The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 20 The First Dementor (Please Subscribe!)

"It was the negativity of all the prisoners in Azkaban that gave rise to monsters like the Dementor.

"No wonder, but I'm very strange, since Exces has completed the alchemy of his dream, why didn't he succeed in resurrecting his wife, but instead produced so many dementors?" Bai Hao wondered asked.

Now that the alchemy has been completed, Extis' wife should be resurrected as she wished, but why are there a lot of disgusting dark creatures resurrected.

"I don't know, but the last time I saw Exces, his spirit was a little abnormal." Nick Flamel looked regretful, "Maybe after he finished his alchemy, he already Not sane enough to resurrect his wife."

"But even if he were sober, he wouldn't succeed!"

"Why is that?" Bai Hao felt a little sorry for Extis when he heard this, and he worked so hard that he had nothing at the end.

"Ah~~" Nick Flamel sighed, "Although Extis has successfully completed the alchemy of transforming emotions, he forgot that human life is composed of body and soul."

"Although I don't know why he created a creature like a dementor in the end, even if he succeeds in resurrecting the wife in his heart, it will only be a walking dead."

"I see..." Bai Hao nodded, "I probably understand!"

Although Nick Flamel's words were a bit mysterious, he could probably understand what the lack of soul he was talking about was all about.

In fact, just like the Mirror of Erised can make a person see the most urgent and strongest desire in his heart, the wife that Extis resurrected using his own alchemy is actually just the wife that best fits his impression "people".

For example, if the wife in Extis's mind is gentle and kind, then the person he resurrected will have nothing but these qualities, and she will not have emotions such as anger or indifference.

For another example, in Extis' impression, his wife is a person who likes to cook, and she often cooks scrambled eggs with tomatoes that she likes to eat, so the resurrected person can cook him scrambled eggs with tomatoes , she will not do anything else.

All in all, the alchemically resurrected wife of Extis is just a dead thing that follows a fixed behavior, which is the same as a program that only follows a fixed code.

She can't learn, can't grow, and can't be flexible, she will always look the same.

She might not even age because her looks are set.

"So Mr. Felkes, do you have any questions?" Nick Flamel asked with a smile.

He was very happy today, meeting such an interesting young man when his life was coming to an end.

"No, thank you for your answer, Mr. Nick Flamel!" Bai Hao shook his head with a smile.

Although he still has some doubts in his heart, it doesn't matter anymore, his research on dementors has taken a big step forward now!

After that, the two talked for a long time in the house.

It was not until evening that Bai Hao and Dumbledore came out of Nick Flamel's alchemy hut.

"We're leaving, Nick`!" Dumbledore said standing on the grass in front of the hut and facing Nick Flamel, Fox was flapping his wings above his head.

"I really bothered you today, thank you for explaining my doubts, Mr. Nick Flamel!" Bai Hao stood beside him, expressing his heartfelt thanks and respect to Nick Flamel.

"Oh! I'm very grateful for the beef jerky you brought, it's delicious, although it's a bit hard." Nick Lemay smiled and looked at Bai Hao, "Good luck, Mr. Felkes!

Bai Hao nodded with a smile...

Nick Flamel turned to look at Dumbledore again: "I'm very glad to see you again today, my friend!"

"Albus, farewell!"

After hearing Nick Flamel's last words, there was a hint of sadness in Dumbledore's eyes.

He knew this was the last time the two would see each other.

"Take care, Nick!"

As soon as Dumbledore's words fell, a phoenix's cry echoed in the mountains, and he and Bai Hao disappeared before Nick Flamel's eyes in an instant.

Nick Flamel stood on the boundless grass, looked up at the dark blue sky, and the stars had come out.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?!"

After speaking, he moved tremblingly and returned to his secluded home.

With the sound of a soft door closing, the natural calm was restored here. Who would have thought that there would be a small wooden house here, and who would have thought that the greatest alchemist in centuries lived in this small wooden house Woolen cloth.

Back in time to the 15th century, there is a huge fortress on a small island in the North Sea...

At this moment, a man was screaming crazily in a dark room deep underground in the fortress.

"Why?! Why?!" The man was frantically smashing a beautiful woman with a brick, "Why did I fail after so many attempts!

I saw this man was skinny, his haggard white beard and long hair were covered with dirt, and there were horrible lines of flesh on his pale skin.

