The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 56 Leading The Snake Out Of The Cave (Please Subscribe!)

Aslant Continent, Fiore Kingdom, Tolga Town.

Recently, incidents of missing children have been happening here one after another.

And Bai Hao, who sneaked out from Fairy Tail, is investigating here.

The sun goes down, the night falls....

Because of the continuous disappearances, although it is still early, the doors of every house in the small town are closed, but the lights are brightly lit.

There is no one walking around in the silent street, even if there are no street lights, it is still bright.

Everyone is deeply afraid that their children will be taken away in the dark.

But at this moment, a little boy who was only one meter tall suddenly appeared on the deserted street, looking extremely abrupt.

Bai Wugang, who had become smaller, ran out of a family's house through the window.

Because it is not clear whether the dark mage in the dark knows that he is coming.

So in order to be cautious and avoid arousing suspicion, he found a family and pretended to be a child who was panicked at home and then sneaked out to play at night when his parents were not paying attention.

By the way, why is this script so familiar?

Now the first measure is to lure the snake out of the hole!

Little Bai Hao naturally walked to the Gaga Lake in the town, where children in the town usually like to come and play.

He took out a lamp from his backpack, imitated the appearance of an adult, and started to lead fish...

A gust of wind blew by, and the clouds and mists dispersed "five four seven", and a cold light shone brightly.

The woods and grasslands are covered with a layer of beautiful silver frost, and the shining Gaga Lake embraces the moon in its arms, and the two moons reflect each other between the sky and the earth.

I have been waiting for more than an hour, but there is still no movement around.

The fish basket was gradually filled with all kinds of small fish.

Little Bai Hao continued to perform normally.

I saw him packing up all the equipment and stuffing it back into the accompanying backpack, walking back happily.


With the windows closed, little Bai Hao returned home safe and sound.

The town returned to silence again.


The hooting of owls came from the quiet woods.

A cloud of mist floated slowly, and the grass and trees gradually shed the silver frost under their bodies.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, because Cao Lun is in the sky.

A strange shadow is wandering in the cracks of light in the small town.

It avoided all the light and sneaked into a house without making a sound.

After a while, the black shadow sprang out of the house again, as if nothing had happened, and left in the direction outside the town.

Inside the house, a man and a woman suddenly opened their eyes.

They looked at the emptiness of the bed between the two of them, and glanced at each other, eyes full of fear.

"Honey, what was that just now?" The woman's lips trembled, obviously frightened.

They had just watched a living being drawn into the shadows.

"I don't know, but it's definitely related to the children who disappeared in the town." The man licked his dry lips and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Then...then what should we do now? Are we going to talk to Mayor Kirby?"

"Idiot! What did your mayor say? We should do nothing now!"

"But...but if we are found out, we shouldn't be retaliated against?"

The man was speechless, and his face became ugly.

Who knows about this kind of thing? Why don't we hurry up and run away now?

the other side.

The black shadow who had just left the town showed its prototype shortly after leaving the town.

He is a very thin man, his whole body is like a bamboo pole.

With a shoehorn face, a long hooked nose and slender eyes hanging on the face, he is not a good person at first glance.

The man walked through the clump of trees, turned left and right, and came to a hidden cave, looked around, and went straight in.

In the depths of the pitch-black cave, bursts of orange-red flames are faintly visible, and the sound of the shoes and the sand is very clear here.

"Russell, you're back!" Suddenly, a gloomy voice came from the cave.

"Ah~~ I'm back!" Russell walked out of the darkness lazily and appeared in the firelight.

"Is everything going well?"

"Caught it, it's still a good deal!"

Russell smiled, a black and purple magic circle flashed under his feet, and a short figure suddenly emerged from the shadow.

"To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that my magic can only bring one person, I would still be able to catch another person along the way!"

"Don't do unnecessary things, bastard!"

A tall, acne-stricken man got up from the campfire and walked over to the boy.

He kicked it with his foot, looked at the immature face in front of him, nodded, and showed an evil smile.


"By the way, Kazim, when will those people come over?" Russell sat by the campfire a little impatiently, picked up a grilled fish and pointed to the side, "If they don't come over again, the pickers will die!"

On one side of the huge cave, a dozen thin and weak children were curled up in the corner.

Their hands and feet were tightly bound with thick hemp ropes, their bodies were dirty, their hands and feet were limply drooping on the ground, and their eyes were full of fear.

