The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 17 Let's Face The Blast! Della Branch! (Dazhang Begs To Subscribe!)

"Do you want to be so cruel?! Cedric!!!"

Harry looked at the huge green plant monster in front of him with cold sweat.

Judging from the effect of his attack on the vines just now, with that regeneration speed, he can't beat Cedric even after exhausting the magic power in his body.

However, he can't admit defeat like this, how will he know if he doesn't try?!

As a result, Harry's magic power also skyrocketed, and he pointed his wand forward, and a magic circle with a diameter of several meters appeared in front of him.

[Crush] The huge beam directly hits, and the huge body of the monster is directly broken into thousands of squares.

But before the monster started to collapse, tentacles suddenly crazily grew out of the decomposed blocks, and reassembled the body that was about to collapse.

It's too stupid, how can I fight this?!

Harry fired several [Smash] shots, but it still had no effect.

Now he suddenly regretted why he didn't learn the fire dragon slayer magic with Seamus.

What plants are most afraid of is fire!!!

But in fact, Cedric was not as relaxed as he imagined. He was standing at the end of the monster's field of vision, trying hard to maintain the operation of the magic circle.

【Life Profound Meaning—Life and Flow: The Essence of Nature】

It has been more than a year since the development of this magic, and this is the first time he has used the complete body.

Every plant on the spirit of nature needs his precise control of magic power to control its growth.

Injecting too much magic power will not work, too much vitality, and the plant will explode directly when it swells.

But too little magic power is not enough, the vitality of the operation is not enough, and the plants cannot be born quickly.

And with his current ability, he can maintain this huge plant assembly for about 5 minutes at most, and his spirit can't hold it anymore.

Must be quick!

With a wave of the wand in his hand, two huge root systems of the spirit of nature burst out from the ground suddenly, its head swelled into a ball, and two large groups of brown liquid flew towards Harry like cannonballs

"What?!" Harry quickly manipulated the Levitation Curse to dodge.

But floating is not real flying after all, the attack came suddenly, he was still one step slower after all.

24 A few drops of liquid got on the skin, and a burning sensation came from the arm.

"This is the juice from the pustules of scabies!" Harry looked at the red sores on his arms, his scalp went numb for a moment.

[Scabies pus root]: An ordinary poisonous magic plant, its rhizome contains a kind of sap, once people touch it, large and itchy scabies will grow. It is a common raw material for magic medicine.

But it is strange that the sap of scabies pus root can fertilize the land after certain processing, so Professor Sprout often likes to keep a few barrels in the three greenhouses of Hogwarts .

But the smell is very smelly, and some playful little wizards are often sent to Mrs. Pet Frey.

The camera returns to Harry's side...

Now he not only has to deal with the sap shells of scabies pus root, but also is tired of dealing with another plant.

There are countless tentacle tentacles on the direct nature spirit.

They are throwing out the red fruits growing from their bodies.

[Explosive fruit]: A magical fruit produced by a small shrub, the whole body is dark red, and it will explode when it receives a certain pressure, but the power of the explosion is limited to a faint tingling and redness of the skin. Good prank props, the Weasley twins often like to collect this thing.

But at present, because of the blessing of plant magic, the explosive fruit, which was originally only the size of a soybean, has now become a proper cannonball the size of a football.

Facing the scabies pus root juice shells that hit the ground from time to time and the explosive fruits that kept flying from the sky.

Harry could only keep releasing large-scale [Smash] to avoid being injured.

So soon, his magic power will run out.

Although the power of smashing magic is powerful, it also leads to the huge consumption of magic power in this process.

So now he must start to reduce the release of [Smash], increase the distance, and hit consumption.

In fact, Harry is not a fool. With such a huge body as the spirit of nature, Cedric must consume a lot of magic power, and it will not last long!

On the other side, the highest point of the essence of nature.

Cedric couldn't help but be delighted to see Harry gradually pulling away from him.

He knew that his opponent had been fooled!

I saw Harry fighting and retreating.

The juice shells at this distance seemed to be unable to hit him, so he focused all his attention on dealing with the bomb fruit flying from the sky, and he didn't even notice that a few roots had grown into the soil under his feet.

"The outcome is decided, Harry!" Cedric smiled and waved his wand lightly.

Two huge "ginseng" suddenly jumped out of the ground.

Harry was stunned for a moment, and when he took a closer look, an ugly human face came into view.

He only felt his head buzzing, and he couldn't help shouting in horror: "Man Della grass!!!"

As soon as the words fell, the two newly unearthed larvae of Mandella immediately let out harsh calls.

Unprepared, Harry rolled his eyes, passed out in an instant, and started to fall freely.

Seeing this, Cedric quickly manipulated the plants to catch Harry safe and sound.

So, in this duel, Cedric Diggory won!

On the other side, the duel between Hermione and Dellaco started almost at the same time on Cedric's side.

Both of them used dragon slayer magic.

Hermione is the sky, and Della is the lightning.

Sky Dragon Slayer Magic has absolute sky advantage and endurance, while Thunder Dragon Slayer Magic has speed advantage and powerful single-body explosive power.

