The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter Eleven Three Magic Wands (Please Subscribe!)

"I may indeed know the secret of the Slytherin wand.


Bai Hao's words made Serafina's face turn from cloudy to bright, and she was trying hard to suppress her excitement.

You know, since the accident with Cymbidium spinosa, she has sought out many people and tried many exercises.

But still to no avail.

And now the light is finally here!

"Luna, come out!" Bai Hao looked at the girl next to him with a smile.

But he found that she had taken out what she wanted.

Luna held an ordinary oak snake stick in her hand, about one meter long, it seemed to be decayed, and it was broken into two pieces.

"what is this?"

Serafina was a little puzzled, what does this have to do with the secret of the rod?

Could it be...

"Principal Serafina, this snake staff was held by Slytherin at the time, and it's made of oak." Bai Hao explained with a smile.

In fact, it is not to blame that Senafina does not know about the oak.

At that time, he specially ordered the beetle to revise the content published in the "Daily Prophet".

Cleverly hides such key, important information as oak and celtic.

After all, there is no shortage of smart people in this world.

If everything is really announced to "330", within a month, the grave in the Irish oak forest will be found.

Let him rest in peace.

After all, apart from a basilisk bone, there is only a stone statue of Slytherin left.


Serafina was lost in thought.

In fact, she was a bit puzzled, even if this snake staff was a personal possession of Slytherin, how could she be sure that the secret of the staff body was oak?

Bai Hao saw her thoughts.

"Principal Serafina, I can't tell you the specific reason, but the person who told you the answer has already arrived.

As soon as the words were finished, a figure holding a book suddenly rushed into the auditorium.

"President, I'm here!" Della Branch arrived.

As soon as he received the notice of Luna's Patronus Charm, he brought "Memories of Salazar Slytherin" non-stop.

"Let me introduce, Dellako Malfoy, one of the members of Fairy Tail, and also the custodian of my designated Slytherin legacy."

"Hello, Mr. Malfoy."

"Oh! Hello, Mrs. Piccolo!" Della realized that there were other people present, and hurriedly bowed in a dignified manner.

"Della Branch, get the Slytherins out!"

Seeing that the two had finished greeting each other, Bai Hao ordered.


After agreeing, Della immediately opened "Memories of Salazar Slytherin", then took out a small bottle containing red liquid from his pocket, and poured a drop on it.

A dim green light flashed, and after a while, the old Slytherin appeared in front of everyone.

This man is Salazar Slytherin?!

Not only Serafina, but also her student Anne and Dumbledore, who had been silent not far away, felt a little unbelievable.

A "living" person who died thousands of years ago suddenly appeared in front of you, and anyone would feel a little dreamy.

But in fact, only Bai Hao and Della Ke know that this Slytherin is actually a robot, or a puppet, who can only answer questions.

You ask him a question, and he will give a detailed answer to the question.

But you didn't ask a question, and he just kept floating there.

And if he can't answer the questions you ask, he will always float there like a ghost.

Bai Hao: "Slytherin, I want to ask you, have you ever made three wands that you think are the most satisfying?"

Slytherin: "Yes."

Bai Hao: "Tell me in detail!"

Slytherin opened one hand, and a black wand with a serpentine handshake was suspended in the palm.

"This is the first wand I made, queer wood and oak, with the heart string of the death bird as the heart, which was later broken while defending Hogwarts.

The wand changed, and a dark green wand inlaid with silver and crystal at the junction of the pupil and the body appeared in front of everyone.

"This is the second wand I made, snakewood and oak, with the horn of the horned water serpent as the heart, and I gave it to my daughter Essina Slytherin before I buried myself.

Transformed again, the last wand was gold-plated, with a round red gemstone inlaid in the handshake, which seemed to be flowing with blood.

"This is the third wand I made for my good friend Godric Gryffindor. It is date wood and fir wood. The tail of the Chimera is Du Xin. It is also defending Hogwarts.

After the introduction, the Slytherin fell silent.

And the answer is already obvious.

Salazar Slytherin, a master wand master who has mastered the technique of making double-barrel wands.

He likes to add the druid's holy wood: oak to the wand he uses.

If you want to save the spinosa tree in Ilvermorny School, you need to master the double-layer wand technique and rebuild a new wand.

