The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 17 I Know It All! (Please Subscribe!)

"You're looking for Nick?!" Dumbledore frowned, "Why are you looking for him? I haven't heard of you being interested in alchemy before?!"

"Did you do something with the Philosopher's Stone that broke it?"

"Oh, no!" Bai Hao waved his hand in denial, "Actually, I went on a trip to Azkaban and found something there, but it was so complicated that I couldn't figure it out, so I thought Find out about this master alchemist."

"Traveling to Azkaban?! You kid is free enough!" Grindelwald said with a smile while sitting on the plank bed, "No one would ever regard that ghostly place as a place where they can play around!"

"Hey! The only thing that scares Azkaban is the dementor, and it's not a very scary guy!" Bai Hao waved his hand nonchalantly, and stretched out two fingers, "I'm afraid of this thing." In the past few months, an average of two kills per day!"

"You just said that you found something in Azkaban, what is it?" Dumbledore didn't feel strange about going to Azkaban by himself.

Because he was used to it, with Bai Hao's free-spirited mind that day, even if he said that he went to Azkaban to play hot pot, he would not feel strange.

After all, the temperature there is freezing cold, so it's just right to make hot pot.

"I heard Professor Snape say that the number of dementors is constant, no matter how many dementors are killed, it will restore the corresponding number in Azkaban.

"So I took this vacation to go shopping there, and found out..." Bai Hao recounted what he had seen and heard in Azkaban.

Dumbledore was silent for a while: "Can you show us the alchemy pattern you wrote down?"

"Are you okay?" Bai Hao looked at Dumbledore with a questioning look, "Don't fail to see anything after reading it. It will be you who will be ashamed."

"When I was young, I won the pioneering contribution gold award from the International Alchemy Conference." Dumbledore said calmly, "Although my alchemy level is not as good as Nick's, it is still good."

"And I can't easily take you to Nick. He told me that he wants to spend the rest of his life quietly with his wife, and he doesn't want to be disturbed."

"Okay!" Bai Hao sighed helplessly, "Since this is the case, I hope you can see some tricks.

Bai Hao waved his wand, and used light and shadow magic to depict all the lines in the Azkaban cell in the void.

in a while.......

"Unbelievable!" Dumbledore exclaimed, "Very exquisite alchemy, the lines on it seem to be chaotic and illogical, but the overall combination is extremely reasonable

"But it doesn't look good. I've lived for so long and I've never seen such a twisted and weird alchemy pattern." Grindelwald also spoke next to him, grinding human bones into the rammed earth, and Can recover automatically, like a life

"There is no magic power fluctuation, what is it that prompts the generation of new dementors?"

Dumbledore and Grindelwald chatted and discussed, completely leaving Bai Hao aside.

Finally ten minutes later...

An impatient Bai Hao stared at the two of them with dead fish eyes: "So you have been discussing for so long, what did you come up with?"

He was listening to the two talking about a lot of questions just now, but there was no substantive answer.

Even a novice who doesn't understand alchemy can see that these patterns are exquisite, complicated and weird, why should you two old men ask each other questions here?!

Dumbledore and Grindelwald stopped discussing.

Dumbledore touched his long white beard: "To be honest, I can't see it. I have never heard of this kind of alchemy."

Grindelwald also looked thoughtful: "Felix, this is the first time I have seen this kind of alchemy that can give birth to a life."

That's right! The two of you, who together are over 200 years old, have been discussing here for so long, but nothing came out of the discussion. In the end, I still have to find a reliable person!

Bai Hao looked at Dumbledore with black lines all over his head: "Professor, Nick Flamel hasn't been buried yet, has he?"

Dumbledore shook his head: "I don't know, the last time I saw him was more than a year ago, and I don't know if his elixir of life can keep him going until now.

"Then where is he now?"

"I can take you to him tomorrow..."

With Dumbledore's promise, Bai Hao went home to rest.

After a day of shopping and traveling to so many places, I am really tired.

At night, the moon and stars are thin today, screaming shack.....

"Remus, how are you?" Sirius looked warily at "Lupin" in front of him.

Today happened to be a full moon, and it was the day that Lupine turned into a werewolf.

After the transformation, Lupine sat on the ground, raised his paw, indicating that he was fine.

Turned into a werewolf, the structure of his vocal cords has changed, so he can't speak.

"It seems that Snape still has a bit of conscience, the wolfsbane potion he gave you is fine." Sirius said slightly mockingly.

Wolfsbane Potion: This is a potion developed last year. It cannot completely cure werewolves, but as long as it is taken a week before the full moon, the werewolves will remain rational even if they transform. It loses its effect when sugar is added.

Lupine shook his head, raised his paw and carved a word on the wall: "Don't do this!"

