The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 2 Those Things In The Cabin (Please Subscribe!)

"It's not bad to be able to recover Slytherin's heritage and justify his name.

"However, I still want to ask, what are you going to do if those pure-blood families are desperate to jump over the wall?"

This was Dumbledore's greatest concern.

With Bai Hao's power, if he wants to do something, he can't stop him.

It's the same even with Grindelwald.

Hearing Dumbledore's question, Bai Hao showed a mysterious smile.

He picked up a scarlet candy in the shape of a vampire on the table and played with it.

"Professor, man is also an animal!"

"But it's a pity that most of them, who possess the most intelligent race in the world, have gradually forgotten one thing."

"Survival is always the natural instinct of animals!"

"Whether it's a lion, a snake, an eagle or a badger, their first instinct when facing danger is to run away."

"But people are different. People have humanity, which is why they don't become beasts.

"Unfortunately, human nature contains arrogance and greed, and this will kill most people who forget their instincts."

As soon as this passage came out, Bai Hao's meaning was already obvious.

If pure-blood families could make a difference, he wouldn't do anything to them.

But if some people dare to jump out, then they had better prepare the coffin in advance.

"Professor Dumbledore, this is an invisible war, once it starts, either you die or I live.

"Even without a wand, without a gun, with just a pen, war can be full of blood!"

Crack! Candy shatters. 24 The scarlet sandwich flowed out, filling the mouth with sweetness.

The two were speechless, and the office suddenly fell into silence, only the clock on the wall was ticking.

After a few minutes……….

Dumbledore's eyes were full of helplessness, and he nodded: "Okay, I see!"

In the short few minutes just now, he thought a lot and struggled very much.

He thought about stopping it, but obviously couldn't.

Bai Hao is a man who is both good and evil, moody.

Although on the surface it is very gentle and jumpy, and sometimes even makes some very naive and childish behaviors.

But he could see that the cruelty in Bai Hao's heart was definitely no less than that of Voldemort.

If he dares to stop what he is doing now, there is no doubt that there will be a battle between the two of them, and he will be the one who will die in the end.

Then he thought back to the old Hogwarts.

At that time, he was still a professor of Transfiguration. Even though the young wizards of the four colleges competed fiercely with each other, at least it was benign.

The lion and the snake can also talk and laugh in the corridor, and eat together at the same dining table.

But as hell, there was Voldemort a few decades ago, and then everything changed.

A long time ago, Bai Hao once said that the stubborn conservative thinking in the wizarding world has deeply affected Hogwarts, and maybe at some point a Dark Lord will be cultivated again.

This is a hidden disease.

He tried to change, and changed the cafeteria into meals regardless of the college.

But to no avail, and even exacerbated the contradictions among students to some extent.

Especially Gryffindor and Slytherin, students of these two houses are often forced to sit together, which virtually increases a lot of contradictions.

Bai Hao is right, the biggest obstacle to the progress of the wizarding world is pure bloodism.

If no changes were made, then after a few years, a Dark Lord would be born again in the Dharma Realm.

Will people really be able to fight a Voldemort by then?

or worse , against a grindelwald

"However, I still hope that you will be merciful. After all, some people deserve to die." Dumbledore made a request to Bai Shi that was not considered a request.

"Their choices determine their life and death."

After leaving this sentence, Bai Hao disappeared.

Looking at the empty carpet, Dumbledore was considering whether to go to some pure-blood families to warn them.

But this idea was dismissed as soon as it came up.

Those guys have high self-esteem and often like to look at people with their nostrils. Isn’t it just a hot face and a cold ass when they run over by themselves?!

Let those people die!

However, he still has to make some preparations in advance to avoid big chaos when the time comes.

A few days later, the matter of "Bai Hao Felkes receiving the inheritance of the two founders at the same time" is still continuing to ferment.

His name has spread throughout the wizarding world.

And today is the Quidditch World Cup held every four years, and the final teams are Bulgaria and Ireland.

This is the biggest event in the wizarding world, and almost all Quidditch fans from all over the world will come here.

The stadium in Dartmoor, Devon, was crowded with people and in full swing.

It is said that 10w people can be accommodated here.

And today is also Fairy Tail's semi-annual team building day.

In fact, Bai Hao didn't plan to set the venue of this event here.

What he wants to go is the Aegean Sea, which he has always longed for, and he wants to go there to see the stars!!!

But there is no way, 70% of the members in the guild are Quidditch fans.

As an aside here, Fairy Tail has added two new members this summer.

The first was Ginny Weasley.

I have to say that the Weasleys are all excellent.