To be honest, it's not easy.

I have to admit that wand making is actually a very profound knowledge.

Two kinds of wood are stacked together to make a wand, how to solve the mutual repulsion between them is a huge problem.

Who doesn't want their wand to explode out of control when casting a spell?!

But on the contrary, if it can be realized, the power of the magic wand will not be as simple as 1+1=2.

"Mr. Felkes, can you tell me about your conditions?" Serafina asked very bluntly.

She doesn't think it's so easy to get the double-layer wand technology [because this technology is a very big impact and change for wand makers all over the world.

"Principal Serafina, I have a proposal here, let's see if you can accept it."

Bai Hao thought for a while, but decided not to give away this technology, so he thought of another way

Ten minutes later, Rafina took Annie and left.

When he left, his face was calm, but he could see a trace of unwillingness in his eyes. It seemed that although the negotiation was settled, the price he paid was a bit high.

After seeing off the two people, there were only four people left in the auditorium.

"Della Ke, Luna, you go back first. Bai Hao glanced at the two of them, he still has some things to deal with.

"Okay!" Della Co put away "Memories of Salazar Slytherin" and turned to leave.

"I'll go back first, remember the night's agreement." Luna stretched out her hand to arrange the harp necklace around Bai Hao's neck, and then left.

"Ahem, you are still young, you can't

After watching Luna leave, Dumbledore coughed a few times and spoke in a persuasive tone of elders.

"I said, what are you thinking about, you old bee all day long?!" Bai Hao turned his head with a black line, and at the same time couldn't help calling out Dumbledore's nickname...

But Dumbledore didn't care about these details.

He took out a palm-sized crystal bottle from his arms, and saw a thick golden-red liquid shaking in it, faintly shimmering, a little dreamy.

"Is the method you said really feasible?"

"It is possible in theory, but whether you succeed or not in the end depends entirely on yourself." Bai Hao replied calmly, "Professor, I am curious, your transfiguration is obviously no less than that of Professor McGonagall, but why do you Didn't you plan to practice Animagus?".

"Actually, there is no special reason, just because the leaves of mandella grass affect eating food!"

"Just like at the dinner party just now, the ice cream is so tempting, but if I have a leaf in my mouth, then I just can't taste its deliciousness."

"Oh my god, that was a nightmare!.

While talking, Dumbledore suddenly showed an expression of fear and disgust.

It was obvious that he hated the Mandella leaf that he had held in his mouth for a full month a while ago.

I have to say, it’s an old bee!

Bai Hao sighed in his heart, then looked up at the dark clouds rolling overhead: "At today's dinner party, the spell on the ceiling was out of control again, but this also means that there will be a storm tonight."

"But are you sure it's tonight? If you can't make it through, Hogwarts will be leaderless, and the Five-wizard Tournament may also come to a standstill."

"It's okay, Minerva supports me to do this." Dumbledore smiled, he was not afraid of death, "And even if I die, Hogwarts will only lose an old man with a white beard, Minerva and Severus will take care of everything."

Bai Hao nodded after listening: "Alright then, since you have already made up your mind, let's go."

"But we need to find a remote place, the movement of your transformation may not be smaller than mine..."

In the Gryffindor dean's office, the vice-principal's office, Professor McGonagall is sorting out the textbooks for tomorrow's class. 4.9

The first class tomorrow is for the first grade.

The newly enrolled little wizards are just in need of laying the foundation, and this is also the most difficult stage to teach.

There are so many guests in the school now, as the deputy headmaster of Hogwarts, he must not send the school's face.

And just as Professor McGonagall was lighting up the night battle, a voice distracted her instantly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was a knocking sound outside the window.

Hearing this familiar voice, Professor McGonagall instantly became angry: "I've said it many times, Mr. Felkes, the window is not the entrance to the office, and it's on the second floor!


The window was opened, and Bai Haofei only said a word outside the window.

"Professor McGonagall, it's time for Professor Dumbledore!"

In the dim office, there was the sound of a quill falling.

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!)

(Brothers and friends, I need to report something to everyone here, because YQ happened here, and I was temporarily transferred to do FY work, so the update may not be stable for a while, but the time should not be too long Long, after all, it is not too serious, I try my best to write more words every day.).

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