The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 45 Shura Field (Please Subscribe!)

Luna flapped her golden and red phoenix wings and flew to the window of Bai Hao's room, and knocked on the window.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"You..." Bai Hao, who was still scolding Hermione, heard the voice coming from outside the window, turned his head and looked over, it turned out to be Baby Luna.

Several question marks appeared above Bai Hao's head, why did Luna suddenly come~?

"Luna, why are you here?" Bai Hao opened the window, took Luna's hand and carefully pulled her into the room.

Luna supported Bai Hao's hand to stabilize her body, and then retracted her phoenix wings: "Everyone is very scared, so let me take a look...

"What happened, can you tell me?"

"It's nothing..." Bai Hao didn't want to tell Luna the matter, after all, this matter has nothing to do with her.

Luna tilted her head and looked at another person in the room.

I saw Hermione sitting on the bed with a face of dissatisfaction, with a little grievance on her face, her eyes were red, and she was obviously about to be scolded and cry.

Luna walked slowly in front of Hermione, took Hermione's hand, looked straight into Hermione's eyes, the silver pupils had a faint blue light flowing.

She said softly: "I see, your mood is very complicated now..."

Hermione snorted, of course her mood was complicated.

She knew that she had done something wrong, and it was something that almost killed her.

But she didn't do it on purpose. She just wanted to get rid of the illusion as soon as possible. From this point of view, she was not wrong, but the method was a bit stupid.

She admitted that she was an idiot this time, so why did she scold herself so fiercely when she couldn't help but take away her first kiss at that time, "Who is she going to reason with?!

The more Hermione thought about it, the more wronged she became. Although Luna couldn't understand what she was thinking, she could understand her changing emotions.

A thoughtful look appeared on Luna's face. She was smart and could easily analyze what happened between Bai Hao and Hermione through the changes in her emotions.

Just now, she read in Hermione's eyes successively grievance, refusal to admit defeat, admitting mistakes, shyness and so on.

Based on her understanding of these two people, she guessed that Hermione should have done something wrong, and this incident had a great impact on herself, which led to Bai Hao having to use some extraordinary means to correct her. mistake.

Luna thought for a while, and she thought of a way to make Bai Hao stop punishing Hermione.

She stood up and came to Bai Hao, tilting her head and looking straight into his eyes.

"What?! Don't try to plead for her!" Bai Hao said angrily, "What she did this time is really stupid, I want to wake her up!"

Luna suddenly stretched out her hands to hold Bai Hao's face: "I just thought of a way to calm you down..."


what the hell?!

Just when Bai Hao was a little confused, Luna suddenly stood on tiptoe and tapped Bai Hao's lips lightly.

Bai Hao felt his brain explode in an instant, and he froze in place in a daze.

who I am?

where am i

what am i doing

Directly asked three soul questions, he felt the mint-like cold touch on his lips, and he was completely dumbfounded.

And Hermione froze in place as she watched this scene.

At such a moment, she felt that her most precious thing was taken away, and she felt that her head was green.

Luna stepped back a few steps with a reddish face, and looked at the two with a smile.

After a while, Hermione, who finally came to her senses, turned pale and black again, and black air began to emerge from her back.

She slowly stood up from the bed, swayed left and right in front of Bai Hao who was still stunned, grabbed Bai Hao's neck with both hands, and shouted loudly:

"Bai Hao Felix, what were you doing just now?!!!!"

The loudness of Hermione's voice instantly spread throughout the entire guild resident, as if it was going to shake the whole resident up.

Harry, who was on the first floor of the guild castle, sat down on the ground looking at the ceiling with a horrified expression. He was stunned by the loud scolding, and he sat down directly on the ground.

Lupine and Sirius even squatted half-squatting like a conditioned reflex, and looked up warily, as if the whole castle was about to collapse.

But Fairy Tail, who was practicing far away in the practice area, looked terrified. They were so frightened that they hid behind the window and shivered.

Ron: "What the hell did Luna do to make Hermione so angry?!"

Zoe: "She won't declare her sovereignty over the president in front of Hermione?!"

Della Ke: "I think Luna usually looks quiet and quiet, she doesn't look like someone who can do something!"

Seamus: "Who knows, Luna is the strangest La Wen Keluo I've ever seen, she doesn't do anything weird.

Zoe: "Based on what I know about Luna, she might really do such a thing!"

