The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 59 [Regeneration] (Please Subscribe!)

"Goddess Isis?"

Hearing this name, Makarov immediately frowned and his face became a little dignified.

"How did you know the name?"

"The location of this mission is in the small town of Tolga. Recently, more than a dozen children have disappeared here...

Bai Hao roughly condensed what happened today into one paragraph.

"The real mayor should be dead, and the adult Ido mentioned should be the mysterious person who bought the child."

"To tell you the truth, I'm out of clues now, and I'm at a loss. Do you know what this Goddess Isis is?"

There was silence on the phone for a while.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, [Rebirth] Church appeared again." Makarov mentioned an organization that Bai Hao had never heard of.

And just hearing the name doesn't feel like a good thing.

"[Rebirth] Church? Grandpa, can you tell me in detail?"

When Bai Hao heard that it was a church, he couldn't help but hang in his heart.

I was a flower grower in my previous life, and religion was always under strict control.

But even so, there were still many serious incidents on the border.

But any rabbit who grew up in a flower garden knows very well the dangers of religious extremism.

And now that a church pops up suddenly, you don't even need to think about it, you know it won't be a big deal.

"Hmm~~ This goes back a long time." Makarov gradually recalled the past in his mind.

"At that time, I was still a child..."

Back in time 80 years ago, in Fairy Tail's guild castle.

Makarov Dolea, who was only eight years old at the time, was still a kid, and he was building a house with 037 colorful building blocks.

But at this moment, there was a commotion, and he looked up and saw his father, Yuri Dolea, communicating with several other mages in the guild with a serious face.

"They became very serious that day, as did the usually childish first generation."

"I didn't know what happened until a few days later, the S-rank mages of the entire guild went out with many people, and they went there for more than three months.

Bai Hao frowned: "They are looking for [Rebirth] Church?"

"Well, that's right!" Makarov on the other end of the phone looked serious, "I later learned from my father that they went out that time to wipe out the regenerated ones."

"In that operation, Mebis, the first guild leader, led the mages of the guild, and formed a coalition army with hundreds of people with several other guilds."

"But when they came back, almost half of them were missing, and everyone alive was wounded, which shows that they paid a very high price."

"What kind of organization is that?" Bai Hao couldn't help asking.

"They are an evil organization formed by a group of people who cannot use magic." Makarov gradually said what he knew about [Regeneration].

[Regeneration]: The establishment time is unknown, and the founder is unknown.

They are composed of a group of people who cannot use magic, and all of these people are people who have been harmed by magic.

They or their relatives have more or less been subjected to various indiscriminate disasters caused by magic.

And their purpose is also very simple, to pursue the power of magic, so that people who cannot use magic can have magic.

They believed in an ancient god.

Cece (cece) is an ancient goddess in charge of life, nature and magical power.

Legend has it that she once used her power to revive her husband Osiris who had been divided into pieces, and gave him stronger power to avenge her murderer.

Hearing this, Bai Hao's face darkened suddenly.

He knew what the Rebirth church wanted those kids to do.

Those beasts are going to do human magic experiments!

In Aslante, people who cannot use magic are theoretically not completely unable to use magic.

Everyone on this continent has magic power in their bodies, the difference lies in talent.

There are two types of talent, one is spiritual comprehension, and the other is physical.

Magic flows in the human body.

A person's adaptability to magic and the circulation of magic in his body determine whether he is qualified to be a mage.

Let's take a simple example.

If you compare all the passages of magic power in the human body to pipes.

The pipes of wizards are unobstructed, while ordinary people seem to be stuffed with cotton and sand.

Although the magic power can barely circulate, but the speed is too slow, and the circulation is not enough.

Just like you want to fill a bucket, wizards can fill it in tens of seconds, while ordinary people need a year or even longer.

[Rebirth] The church wants to break this bondage and completely open up the channels for ordinary people, which inevitably requires a lot of human experiments.

Children who have not yet fully developed are the best guinea pigs.

Thinking of this, Bai Yuan was full of murderous aura.

He is going to kill people now, and kill all those who dare to use children for human experiments!

