The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 13 The Glory Of The School (Please Subscribe!)

After helping to deal with Dumbledore's affairs, Bai Hao left.

He hasn't forgotten an agreement with the girl.

The Astronomy Tower is the tallest tower at Hogwarts.

Bai Hao came here instantly from the valley with magic, and saw two figures waiting for him here.

and many more!

How is it two?!!!

Bai Hao's eyes widened, and he looked at the other girl besides Luna in shock, cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

"Hermione, you...why are you here?!" The corners of Bai Hao's mouth twitched.

It's over! Looks like the plan to see the stars tonight is going to go bust!

This is an agreement between him and Luna, and they will watch the stars together regularly at night.

Just as Bai Hao closed his eyes and was about to accept the Shura field, the reality was completely different from what he had imagined.

Hermione didn't speak, but pulled Bai Hao to her side and pushed him down.

And she herself lay down next to her.

what's going on?!

Bai Hao looked at Luna who was also lying next to him, and a big question mark appeared on his head.

In this way, Bai Hao and the two girls slept in the tower all night with anxiety. (Don't get it wrong!)

First week of school at Hogwarts.

The Goblet of Fire is placed in the school's auditorium.

The holding of the Five-wizard Tournament caused the dopamine level in Hogwarts to soar.

All the little wizards in the school who are qualified or not are excited to write their names on the parchment, dreaming of becoming the warriors of the five-wizard competition and gaining eternal glory.

Needless to say, those who are over 17 years old are eligible.

The focus is on those little wizards who are underage, they are constantly looking for the wrong door.

To prevent students under the age of 17 from putting their names into the Goblet, Dumbledore placed a powerful spell around the Goblet of Fire.

As long as those who do not meet the age requirements want to get close to the Goblet of Fire, they will either be bounced away or be backlashed by magic.

Therefore, some young wizards used the confusion spell when they were fooled by the Weasley twins, and they were directly thrown out of the gate of the auditorium.

And it is even worse after drinking the aging potion, the effect of the potion is counterproductive, and he becomes old.

So Madam Pomfrey has been quite busy recently.

And, there is a very interesting phenomenon after the registration starts.

The students of the other four magic schools all found that those who went astray were all Hogwarts students, and they didn't seem to want to challenge Fairy Tail in the past.

To this question, the students of Hogwarts gave a unified answer: Hehe...

Because the age limit rule was announced by Barty Crouch at the end, the other four schools did not know about it, so a large part of their delegation was under 17 years old.

Therefore, based on this situation, the young and energetic teenagers tried Fairy Tail for the qualification of being a warrior and also to obey the arrangement of the school, and began to challenge the members of Fairy Tail from time to time.

In this regard, Bai Hao only gave one sentence to everyone in the guild: Do not use the power of the magic circle.

In fact, he was afraid that the students of these four schools would be hit too hard.

this is not good!

Although they still can't get through...

"Petrificustotalus all petrified.~!"

A spell flew out, and one of Armstrong's students fell to the ground before he could react.

"Good!!!" The surrounding Hogwarts students clapped their hands.

This is the atrium lawn of Hogwarts, and it is the venue for the duel of wizards that was temporarily selected.

"Temporary" means that I have caught you anywhere in the school, and I will have a duel on the spot.

After all, the goblins said that we don't have that much time to run a fixed duel arena.

Just now, two Armstrong students were walking with their friends in the corridor on the first floor, and suddenly heard that the girl who was reading in the corridor in front was a member of Fairy Tail

So the boys got excited and rushed forward to challenge, but they were beaten up by Zhang Qiu, and they were knocked to the ground before they could make it to the third move.

Really lose one's life!

Krum who rushed over looked at his two juniors, feeling annoyed and embarrassed at the same time.

Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a relatively special school. It never admits Muggle-born students and is notorious for highlighting black magic in its courses.

The Unforgivable Curse, a spell banned by the Ministry of Magic, is common knowledge in Durmstrang.

And this teaching mode also means that the students of Durmstrang will have a strong individual combat effectiveness.

But now what?!

It's okay for you to lose the duel, but it's better to lose anyway!

Facing a girl, neither of them could support it for two minutes!

If this is passed back to the school, the two of them might be sprayed to death!

"Stop!" Krum stopped Zhang Qiu who was about to leave.

Although I really don't want to cause trouble, but for the honor of the school, I must find the place.

"Are you coming to the duel too?" Zhang Qiu frowned and turned his head indifferently.

These guys are really annoying, disturbing her reading!

"Yes! I'm going to challenge you to a duel!" Then Krum drew his wand from his waist.

What a hassle...

Zhang Qiuyou held the still warm wand in his hand again.

She doesn't want to fight, but for the glory of Hogwarts and Fairy Tail, she has to.

Lest anyone call her school and guild cowards!

