The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 8 Hogsmeade (Please Subscribe!)

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Sirius let out a maniacal laugh and came out of the darkness, "Long time no see... Remus!"

He was ragged, unkempt, foul-smelling, and the madness in his eyes made Lupine shudder.

Lupine pointed at him with his wand nervously: "How dare you appear in front of me, you traitor!"

"Because of you, James, Lily and Peter all died!"

"Harry also lost his parents at a young age!"

"Enough!" Sirius yelled and interrupted Lupin, his voice full of endless anger, "Tell you I'm not a traitor, it wasn't me who killed James and Lily!"

"I escaped desperately from Azkaban this time just for revenge!"

"You're still quibbling!" Lupine didn't believe Sirius' words.

Now in his understanding, Sirius is the Death Eater who killed Harry's parents, the words of Death Eaters can never be trusted!

"You were James and Lily's secret-keeper back then, and no one knew where the Potters were hiding except you! Not even Voldemort!"



After hearing Lupine's words, Sirius suddenly began to laugh bitterly. "Two Seventy Zero" tears began to flow from his bloodshot eyes, and he roared, "Secretary?!"

"The secret keeper back then was not me at all!!!"

Lupine's eyes widened in an instant, and his eyes were full of disbelief: "What did you say?! You are not a secret keeper!!!"

He rushed over and grabbed Sirius by the collar: "Sirius! Tell me clearly, what happened that year?!"

"Haha..." Sirius' laughter was full of sarcasm, a mockery of his own stupidity and credulity.

"In the second year that I became James and Lily's secret keeper, the secret keeper has long since been replaced by Peter!"

"Pettigrew Peter!!!"

"Peter?! Are you still lying!" Lupine let go of Sirius' collar and punched him in the face, "Peter died a long time ago, and he died by your hands!"

"You still want to lay your crimes on a dead man!"

"Hey haha..." Sirius lay on the ground, not paying any attention to the punch Lupine had just given him.

Compared to the twelve years of prison life in Azkaban, these are nothing to him.

"Look for yourself!" Sirius took out an old newspaper from his pocket and threw it directly to Lupine, "I don't think you have forgotten what his Animagus looks like?"

Lupine picked up the newspaper, and there were photos of several people on it. They were interviews with members of Fairy Tail during the magician's great performance.

There's Harry's, Hermione's, Ron's, Cedric's.

But the above people are not important, the most important thing is that Lupine saw the mouse in Ron's hand.

The mouse was missing a finger, and it was very well-behaved in Ron's arms and accepted the interview together.

"Impossible!" Lupine clutched the newspaper tightly, still in disbelief, "How could he still be alive?!"

"I went to inquire, and the mouse stayed at the Weasleys for twelve years! Twelve years!!!" Sirius roared loudly, "That was the year he died, and you think it's normal Can mice live that long?"

"I'm going to kill him! I'm going to kill him!"

Sirius started yelling like crazy!

Seeing him like this, Lupine immediately dropped the newspaper and rushed over to hug him tightly. He already believed Sirius' words.

After all, they are too familiar with Peter, and his Animagus was completed with their help.

Gradually, Sirius finally calmed down, and Ping gradually let him go.

"I must find him!" Sirius' eyes were full of tiredness and hatred, "I must kill this guy with my own hands."

Lupine grabbed Sirius' shoulders with both hands: "Leave this matter to me, but you can't stay in Hogwarts, it's too dangerous here, there are dementors all around."

"You must go to a safe place to hide until I successfully rehabilitate you!"

"I'll hide in the Shrieking Shack!" Sirius grabbed Lupine by the collar, "Also, be sure to protect Harry!"

"Peter is by his side, he will be in danger!"

Lupine nodded firmly: "No problem, he is James' child, and I will definitely protect him!"

"Also... Remus, is there anything to eat? All I ate were rats when I came out!"

"I'll prepare it for you right away!"

Time flies, and two months have passed without knowing it, and Hogwarts has entered the picture.

And today is the weekend, the sky is full of snow, snow-covered.

But maybe because of the dementors, the winter at Hogwarts felt extraordinarily cold this year.

According to regulations, little wizards of Hogwarts can go to Hogsmeade once they reach the third grade.

Hogsmeade Village (Hogsmeade Village), also referred to as Hogsmeade (Hogsmeade).

