master Eagle, how does it feel?"

The first-year little wizard who had just entered school was startled, and stared at the little eagle with rounded eyes.

Are you worried about him?!!!

Bai Hao pulled out his hand, although there was no expression on his face but a little regret: "I don't feel anything, it's just chilly, and it feels quite comfortable.

"Of course, you have to ignore its ugly appearance."

"Oh~~~~" The little eagles all began to remember their notes.

The young eaglets who had just entered school were completely stunned.

Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?

"Come back to business!" Bai Hao continued his class, "In the current magic world, people believe that dementors cannot be killed, but this theory is wrong."

"Everyone knows that Patronus is a dementor."

"Remember, what you've learned is to drive away, but a Patronus Charm of sufficient strength can destroy a Dementor.

"Luna, please demonstrate."

Bai Hao pulled Luna onto the stage, and all the eaglets looked at her curiously.

Luna watched the dementor tilt her head cutely, and waved the wand lightly in her hand: "Expecto Patronum!"

A silver-white rabbit appeared in the void along with the silver flakes floating from the magic wand.

"How?" Luna looked at Bai Hao, she didn't know how to use the Patronus to kill the dementor.

"Imagine it hurting your friend." Bai Hao gave only one sentence.

But the clever Luna immediately understood what she was going to do.

I saw that her patron saint became more and more solid, constantly emitting dazzling but not dazzling holy light.

Under Luna's control, the guardian rabbit kicked in the void and rushed towards the dementor in Bai Hao's hand.

In an instant, half of the dementor's body was pierced through a big hole.

After a while, the dementor completely disappeared into the void without leaving any traces.

"Thank you Luna!" Bai Hao fondled Luna's hair and let her return to the flock of eagles.

"That's one of the ways to kill dementors, as long as your emotions are strong enough, you can kill them."

The eaglets bowed their heads and took notes one after another.

"Then there is a second method." Bai Hao stretched out two fingers, reached into the void with one hand and grabbed a dementor, "The second method is Fiendfire, but I don't recommend you to use it. "

"Because you don't have the ability to control Fiendfyre, unless you are proficient in using the Curse of Death, I won't allow you to use Fiendfyre against dementors."

A little eagle raised its hand and asked, "Master Eagle, can you demonstrate?"

All the eaglets nodded with bright eyes. They wanted to see what the Dementor looked like when it was burned by Fiendfire.

Bai Hao didn't speak, and waved the spell in his hand, and the blue-purple flame directly enveloped the dementor.

I saw that it was different from the Patronus Curse, although Fiendfire was burning outside the dementor's body, Fiercefire came out of the dementor's mouth inexplicably.

So, in just five or six seconds, the second textbook followed in the footsteps of the first dementor.

Then a dementor appeared in the lounge again!

Another little eagle raised its hand: "Master Eagle, why can Fiendfire destroy the dementors?"

"The dementors feed on the happy memories and emotions of human beings, and on the contrary, the Patronus, which is condensed by human happy emotions, can deal with dementors, which we can all understand.

"But why should Fiendfire?"

"This starts with the origin of the Fiercefire Curse, actually..."

Bai Hao was not impatient with the constant questions from the eaglets, but continued to answer them patiently.

He began to tell the eaglets about the history of the Fiendfyre Curse and the essence of Fiercefire as [Devil's Flame], as well as the particularity of Fiercefire in targeting the soul.

Gradually, the night is getting dark.

The little snakes are asleep, the little lions are snoring, and the little badgers are stealing food, only the little eagle is still in class!

Kitty Eagle's slogan is: La Wen Keluo, the highest floor; the cafeteria is the farthest, and there is no supper.

Roll them to death!!!

At the same time, no one in Hogwarts knew that the dementors floating outside were trembling.

Inexplicably, they lost two more of their kind.

Why do you say two?

Because they felt that there was still one dementor alive, but that dementor had been left in a living room as a teaching aid.

And the time soon came to the next day...

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The bell for the first class in the new semester was rung.

Bai Hao's first class happened to be Divination, taught by Sybill Trelawney.

That's right, the one who made the prophecy of the savior.

Because of her, Harry became a bereaved savior when he was only a few months old.

The divination classroom is located in the north tower, accessed through a circular trapdoor, and the style inside looks like a cross between an attic and an old-fashioned teahouse.

The Sibyl is thin, wears a pair of large glasses, and has countless strings and pearls around his neck.

She is teaching eaglets and lion cubs how to predict the future from tea leaves and crystal balls.

And Bai Hao looked at the crazy woman in front of him with great interest.

He is very interested in predicting this kind of power, but heard that this ability is completely a talent.

For this reason, Professor McGonagall has been very opposed to giving divination classes, as she feels it is a waste of time.

Even she hated Professor Sybil, because she was very good at playing some prophetic tricks, and often liked to play tricks.

In the middle of the classroom, Sybil started to walk in front of the students after speaking nonsense.

She first looked at Neville with a worried look: "Son, is your grandma still in good health?"

Neville looked puzzled: "It's... not bad!"

Sybil squinted her eyes: "I don't think so, show me your cup."

She picked up the cup that belonged to Neville's prophecy and looked at it, showing a regretful expression, "Oh... what a pity!"

He returned the quilt to Neville for 350.

This action of hers scared Neville so much that his eyeballs almost went into the glass.

"It's nonsense!" At this moment, Hermione suddenly appeared next to Bai Hao, which directly shocked Bai Wu.

"I'm going, when did you put a space mark on me?!" Bai Hao subconsciously thought that Hermione came here through space magic.

This magic learning method is available in the library of the guild.

"I've been here for a long time!" Hermione replied, then frowned at Sybil, "Divination doesn't stand up to scrutiny, she's talking nonsense!"

"In comparison, the ancient rune class is more interesting!"

"Pfft!" Bai Hao couldn't help laughing, and looked at her teasingly: "I think you can't understand the logic in the content of the divination class, so you said that?"

He saw Hermione's mind at a glance, she was just competitive.

Hermione is a girl who pays great attention to logical thinking, but the illogical knowledge in divination class directly fell into a big fight.

She couldn't understand the knowledge of the divination class, so now she is angry from embarrassment!

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!" Hermione directly denied it three times, feeling anxious!

At this moment, Sybil had already walked up to Bai Hao, and she looked at Bai Hao: "Oh! Greedy Raven, I see disorder in you!"

Her state is completely different from just now, without the crazy feeling of deliberately playing tricks on people.

"Son, can I have a look at your teacup?"

Bai Hao smiled and handed over the teacup.

Sybil picked up the teacup, her eyes drifted, and she lowered her head to observe the tea in the cup.

As a result, more than ten seconds later, she saw that her hands holding the teacup became tighter and tighter, and her eyeballs almost protruded.

She began to tremble all over, and the trembling became more and more severe.

Then all of a sudden, Sybil fell to the ground under everyone's horrified eyes, and began to murmur.

She is making a real prophecy.

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