The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 15 Which Of The Five Choices? (Please Subscribe!)

Time flies, time soon came to Thursday.

Tonight, the long-awaited list of warriors for the Big Five Tournament will be announced.

Hogwarts also prepared a very rich dinner for this.

In the auditorium, the crowd was bustling - bumping into each other.

Everyone is discussing: who is the one who can get the qualification to fight for that honor tonight.

Dumbledore looked at the pocket watch in his hand, it was time...

He hurriedly walked to the Goblet of Fire, facing everyone, holding his vocal cords in his hand: "Everyone, please be quiet~

Everyone turned their heads and turned their eyes to the podium.

"Students, please go back to your seats, the Goblet of Fire will soon select the warriors who will win this five-wild competition!"

Hearing that the time had come, the little wizards hurried back to their seats and sat down, nervously waiting for the announcement of the list.

Dumbledore waved and extinguished all the braziers used as lighting in the Great Hall, and the blue fire light of the Goblet of Fire shone on everyone's faces.

Dumbledore looked up at the Goblet of Fire: "At this moment, it is everyone's long-awaited selection of warriors, and the list will be announced soon!"

As he said that, the blue flame suddenly shrank into a ball and turned rose red, and then a piece of parchment that was still burning with sparks flew out of the fire.

Dumbledore reached out to catch it.

Glancing at the names on the parchment, he announced aloud: "Viktor Krum, Champion of Durmstrang!"

Durmstrang's seat burst into applause.

Krum also clenched his fists tightly, a flame of longing for victory ignited in his heart.

He got off his seat, shook hands with Dumbledore, turned around and walked towards the underground lounge prepared for the warriors.

The flame of the rose-red flame ignited again.

Holding the second parchment, Dumbledore shouted: "Fleur Della, Champion of Beauxbatons!"

A beautiful and proud girl walked out of the crowd surrounded by applause.

Clear blue eyes, long cascading silver hair, very neat and white teeth.

Coupled with a quarter of Veela blood on her body, everyone's eyes are attracted to her.

Immediately afterwards, the third and fourth sheets of parchment were spit out by flames.

"Warrior of Ouagadou, Gatubaneta

"Warrior of Ilvermorny, Anne Stewart..."

Finally it was Hogwarts' turn.

With a rose red flame, Dumbledore finally got the list of the fifth warrior.

"Hero of Hogwarts, Cedric Diggory!!!"


There was thunderous applause in the auditorium, and Hogwarts students and professors were all waving their palms with all their might.

Now they only have one thought, and that is to win!

Not to mention that Cedric is from Fairy Tail, just look at his usual grades are very good.

At this time, Bai Hao also clapped his hands with a smile.

In fact, he didn't restrict the members of the guild to participate in the Five Powers Tournament at all.

After all, for many wizards, it is definitely a great honor to win the game.

He only gave one requirement to everyone who wants to participate: you can participate in the competition, but you can't use the power zone.

Otherwise it would be too much of a bully!

All five warriors have been selected.

Dumbledore spread his palms excitedly: "Now, all the warriors have been selected, but in the end only one can go down in history!

"There is only one who can lift the championship trophy in the end!"

"The symbol of this victory is the Flying Dragon Cup!"

As Dumbledore's voice fell, everyone followed the direction of his finger.

Barty Crouch lifted the red cloth covering the trophy, and a dazzling trophy caught people's eyes.

The transparent and pure crystal was hollowed out and formed into a pentagon, with a dragon made of mithril attached to each edge, and the entire trophy was exuding a dreamlike ice blue light.


The little wizards all shouted excitedly, and the professors also applauded.

But there is one exception.


Dumbledore heard a familiar voice and turned to look at Snape.

I saw him frowning, staring at the direction behind him with a strange expression on his face.

Only then did Dumbledore hear the hiss of flames coming from his ears.

He hastily turned his head to look.

The flame on the Goblet of Fire was still beating, and it turned rose red again under the shocked eyes of everyone.

A piece of parchment flew out.

Dumbledore looked at the name on it in surprise: "Harry Potter?! Harry Potter!"

The auditorium suddenly fell into silence

I knew it!!!

Bai Hao sighed helplessly.