"It doesn't seem to be too long." Kaqim cut a piece of hemp rope from the wall beside him, "I heard that they have a lot of demand recently."

Russell bit off a piece of fish, and looked at his partner with deep eyes: "Tell me, why do they want so many children, and they also specify that they want one without awakening magic.

"Although I have heard that some nobles like to play something different before, but the price they give seems a bit too high!"

"Stop your curiosity, Russell!"

"If you think too much, you will lose your life. In our business, you must know that some money is not what you should earn. Don't waste your life when you have money."

Kazim gave a warning.

He knew what the guy in front of him was thinking, he just wanted to bypass the middleman and make more money.

"Cut, timid guy!" Russell sneered and muttered in a low voice.

Kazim shook his head helplessly, and started to tie up the new cargo.

And just as he bent down, suddenly a small hand grabbed his face.

Before he could react, he only felt a pain on his face, and his whole body flew out.



Russell stared wide-eyed at his companion who was framed into the wall, with a few drops of cold sweat streaming down his forehead.

He quickly turned his head to look: "Who?!"

"You guys seemed to be talking about something very interesting just now, can you tell me about it in detail?"

At this time, Bai Hao, who had changed back to his original form, was holding a magic ball with one hand, with a cold light in his eyes.

"Are you... a mage from Fairy Tail Guild?!" Russell instantly saw the fairy symbol on Bai Hao's arm.

"Oh~~ You're very knowledgeable!" Bai Hao narrowed his eyes, "Since you know I'm from Fairy Tail, let's talk about your affairs.

"Hehe, don't underestimate people! Smelly brat!" Russell pulled out two sharp daggers from his waist viciously, "There is a price to be paid for meddling in other people's business, children should drink milk at home! "

After finishing speaking, Russell merged into his own shadow, and walked behind Bai Hao at an extremely fast speed, the dagger in his hand stretched out from the shadow and swung towards his neck.

"Go to hell, brat!"

Just when Russell thought he was about to succeed, the reality slapped him hard.

He saw two thick vines firmly fixing his hands, and the fine moss protruding from them made it impossible for him to even move his fingers.

"What... what?!"

"You are using latent image magic, I have seen many sneaky people like to learn this magic before.

Bai Hao had a dangerous smile on his face.

He pulled out the dagger in Russell's hand and kept playing with it, and controlled the vine to pull him out of the shadow and let him open his palm.

"Although I am small, don't really treat me like a child..."

"Bamboo pole man, I think... you'd better tell your secret."

Russell looked in horror at the ten spikes that had been inserted in front of his nails.

The constant tingling sensation made him understand that if he even said a wrong word next, these sharp thorns would pierce into his fingers.

"I say! I say!"

The ugly face contorted for a while.

"I don't know much, I only know that there is a group of people who regularly buy some children, and the prices are very high!"

"But I'm only in charge of bringing people back, I really don't know about other things!"

Bai Hao frowned: "What do those people look like, and where did they come from?"

"I don't know, I only saw them once from a distance, and they were all wearing hoods, so I couldn't see what they looked like!" Russell said tremblingly, "As for where they came from, I don't even know up!"

"Is this like this..." Bai Hao pondered for a while and then continued to ask, "I heard your conversation just now, and you seemed to be directly targeting me. What's going on?"

"It's Kaqim, Kaqim said that there are good goods in that house, and he let me go!" Russell's eyes turned red and he looked behind Bai Hao, "Our 4.7 transactions with that group of people are all He handled it, you can ask him about anything, he must know more than me."

Bai Hao turned his head and glanced at the person behind him who was still rolling his eyes, then turned and walked over.

He waved his hand behind him, and the Kuoxia around him suddenly grew rapidly.

"You... what are you going to do?!"

"Don't! Don't! Please! Don't kill me!!!"

As the shrill screams became weaker and weaker, more green human pupae hung on the roof of the cave appeared in the huge cave.

Bai Hao walked up to Kazim and raised a green magic circle: "Treat!"

And as the healing magic gradually took effect, Trafficker No. 2 gradually woke up.

"This is me..."

Kazim slowly opened his eyes with difficulty.

He remembered that he just wanted to deal with the goods he had just captured, why did he suddenly faint?

By the way, it seems that something knocked him out......

"Yo, wake up!"

A teasing voice sounded, and Kazim's vision gradually became clear.

He saw a boy standing in front of him, looking at him with a smile, he looked like he had just caught the goods.

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