Don't think that Ron is bad. He once used his wand that had been folded in half to complete 80% of the transformation of a living creature in the first transformation class of the first grade.

This talent is beyond ordinary people.

And the second one was also a girl.

Della Ke, your wife is gone!!!

Astoria Greengrass was born in the Greengrass family, one of the twenty-eight holy families.

This lovely blond-haired one is arguably the outlier of Slytherin outliers.

It is different from the meanness and domineering of many snake courtyard girls.

Astoria is gentle, understanding, dignified and generous, intelligent and sensitive.

Bai Hao was very surprised when he saw that she had successfully passed his new membership test.

He seriously suspected that the Sorting Hat had a hole somewhere, and it actually sorted such a girl into Slytherin, how nice it is to pull Wen Klaue for me!

Looks like Madam Malkin said a long time ago that she's been meaning to mend the battered roof.

But back to business now.

Stretch Nose, who originally needed a port key to go to Devonshire, was firmly opposed to going in this way.

So Fairy Tail and his crew are heading there in a spaceship they just made.

The wood is gathered from the forbidden forest.

Who told the trees here to grow thick and tall, a few trees are enough wood for a spaceship.

At this time, on the spaceship, except for the Weasley twins and Luna, everyone else was very disturbed.

One is because it is the first time to fly in a spaceship, and it flies very high, so the sense of security is not enough.

The second is because the battle is too big.

Due to the rush of time, Bai Hao only had time to move some beds, sofas and tables onto the ship, and he hadn't had time to equip any other infrastructure.

But that's not the point.

The point is that this spaceship is made into the shape of a whale, more than 120 meters long and 20 meters wide, and it is as high as a five-story building with a huge built-in space.

The long and thick mast still smelled of fresh wood, and the goblin banner was flying high on the top.

This president is too insane, they just want to watch the Quidditch World Cup, do they need to build such a big ship?

By the time we get to Devonshire, all the members of the club will die?!

But at this time, Bai Hao had no time to pay attention to the resentment of the members.

At this moment, he was sitting in front of a dining table, sweating profusely, in front of him was a large pile

"Hermione, what are you doing?" The corners of Bai Hao's mouth twitched, and he forced a smile.

"It's nothing, this is something I learned recently, chocolate mousse cake, try it!"

Hermione completely ignored the strange look on Bai Hao's face, and smiled as she handed over a cake that was dripping with thick syrup.

Bai Hao took it with trembling hands, his face became a little ugly.

By the way, isn't chocolate supposed to be brown?

Why is this mousse blue?!

This doesn't look right!

Bai Wu swallowed, forced a smile: "Hermione, I still don't..."

But before he finished speaking, Bai Hao suddenly felt the temperature around him drop a few degrees, which made his skin crawl.

"I eat, I eat

Bai Hao broke into a cold sweat, and pushed a piece with a spoon tremblingly.

Looking at the distorted skull in the dimension world, the food that is the 560 raw material of this mousse is howling!

With trembling hands, he put the spoon into his mouth.

As soon as he closed his eyes, a feeling of complete disregard for other people's life and death rushed straight to his forehead.

The entrance is a headache of sweetness, followed by a strong salty taste in the mouth, and finally a bitter taste that chokes the throat.

What exactly did this girl put in, how did she make the mousse cake sweet, salty and bitter.

This is quite a biological weapon!

Turning his head to look at Hermione's still smiling face, Bai was very angry.

Good! If that's the case, don't blame me for not being a guest!

He first held his breath and looked around, and after making sure that there was no one there, a dangerous light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He took Hermione's head in his hands with lightning speed, and kissed it all at once.

Before Hermione could react, she felt her lips soften, followed by a strange smell rushing into her nostrils.

She instantly felt what Bai Hao felt just now.

She didn't care about being shy at all, and slapped Bai Hao's hand vigorously to make him let go of herself.

But Bai Hao didn't care about her at all, and continued his "revenge", until he saw that Hermione was almost out of breath, he let go.

"Water! Water!"

As soon as the two separated, they frantically searched for water to drink, and the taste in their mouths was really unbearable.

To be honest, there is no one who can make such a romantic thing like kissing like this.

After a few minutes, Hermione, who had finally cleaned up the smell in her mouth, finally came to her senses.

She glared at the boy who had kissed her forcefully just now with a face of shame and indignation.

"Asshole, you

"What me?!" Bai Hao stared back, looking confident.

Hermione went mad instantly, grabbed Bai Hao's arm and bit down hard.

"Whoa, what are you doing!!!"

There were screams in the cabin.

(Sorry, I went back to the country to entertain guests yesterday, so I don’t have time to code words all day, and there will be another chapter later.)

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!).

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