I don't know how long it took before the man put down the brick in his hand out of breath, and casually threw the woman's body, which was already completely out of shape, aside.

"Why, what went wrong?!" The man knelt on the ground grabbing his hair, his eyes were bloodshot, "Time is running out, what did you miss?!"

"What did you miss... what did you miss..." The man muttered to himself and kept talking, then he suddenly raised his head and started to let out a crazy moan Laughter, "Hahaha.....hahaha!!!"

"Since it doesn't work this time, then try again, this time it will definitely work, it will work!"

"You will definitely be able to resurrect!!!"

The man struggled to get up from the ground, but his weak body made his legs weak.

He staggered and fell to the ground.

"Pfft! Cough cough..." The man suddenly began to spit out blood, and he moved his body desperately, "Please, let me try again!"

The man struggled to climb onto a twisted and weird swirl pattern, and then began to emit creepy whispers from his mouth.

I saw the flesh lines on his body wriggling non-stop, as if something was about to come out of his body.

After a while, a phantom suddenly appeared above the man's body, and it continued to solidify.

"Pfft!!!" The man began to vomit a lot of blood, and the bright red blood soaked the patterns on the ground.

The phantom stopped solidifying

The man was lying dying in a pool of blood, and he looked up at the phantom above his head, which was exactly the same as the woman he had just crushed to death.

The man looked at the woman's empty eyes, and his sleepy brain seemed to have a little understanding: "Could it be... I should have thought of it earlier."

"I'm sorry, Melissa, I couldn't..."

The man's eyes gradually lost their light, and the hellish life for many years has made him neither human nor ghost. Perhaps it is a good relief for him to die like this.

But what I didn't expect was that with the death of the man, the phantom that should have dissipated suddenly changed.

I saw that the woman's body began to slowly melt away, leaving only rotten bones.

The outside of the bone was wrapped in a black cloak, as if a corpse with only bones left in blisters was covered with a cloak, which was extremely different.

The world's first dementor was born.

The cold air emitted by the dementor froze the man's body, and it slowly floated out of the room. There were thousands of corpses under its feet, and the appearance of each corpse was exactly the same as the woman in the phantom just now.

At this time, these corpses also began to change. They emitted black smoke all over their bodies, and gradually turned into dementors.

On a small island in the North Sea, black shadows continuously emerge from this small island. Driven by instinct, the dementors are looking for happiness and beauty as food. The villages near the coast of the small island have been destroyed. sex blow.

So far, Azkaban has appeared in front of the world for the first time.

Extis died without realizing that all the negativity he had radiated in order to revive his wife had gradually seeped into the entire fortress.

It's just that the obsession with resurrecting his wife has always overwhelmed these negative emotions, so that for a long time he resurrected all normal people."

It is a pity that when he died, his obsession completely dissipated.

Years of backlog of negative emotions finally erupted, causing dementors to be born from this world, and at the same time detonated the negative emotions that had penetrated into his "wife" before, allowing more dementors to appear in this world.

However, these stories are already historical unsolved cases for Bai Hao.

He has returned home now, and today's visit to Nick (Zhao Lihao) LeMay has benefited him a lot, and his curiosity about dementors has completely dissipated in his heart.

And the holidays passed quickly, the second semester of Hogwarts officially started, and the dementors also reported to Hogwarts for work on time.

On the first day of school, in the Fairy Tail guild.

Bai Hao is examining the learning status of the members of the magic circle.

Since the death order was given to everyone last summer, everyone's learning progress has been much faster.

Everyone has chosen the magic circle they want to learn:

Harry Potter:【Crushing Magic】

Ron Weasley: [Shaping magic————rock]

Fred Weasley, George Weasley: [Spirit-sentence—attaching self-awareness to objects for manipulation]

Neville Longbottom: [Plant Magic] (same as Cedric's)

Seamus Finnigan: [Dragon Slayer Magic — Fire]

Justin Fenliery, Ians Stanley, Zhang Qiu: [Skillful writing——make the "text" three-dimensional and realize the meaning of the text]

Viola Birch:【Shaping Magic———Ice Words】

Blanca Zoe:【Celestial Magic】

Lean Malik:【Dragon Slayer Magic——Shadow】

Luna Lovegood: [Receiving Magic]

Dellaco Malfoy: [Dragon Slayer Magic——Ray]

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!).

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