The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 10 Lesson Harry (Please Subscribe!)

"What?!" Hermione yelled in shock, and then immediately covered her mouth and asked in a low voice, "Animagus?! Are you sure?"

"Are you questioning me?!" Bai Hao was instantly upset, "I'm sure Ban Ban is an Animagus!"

"It's really unbelievable that Scabbers is..." Hermione was shocked, and then suddenly realized, "Oh, that's not right! Did you already know about this?"

"Hmm...yes!" Bai Hao admitted straight away with no expression on his face.

"What?! Then why didn't you tell Ron?" Hermione lowered her voice as much as possible, "An Animagus has been hiding in the Weasleys' house for more than ten years, so it doesn't take much to think that he must have committed something, and Or the kind that would go into Azkaban.

"Aren't you afraid he'll hurt Ron?"

"Heh..." Bai Hao sneered, "Don't worry, this guy won't hurt Ron.

"The Weasleys' house is the only cover for his true identity. Although it's a mouse, isn't it better to have food and drink every day than fleeing outside?"

"But he's gone now!" said Hermione, "Scabbets has been missing for a long time, and Ron has been looking for him for almost two weeks."

"Why do you say this is?"

"Well..." Bai Hao thought for a while, "You just said that Ron found some blood on his bed, and the bed curtains were all torn, right?"

Hermione nodded, "Yeah!"

"Then this is interesting!" Bai Hao narrowed his eyes, "How did he slip into the Gryffindor common room without being spotted by the ghosts and portraits in the school?!"

"Could it be..."

"Oh! Stop playing riddles!" Hermione became anxious when she saw that Bai Hao was acting as a riddle again, "Tell me what's going on!"

"You'll know later!" Bai Hao still didn't intend to tell the whole story, "Where are we going next?"

"You..." Hermione blushed, but there was nothing she could do.

Because she knew that if Bai Hao didn't want to tell, she wouldn't know the truth if she stalked him.

Hermione stood up angrily and grabbed Bai Hao's wrist before walking out, she would go crazy if she stayed in this place chatting again.

At this time, Bai Hao shouted happily in his heart: "Wow!! The plan was successful, and it finally came out!"

It was not in vain for him to go all out, and finally he was able to leave this embarrassing place!

Hermione pulled Bai Hao out of Mrs. Puddiffe's teahouse, but the two of them ran into Ron not far away, and saw him looking very hot.

"President, Hermione!" Ron yelled anxiously, "Have you seen Harry?"

"Huh? Harry?!" Bai Wu frowned, "Didn't you agree to meet at Honeydukes? Why didn't you see anyone else?"

"Yeah, I can't find where he is at all now!" Ron said anxiously, "It's all because of Fred and George, who said that you can go directly to the Honeydukes Candy Store through the secret passage, but I turned around a lot in it Only found the exit! Make me late!"

"By the way, President, can you help me find Harry?"

"Hiss~~ This is a bit difficult!" Bai Hao scratched his head, "Harry is wearing an invisibility cloak, which can block all magical detection and prying eyes!"

"Then what should we do?!" Ron's face instantly collapsed.

If you can't even find the president, let alone think about it.

"I don't think we need to look for `"!" Hermione said, holding Bai Hao's hand and looking in one direction, "Look!"

The two followed Hermione's line of sight, and saw a series of footprints inexplicably appearing on the thick snow.

The three of them glanced at each other and quickly followed.

The footprints extended to a clearing on the edge of Hogsmeade village.

It's on the edge of the forest, not far from the shack.

Ron walked up to the footprints, slowly stretched out his hand, and took off the invisibility cloak covering Harry's body.

Harry was sitting on the snow and covering his head, with pain and anger radiating from his body.

Ron crouched down and put his shoulders on his shoulders: "Harry, what's going on?"

Harry raised his head slowly, his eyes were flushed, obviously from crying.

"I heard that when Sirius Black betrayed my parents, it was because of his leak that Voldemort found them!"

"Why?! They are such good friends, yet my parents let him be my godfather!"

"I hope he finds me now, I will kill him with my own hands!"

"I'm going to kill him with my own hands!!!"

Harry's voice choked from a sob to a growl, and his green eyes shimmered dimly.

"Bai Hao..." Hermione looked up at Bai Hao, thinking to comfort him.

But what she didn't expect was that she saw an indifferent face.

Bai Hao raised his hand, and the world slowly turned over.

A simple blue magic circle appeared above Harry's head, and a large water ball fell from the sky and directly poured Harry into a drowned chicken.

Harry was stunned for an instant!

Both Hermione and Ron watched all this dumbfounded, neither of them knew why Bai Hao did this all of a sudden.

Ron looked back at Bai Hao in shock: "President, what are you doing? It's winter now!"

But Bai Hao didn't reply to Ron's words, but walked step by step in front of Harry who was shivering from the cold but still a bit dazed and looked at him condescendingly: "Have you calmed down?"

"Why...why?" Harry tremblingly looked up at Bai Hao.

There was a slight blue light in Bai Hao's pupils: "Harry, why did you kill Sirius?"

"Because...because he betrayed...betrayed my parents!" It was ten degrees below zero, Harry spoke tremblingly, but his eyes were still full of hatred.