Since the beginning of school, he has had a feeling: the power of world correction may show its power again, and Harry and Cedric will most likely be elected as the warriors of the Five Powers Tournament together like in the original book.

But in fact, the development of things was a bit beyond his expectation.

Before everyone could react, the flame turned red again.

Shocked Dumbledore announces the seventh warrior: "Dellaco Malfoy!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, but it wasn't over yet

The Goblet of Fire spit out two parchments again.

"Hermione Granger!"

"Luna Lovegood!"

Everyone stared at the Goblet of Fire as if under a petrification spell.

After waiting for a few minutes, I was relieved when I saw that the tower was finally silent.

In the end, the Goblet of Fire selected 9 warriors.

It's just unbelievable!

Even Dumbledore, who was usually calm and composed, couldn't sit still now.

too exaggerated!

It would be reasonable if there was only one more Harry, but now there are 4 more people than the stipulated number.

This is equivalent to saying that the probability of Hogwarts winning this competition has reached a terrifying 55.5%.

This is definitely unacceptable to the other four magic schools.

You have more people participating in Hogwarts than our four schools combined, and everyone who can be selected by the Goblet of Fire must be a good player.

What's colder than this?!

The trophy will be given to you directly, you can play it yourself!

Seeing this, Dumbledore quickly dragged the four principals and Barton Crouch to the underground lounge to discuss.

As for the five people who were already in the lounge, they watched their school's principal walk in cursingly with a dazed expression.

"Dumbledore, what's going on here?! You have to give an explanation!" Carloff first began to question.

...asking for flowers...

"I don't know, it should be said that the Goblet of Fire can't go wrong!" Dumbledore frowned and walked a few steps back and forth on the red carpet.

"Did someone tamper with the Goblet of Fire?" Madam Maxim asked.

"The Goblet of Fire was a powerful alchemy tool created by Nico Flamel combined with goblin alchemy, and it was enchanted by Nick himself. Even I can't interfere with it." Dumbledore replied.

"Ilvermorny absolutely cannot accept five Hogwarts students participating in the competition, it's unfair to all of us!" Serafina also expressed her opinion on behalf of the school.

"Albus, now we must come up with a solution, otherwise we will have to re-select the warriors." Bajid looked very serious, "Even worse, the game will have an infinite break."

Listening to the words of several principals, Dumbledore fell into deep thought.

The living room suddenly fell into silence, only the matches in the fireplace were crackling.

And the five warriors also looked at each other in blank dismay, no one knew what happened.

After more than ten seconds, Dumbledore said to Professor McGonagall beside him: "Minerva, please ask Bai Hao to come here."

"Okay!" Professor McGonagall turned and quickly walked out of the lounge.

In the auditorium, everyone was "whispering".

Students from the four wizarding schools cast unfriendly glances at the little wizards at Hogwarts.

They all think that Hogwarts is using some shady tricks!

And at this moment, everyone saw Professor McGonagall hastily come back and walked straight to Bai Hao.

"Mr. Felix, please come with me."

Bai Hao sighed helplessly: "No need, I can figure out what you want from me with my toes. The five of them are all from Fairy Tail. I can't get away from it."

"Tell the five principals, I will handle this matter, just wait a while!"

After finishing speaking, he used two spatial magics to take away Cedric in the lounge and the four people in the auditorium. No one knows where they went...

Underground lounge.

"Minerva, where's Bai Hao?!" Dumbledore looked at the empty space beside Professor McGonagall, and couldn't help but be puzzled, "Also, where did Digory go?"

They just watched people disappear!

"Felx went out with five guys and he said the problem would be sorted out soon."

As soon as Professor McGonagall finished speaking, everyone in the basement suddenly felt a burst of vibrations and muffled noises.

Dumbledore froze for a moment, then immediately thought of something, nodded: "Okay, I see!"

"Four principals, please wait patiently, it shouldn't take too long..."

Just like that, several principals returned to the auditorium, calmed down the students, and waited silently together.

half an hour later...


When everyone heard that the door of the auditorium was opened, they all looked curiously.

I saw Bai Hao walked in with the four people in a panic, and came in front of the five principals.

"Cedric Diggory and Hermione Granger, will take part in this five-wizard tournament"

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!! mouth).

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