Sirius understood what he meant, and told him not to bring the grievances from his student days to the present. Speaking of which, it was all their fault at that time.

"Forget it! Let's not talk about him!" Sirius said, "Today I sneaked to the Weasley's house and found that guy Peter appeared."

Lupine engraved another paragraph: "Why?"

"I don't know, Peter doesn't know how he returned to the Weasleys' house. The Weasleys' youngest son was very excited when he saw him!" Sirius clenched his fists tightly.

If Molly Weasley hadn't been there at the time, he would have jumped on him and killed him on the spot.

Lupine wrote: "Wait!"

Sirius looked unwilling: "I know, Weasley will take him back to Hogwarts, but you'd better get a map from the twins, so that we can find him when he escapes."

Lupine wrote: "School back."

"We still have to wait..." Sirius lowered his head and grabbed his hair, then stood up suddenly and shouted, "I can't wait!!!"

Sirius started to go crazy again inexplicably, and Lupine hurried up to hold him down.

Staying in Azkaban for too long is like this. Anyone who stays there for 12 years will be mentally abnormal.

Lupine tried to cover Sirius' mouth so he wouldn't make a sound.

Because although the dementors have been withdrawn from Hogwarts, but Hogsmeade has not, too much noise will lead those guys to the screaming shack........

At the same time, in the Hogwarts principal's office, a phoenix crowed.

As soon as Snape saw the flames of the phoenix, he walked up with a gloomy face: "You are finally willing to come back!"

He has been waiting here all night.

Dumbledore stepped out of the flames: "Severus, what's the matter at this late hour?"

Snape said with a straight face: "Potter went to Spider's End to find me today, and he knew that I was undercover under the hands of the mysterious man!"

...asking for flowers......

Dumbledore's face instantly became serious: "How did Harry know?"

Snape remained expressionless: "Obviously, it's Fercus!"

"Bai Hao?!" Dumbledore frowned, shocked in his heart, "How could he know about this, your undercover work is a top secret, only you and I know.

"I should ask you this, compared to me, you are the person who has been in contact with Felix the most." Snape said, "Did you leak this matter at some point?

"I can say no!" Dumbledore said affirmatively, "No matter what I do, it is impossible for me to disclose such a thing to him."

"Felix has always been a very mysterious person, he seems to know a lot of things." Snape began to recall many things from the first time he met Bai Hao to now, "whether it is the Philosopher's Stone, the Chamber of Secrets, the Basilisk , It’s still an undercover matter, he seems to know us and Hogwarts very well.”

"Even if he has the ability of a prophet, it is impossible to understand everything to this extent."

"And today I found out that Potter was carrying a notebook with him about his time in Godric's Hollow, Chardon.

"Potter believes that the traitor was not Sirius Black, but the dead Peter Pettigrew.

"Why does Harry think that?!" Dumbledore asked, frowning.

"Because Felix said something to Potter." Snape paused, "Gryffindor can have gutter mice, and Slytherin can have the bravest men."

"The rat is Peter Pettigrew!"

"If I remember correctly, you once said that Peter Pettigrew was an illegal Animagus, and he was a mouse."

"Peter..." After listening to Snape's words, Dumbledore's mind began to run rapidly, and he was recalling the events of the year bit by bit.

"Sirius...Peter.....The Secret Keeper"

Dumbledore suddenly recalled the first time he met Fudge after Sirius escaped from prison...

He was in Fudge's office at the time, watching him fretted and wandering around the office, and said, "He said he was so bored and wanted to do crosswords with newspapers, so I gave him a copy of the day." The Daily Prophet.

"He may have seen Harry Potter's photo in that newspaper, so he escaped to kill his master..."

"That newspaper..." Dumbledore murmured in a low voice, his mind gradually began to clear up, "Sirius must have seen something in that newspaper, but it shouldn't be Harry!"

"Newspaper?!" Snape frowned, "What newspaper?"

He didn't understand what Dumbledore was saying.

"When Fudge went to Azkaban to inspect, he gave Sirius a newspaper, and he escaped from prison not long after that." Dumbledore said.

Upon hearing Dumbledore's words, Snape hurried to a brass cylinder in the office, inside which were neatly placed rolls of newspapers, which would only be cleared at the end of the year.

Snape took out a copy of the "Daily Prophet" not long before Sirius escaped from prison, and the headline on the front page read: Hogwarts held the first wizarding martial arts, and Fairy Tail won.

Below the caption is a photo of the interview with Harry et al.

Snape glanced at it, then immediately threw the newspaper in front of Dumbledore, and closed his eyes silently.

At this moment Snape's mood was very complicated.

Dumbledore squatted down and slowly picked up the newspaper on the ground.

He saw Scabbers on Ron's hand at a glance, it was missing a finger.

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!! work).

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