"It was because of what they did back then that they attracted the crusade of the major guilds. I didn't expect them to pop up again after so many years."

"These lunatics seem to have a powerful power zone that can burn life and temporarily gain the ability to use magic.

"This matter must be reported to the council immediately, otherwise more people will be victimized!"

"Bai Hao, you go back to the guild first, this matter cannot be solved by you alone, there may be a big battle in the near future.

"Hey, did you hear what I said?"

Because the two were thousands of miles away and could only communicate by phone, Makarov couldn't see what Bai Hao looked like now.

But he found that from just now, his grandson was very quiet and didn't say a word.

Then he suddenly realized something, and started to shout into the phone in a stern tone: "Hey! Brat, calm down, don't be impulsive!

"Grandpa..." Bai Hao's voice came from the phone.

Looking at the phone bug in his hand, Makarov couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

At this time, Bai Hao was standing on the scorched ground, and the moon above his head turned red at some point, as if responding to something.

"Grandpa, I'm very calm now." Bai Hao held the phone bug in his hand, no one could see his expression clearly, "Don't worry, I will make those beasts pay the price."


After hanging up the phone, Bai Hao finally revealed his eyes under the bangs, which were blood pupils without any emotion.

"Oops!" Makarov hurriedly got out of bed and changed his clothes, his magic power soared, and he rushed towards the council at an extremely fast speed.

The wind whistled in my ear, and a small figure streaked across the night sky.

Braving the strong wind, Makarov made a call with a phone bug.

Blue! Blue! Blue!


"Hey! Gildas, something went wrong, come back to the guild quickly!

A few days later, news came from the council.

It seems that on the third day after Makarov finished talking with Bai Hao, an extremely fierce battle broke out in the town of Tolga again.

When the members of the council rushed over, several high mountains were razed to the ground.

In the center of the ruins, people found a cross with a beautiful woman tied to it.

Unlike normal people, her skin was lying down, and there were countless red ants crawling on it.

Most importantly, she is still alive......

In the following months, under the organization of the council, the major guilds began to suppress the [Rebirth] Church.

Different from 80 years ago, the scale of the [Rebirth] church this time is even larger, and the power of its believers is also extremely powerful.

From the seized information, we can know that the war 80 years ago did not completely clean up these guys.

A lot of those who slipped through the net reorganized, sneaked into the ground, and began to bribe the nobles by means of coercion and lure, and replace them after they squeezed out the benefits.

They used the identity of the nobility as a cover to bring some unethical experiments to the surface.

They have even established many large and small schools, hospitals, and orphanages to develop believers by various means or to obtain experimental materials for various legitimate and improper reasons.

When seeing this, the members of the council were sweating wildly.

They didn't notice such a large and evil organization just under their noses.

Just yesterday, they caught an undercover agent from (Rebirth Church.

And in Fairy Tail, Makarov has been hearing from Bai Hao sporadically for months.

The brutality of his methods horrified everyone who knew him.

Picking day lilies, Ling Chi, etc., what is cruel?

Thousands of [Rebirth] believers died at the hands of Bai Hao, not including the nobles who helped fund the experiment and the researchers who conducted the experiment.

It all adds up to at least ten thousand people.

Makarov is very worried now.

As a mage, especially a mage who joined a guild to complete entrusted tasks for a living, killing is unavoidable.

But Bai Wu is only 10 years old now, and the methods are so bloody, he can still get it when he grows up.

He didn't want his grandson to become a person immersed in killing.

But in fact, Bai Hao did not become that kind of person.

Half a year after the centralized extermination campaign, the council included the [Rebirth] church in the "critically endangered" list, and the centralized extermination turned into a long-term routine extermination.

During the past six months, Bai Hao traveled all over the world, destroying countless [Rebirth] church sites and underground research institutes.

But it also brought a problem.

What about the rescued children?

They still have their parents and relatives, how can we send them back to Lost?

So under such circumstances, Bai Hao worked hard and finally created a magic [BloodPoint] with [World Tree] that can help children go home.

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!).

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