It is the only all-wizard village in England, a picturesque hamlet of cottages and shops [here founded by Winges of Woodcroft.

Hogwarts students are allowed to travel here on weekends, but only students from Year 3 and above have permission from their parents or other guardians.

The students mainly live on the street, which is lined with many shops and bars, and they sometimes go to see the screaming shack nearby.

During the Christmas season, the tree here will be decorated with strings of enchanted candles.

The railway station where the Hogwarts Express stops is located nearby.

And today was the first time for the third year students to go to Hogsmeade village, everyone was very excited except Harry.

See very depressed.

Because he is currently without a guardian, he cannot go to Hogsmeade without someone signing him for approval, so Professor McGonagall asked him to stay at the school and guard the house.

To be honest, Professor McGonagall is still too rigid in some aspects.

But this kind of rule is invalid for Fairy Tail, Bai Hao took Harry directly to Hogsmeade.

But in order not to be recognized by his classmates and professors here, he can only wear his invisibility cloak.

"Okay Harry, you can move freely." Bai Hao said to the void, in front of him was the invisible Harry, "Remember not to let people know that you are coming to Hogsmeade, or Professor McGonagall will know You need to talk to me again."

"Understood!" Harry gave a thumbs up from under the cloak.

After dealing with Harry's matter, Bai Hao showed a strange smile on his face.

He turned around and went straight to a shop: "Here I come! My snacks!"

Honeydukes Sweetshop (Honeydukes Sweetshop), is a candy store that sells chocolates and other assorted magical candies

When Bai Hao came here, he saw a notice from the Ministry of Magic hanging in front of the store, which was used to remind customers that there are dementors patrolling the streets of Hogsmeade every day from sunset, reminding customers to leave at this time .

To be honest, the presence of dementors did not affect the excitement of Hogsmeade.

The Honeydukes Candy Shop is still packed, probably the favorite hangout for little wizards.

Bai Hao was about to rush in to make some purchases, but a force pulled him back.

"I knew you were here!" A familiar voice sounded from behind.

Bai Hao turned his head: "Hermione, what are you doing?!"

Hermione glared at him angrily: "Didn't you promise me to go shopping with me in Hogsmeade after dropping off Harry? Why don't you think it's nothing to talk about?"

"No! No! I just want to buy some food and then go to you!" Bai Hao scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Really?" Hermione looked at him suspiciously.

"Really!" Bai Hao nodded sincerely, but at this moment, he was actually unwilling to do so.

He originally planned to return to Hogwarts after buying snacks, and then find some excuses to prevaricate.

After all, shopping with girls is really tiring.

In Aslante before, every time he was pulled by Mira to go shopping together, it was purely mental torture.

A clothing store goes in to change a dozen or twenty sets of clothes, and asks him if he looks good every time he changes a set.

Often at this time, he can only bite the bullet and say: "It looks good!"

But after answering, Mira looked unhappy and said something like "I think it's normal".

Then why do you usually ask him if he looks good?!

In fact, to be honest, in his eyes, as long as it’s not Luna’s weird aesthetic, it’s all the same!!!

And this Hogsmeade village is such a big place, you can see the end of the street from the street, what is there to do shopping!

Bai Hao complained wildly in his heart, but now that 4.4 was caught by Hermione, there was nothing he could do, after all, he was the one who promised others first.

People must keep their integrity, and people who promise must fulfill their promises!

"Hermione, where do you want to go?" After Bai Hao came out of the Honeydukes candy store, he watched the people coming and going on the street, with no goal in his mind.

"I've already made plans!" Hermione smiled and pointed in one direction, "There's a Madam Puddiffe teahouse there, and I've heard people say that the teas there are delicious.

“We will go there first stop!”

When Bai Hao saw her saying this, she was still a little red.

Is it too cold or is it too hot? I don't know why!

But fortunately, what she wanted to go to was not a clothing store, otherwise he really couldn't help but go out in a mind body and go out to be tortured.

"Let's go!" Hermione held Bai Hao's arm and pulled him forward, "Time is running out, we have to go to other places after going to the teahouse..."

And just like that, Fairy Tail's number one and number two started their date in Hogsmeade.

At the same time, after wandering around for a while, Harry quietly came to a place without finding Ron.

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!).

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