Della Ke: "Two girls in the guild fell in love with the president at the same time, why do I feel that we are the ones who suffer?!"

Zoe: "Not two, Viola also likes what the president said..."

Everyone: "Nari?!!!!"

So, from this day on, Bai Hao completely fell into the field of Shura.

Summer vacation, Wiltshire, England, Malfoy Manor.

Bai Hao was invited here because Lucius seemed to have found clues to Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes.

In the original book, Voldemort has a total of seven Horcruxes, and he only remembers some of them.

The snake named Nagini, because Bai Hao directly used Fiendfire to destroy the soul possessed by Quirrell in the first grade, it stands to reason that this Horcrux no longer exists.

The crown of La Wen Claw, because Bai Hao received the inheritance of La Wen Claw in the first grade, and the soul of Voldemort that remained in it had been converted into knowledge and stored in the crown, so this Horcrux was also opened.

In the "Tom Riddle's Diary" stored in the Malfoy family, this handsome guy was burned by the jealous Bai Wu in the second grade.

There is also a Slytherin locket, which Bai Hao slowly remembered later. This Horcrux seems to be related to Sirius’ younger brother Regulus, and the clue is in the old house of the Black family.

As for the fragments of Voldemort's soul on Harry's body, he is still trying to find a way to deal with it, and [World Tree]'s development of soul magic is almost complete.

In other words, there are still three Horcruxes floating outside, and there is no clue about the whereabouts of the two Horcruxes.

He now hopes that Lucius can get some useful clues through his former "friends".

Even better, just tell him where he is, and he flashes directly to a Roxas guillotine, directly splitting Voldemort's soul.

...asking for flowers...0

"Hello, Mr. Felix!" Lucius and Narcissa greeted him at the gate of Malfoy Manor early on.

"Hello, Mr. Lucius!" Bai Hao smiled and shook hands with Lucius, then turned to look at Narcissa, "Hello, Mrs. Narcissa!"

Narcissa: "Welcome, Doctor Fix!"

Lucius: "Let's go in and talk."

The three of them came to the great hall of the Malfoy mansion together.

"Mr. Lucius, what happened to the Horcrux?" Bai Hao asked bluntly as soon as he sat down, otherwise, with Lucius' character, he might have to speak politely before he could get to the point.

"I have found it!" Lucius said seriously, "According to the clues you provided before, I think the Dark Lord is very likely to use the relics of the four founders of Hogwarts to create Horcruxes."

"I started investigating along this thread and finally found some clues in the Bojinbok store.

Bai Hao: "How to say?"

Lucius: "The Dark Lord used to work as a clerk in this store when he was young. During this period, a descendant of the four founders died. This person was Hepzibah Smith."

"Hepziba Smith?!" Bai Hao frowned, "What kind of person is she?"

"Hepzibah Smith was a witch, very wealthy, and an avid collector of magical antiques."

"Horki, her house elf, was still alive, and I proved through it that there were indeed relics of the two founders in the hands of Hepzibah Smith.

"One is Helga Hufflepuff's cup and the other is Slytherin's locket."

"Hepziba died in 1946. According to Hao Qi's description, Hepziba once showed these two relics in front of the young Dark Lord, and not long after that

she died. "

"And her house-elf was identified as the mistress' murderer, on the grounds that poison had been mistakenly placed in her mistress's evening cocoa tea."

Bai Hao: "Where are the gold cup and locket now?"

Lucius and his wife looked at each other, and then went on to say: "The gold cup is probably in the gold curry at Gringotts.

Bai Wu raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

"Although there were many people who followed the Dark Lord back then, there were very few loyal loyalists worthy of his trust." Lucius said, "Bellatrix Lestrange is one of them.

At this time, Narcissa showed a lonely look on her face: "She is my sister, and she is in Azkaban now..."

"Although she was married to Rodolphus Lestrange, she had a crazy obsession with the Dark Lord, and the Dark Lord liked to use her affection for him very much.


"When I went to see her in Azkaban, she inadvertently revealed the location of the gold cup..."

Time goes back to a few months ago.

Azkaban, a heavy crime prison.

All the wizards who have committed serious crimes are imprisoned here, and everyone has the blood of innocent people on their hands.

Most of the Death Eaters who are still alive are imprisoned here, accepting the kiss of the dementor every day, and life is worse than death.

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!! Power).

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