"Well, I can teach you a spell to ensure that you can defeat him." Bai Hao took out his wand and pointed to the grass not far away, "Avada Kedavra eats a big melon!"

A green light beam directly hit a snow rabbit flying in mid-air.

I saw it flew out after being hit by the Death Curse, and hit a tree.

Bai Hao waved his hand, and the snow rabbit's body flew over and fell into Harry's arms.

"Want to learn?" Bai Hao asked indifferently.

But at this moment, the three of them were frightened dumbfounded, and no one thought that Bai Hao would suddenly use the Unforgivable Curse in front of them.

Hermione took a step back and looked at Bai Hao with an incredulous look.

Meanwhile, Harry and Ron sat slumped on the ground, staring blankly at the silent snow rabbit corpse in front of them.

Bai Hao squatted down and grabbed Harry's head, forcing him to look directly at himself: "I once told everyone in the guild that the power of magic must be used with caution, especially when it is necessary to erase life. in this way!

"People who study the magic circle will have a power far beyond that of ordinary people in the future, and when a person's power reaches a certain level, he will ignore everything, and life will only be a set of simple numbers in his eyes."

"That's why I often remind you that no matter what happens, you must stay awake at all times, and you must not let any negative emotions affect you and use the power of magic at will."

"This will plunge you into the abyss, and there will be no difference between you and Voldemort.

"But what were you doing just now?"

"Why did Sirius kill you? Why didn't he kill the Dursleys?"

"Why did he betray your parents back then? Is it just an unfounded status as a Death Eater?"

"And why did he voluntarily accept the kiss of the 12-year-old dementor when he had the ability to escape from Azkaban early in the morning?"

"Can you answer these questions for me?"

"I...I...because..." Harry suddenly found himself unable to answer these few questions.

As he had heard in the Three Broomsticks, what was Sirius' motive for killing him, he really wanted to kill the grass and he didn't have to wait until now to escape from prison.

"Harry, you are right to avenge your parents! I absolutely support you!"

"Even if you can't fight, I can help you!"

"But you must never lose your mind in a moment of hatred and say you're going to kill Sirius when you haven't figured everything out [that's irresponsible to yourself and your dead parents."

Bai Wu pushed Harry's head vigorously: "You brat, do you understand?"

At this time, Hermione, who had calmed down, walked over slowly, and gently tugged Bai Hao's sleeve: "~Okay, you have to teach people a lesson before going back, this world of ice and snow will freeze people."

"Ron, take Harry back quickly!"

After Hermione finished speaking, she gave Ron a wink, and pulled Bai Hao away forcefully. After talking, Harry was really going to become an ice sculpture.

Ron looked at the two people who were going away, and immediately turned around to support Harry's arm, which was covered in frost and his lips were purple from the cold: "Harry, let's go back first!"

"You are soaking wet now, and if you continue like this, something will happen."

Harry nodded tremblingly, then stood up tremblingly, and the body of the snow rabbit in his arms fell to the ground.

"This is......... snow?!" Ron looked in amazement at the "crushed" snow rabbit body that had been thrown to the ground.

It turns out that this is not a real snow rabbit, but a change from snow.

Harry raised his head stiffly, his pupils vibrated looking at the direction where Bai Hao and Hermione disappeared just now: "Thank you, President! I understand...

On the other side, Hermione dragged Bai Hao to another secluded place.

Hermione looked around, and after making sure there was no one there, she yelled at Bai Hao, "You scared me to death just now!"

Bai Hao scratched his head puzzledly: "Isn't he just eating a big melon, what's there to be afraid of?!"

"Do you know that the Unforgivable Curse is a very evil black magic, and those who use them will all become lunatics who can only kill and torture people!"

"Ah! That's because they don't have enough willpower to control these spells." Bai Hao sneered, "By the way [do you believe that Dumbledore or the Ministry of Magic's Pride and Magic used more Unforgivable Curses than me] ?”

(OK) "Then why aren't those people crazy?"

"I don't want to argue with you about this!" Hermione knew she couldn't speak to Bai Hao, "Speaking of which, what the hell happened to Harry, where did he hear about Sirius Black's betrayal of his parents?"

"He heard it from Professor McGonagall and Minister for Magic Fudge! Right in the Three Broomsticks."

"How did you know?"

Bai Hao's pupils instantly turned blue, and his face said calmly, "I know Legilimency!"

Hermione's scalp went numb instantly, and she covered Bai Hao's eyes with her hand: "Don't look! Take it back quickly!!!"


After a few seconds, Hermione slowly opened her hand, and was relieved to see Bai Hao's eyes were normal color.

She grabbed Bai Hao's clothes, like a kitten with blown fur: "You absolutely must not use this spell on me! Do you understand!"

"Oh!" Bai Hao replied perfunctorily, and then looked towards the still bustling street in the distance, "There are still three hours before the dementors go to work, let's go to the Wenrenju Quill Pen Shop at the next stop, you My quill is broken."

"How do you know..." Hermione wanted to ask why Bai Hao knew about her quill, but immediately realized that he was reading her own heart!

"White Crystal!!!" Hermione blushed with anger, "I told you not to use this magic on me!!!"

"Hahaha~~~~" Bai Hao let out a hearty laugh.

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!!).

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