And just when Zhang Qiu was about to make another move, a young man stopped her.

"Wait a minute!" Lisa Dupin took Zhang Qiu's hand.

"Lisa, what are you doing?" Zhang Qiu looked at her friend suspiciously, she was thinking of going back to read after finishing soon!

"You don't need to do anything, I'll do it!" Lisa Dupin pulled out her magic wand with determination in her eyes, "It's impossible for you to fight every time you meet these people. If you want to challenge you, you must pass me first!"

"You're from Fairy Tail too?" Krum frowned.

"No!" Lisa took a step forward.

"Then I don't want to fight with you, I'm only looking for Fairy Tail people!"

"Stop looking down on people!" Lisa held up her wand in front of her, "I am a student of La Wen Keluo!"

After speaking, a silent spell was issued instantly.

Krum had been prepared to dodge to the side, but before he could stand still, two more curses came one after another.

"Clean water is like spring Aguamenti, freeze Ice quickly!"

A slippery block of ice instantly appeared where Krum was standing.

Seeing that he was about to slip, Krum quickly lowered his center of gravity, "Ten rolls to prevent myself from appearing embarrassed.

I have to say, it's a good thing to be the man who can lead the team to the Quidditch World Cup finals, the reaction is really fast!

"You!!!" Krum stared at Lisa, trying hard to suppress his anger.

"What are you! I've given you time to react, otherwise you thought you could escape these curses?!" Lisa's face was full of disdain.

When she raised her wand just now, she was telling her opponent that she was going to attack.

Hearing Lisa's ridicule, Krum was suddenly furious.

At this moment, he didn't care whether the opponent was from Fairy Tail or not, just raising the wand was casting a spell.

"Flaming Incendio!"

"The obstacles are Impedimenta!"

A wall of earth sprang from the ground to block the incoming fireball.

Immediately afterwards, countless spells flew around the two of them, forcing all the young wizards watching back.

As soon as the battle started, the two fought on equal terms.

Lisa is three grades lower than Krum. If this gap is placed among ordinary students, the gap in strength is very large.

Because no matter which magic school they are in, the fifth grade students have to take the ordinary wizard exam O.W.L.S, and then take the ultimate wizard exam N.E.W.T. in the seventh grade.

Krum has just entered the seventh grade now, and he passed the O.W.L.s exam with excellent results before. In everyone's eyes, it is almost a matter of course that he passed the N.E.W.T.

And Lisa Dupin is only a fourth grader now, and she has not even started to learn about O.W.L.s. She doesn't know many advanced spells and spell derivations.

So it stands to reason that Lisa is definitely not Krum's opponent.

But it is a coincidence that, except for the newly recruited Eagles, all of La Wen Keluo have received Bai Hao's inhumane training.

So although Krum's attainments in magic spells are stronger than Lisa's, but in applying the magic spells to actual combat, Krum is much weaker than Lisa.

For example, the little wizards who watched the battle just now saw:

When Krum used [Oppugno], Lisa cleverly used [Glisseo] on her robe to make the stone bullets hit her slide away.

The duel lasted for several minutes and gradually drew to a close.

At the same time, the two issued the final spell that would determine the outcome.

~Thunderbolt Explosion Confringo!"

"Call the gods to protect Expectopatronum!"

An incomplete Butterfly Patronus crashed into a lightning spell with a silvery ray of light.

A dazzling white light flashed, and the little wizards watching the battle slowly put down their hands that were blocking their faces.

On the lawn, two figures stood upright at both ends of the grass, pointing at each other with their magic wands.


Durmstrang's students looked at Lisa on the lawn in disbelief.

Their side is the most outstanding student in Durmstrang, and the opposite is just an unknown Hogwarts senior La Wen Keluo...

Are all these Hogwarts students monsters?!

"Oh~~nice!!!" The little wizards of Hogwarts all jumped up excitedly.

That's it?! That's it?!

This is your Durmstrang's best student?!

A*la you!!!

Looking at Lisa who was surrounded by the crowd not far away, Krum's face was a little dark.

He is not unwilling to admit defeat, nor is he unconvinced.

He just hated himself for losing.

Facing a girl who was obviously younger than him, and whose attainments in magic spells were also obviously lower than him, the result was just a tie.

This is a loss for him!

No way, the students of Durmstrang left in despair.

So far after the First World War, the four magic schools have a better understanding of the current Hogwarts and Fairy Tail...

On the third day of school, there is Defense Against the Dark Arts class today.

Literally the first quarter of the whole school!

The class was attended by Gryffindor fourth graders.

Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Alastor Moody limped in, leaning on his cane.

"Goodmorning! Ladies and gentlemen!"

"Goodmorning! Professor Moody!"

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!)

(My YQ here has gradually stabilized, and if I'm lucky, I'll be able to resume normal updates in two days! And).

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