On the surface, the two kinds of magic are comparable, but in fact...

"The Roar of the Dragon!!!" Hermione first spread her wings and flew into the sky, launching a tentative attack on her opponent.

A huge tornado hit the ground.

A flash of lightning flashed under Della Ke's feet, and he dodged it easily.

At the same time, the yellow magic circle in his hand suddenly lit up, and a thick golden lightning pierced through the sky, making a huge roar at the same time.


And Hermione, who had been prepared for a long time, flapped her wings and dodged the attack with an explosive acceleration.

Then, she began to glide in the sky, and a small blue magic circle rotated on her wrist.

Following several muffled sounds, several air cannons flew towards Della on the ground.

Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!

The air cannon hit the ground, and the compressed air was released again, causing bursts of explosions.

Hermione looked at the billowing dust and smoke on the ground, but there was no movement.

Della Ke's speed was very fast, she knew very well that her attack would not be able to hit him so easily.

"Where did you go?!"

Logically speaking, the magic of the Della family is so dazzling, even if it is blocked by dust, it can still be seen.

Sure enough, before she could think about it, two golden flashes flashed through the dust and mist.

"Dragon Slayer Magic—Razer!!!" Della shouted loudly.

Two huge pythons transformed from thunder and lightning flew out of the magic circle in his hands, and rushed straight to the sky at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, Hermione dodged quickly, sending out two tornadoes with both hands to block it.

But the two Thunder Snakes seemed to be equipped with navigation, their winding bodies directly bypassed the wind pillar, and continued to fly towards their target.

Hermione flapped her wings and constantly changed directions in the air to avoid Razer's attack.

After seeing that her attacks were ineffective several times, she found an air strike and pointed her wand forward.

"Sky Magic---Wind Barrier!!!"

A huge wind wall rose from the sky, and the mighty Thunder Snake couldn't dodge and slammed into it, and was instantly absorbed by the wind wall.

Bai Hao looked at it from a distance and just wanted to say: face the blast! Della Ke!

And as Hermione turned her wrist, the shape of the wind changed again under her control...

Della Branch stood on the ground, looking at Hermione in the sky from a distance.

She seemed to be waving.

But why didn't I see any attack?

And at this moment, human beings' biological instinct for danger perception made him suddenly get goosebumps all over his body.

Sure enough, just as Dellaco had just activated his magic to escape, a stabbing pain in his back and arms made him almost stagger and fall to the ground.


While moving at high speed, Della looked back.

There was nothing but broken stones and some broken leaves of plants.

However, faint swishing sounds came into the ears.

Della Branch only felt a chill on his scalp.

So he quickly found a huge rock and hid.

But before he had time to catch his breath, Della suddenly saw a bush in front of him that seemed to be smashed by something instantly.

He quickly summoned the fragments of those bushes into his hands with the Flying Charm.

On closer inspection, there are many extremely small cavities in the broken leaves.

This violent woman has weathered into invisible needles!

Dellake understood what happened to the attack just now, and suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

That bush was smashed by countless needles!

How to fight this TNND?!

This violent woman is the only person in the guild other than the president who can fight in the sky.

She can see her position at any time through air superiority, and launch long-range attacks at any time.

But what about yourself?!

The Lightning Dragon Slayer magic is too eye-catching when activated, which is equivalent to reporting the coordinates to the opponent.

The violent woman is in the sky, with such a long attack distance, she can have enough time to avoid and deal with it.

No matter how powerful this thunderbolt is, what's the use if it can't hit people?!

In addition, although his magic is fast and explosive, but the attack range is too small.

And Violent Girl's magic skills are all AOE!

Thinking of this, Della's head was in a mess.

How can I use my strengths?!

He glanced at the distant sky, where there was a small black spot that was constantly avoiding unknown attacks.

Della knew very well that there was another way to make himself fly.

But that method also depends on who the opponent is. The current situation is no different from an egg hitting a stone.

And at this moment, Hermione started her air cannon attack again.

She wants to force Della to come out.

Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!

Della Ke covered his head and kept lowering his body instinctively.

At the same time, he was also observing the surrounding environment, his mind running rapidly.

Soon, he found his goal.....

Above the sky, the magic circle in Hermione's hand was constantly flickering.

Whenever the blue light flashes once, the fired air cannon will be fired.

"Not coming out yet?!"

Hermione frowned as she looked at the big rock that had been cracked by herself.

If you come out, don't blame me for being rude!

The magic circle in his hand suddenly grew bigger.

Just when she wanted to intensify her attack, Della finally made a move.

After seeing the huge rock, countless Della families suddenly rushed out at a very fast speed, and scattered in one direction at the same time.

"Mirroring photos, old routine!

Hermione smiled.

This move was developed by Della to deal with Harry before, and she has seen it countless times in the guild.

So she is very clear about what this magic ability looks like.

But even so, she really couldn't tell which one was the real body of the Della family.

That being the case………….

Hermione's magic power soared, and a huge blue magic circle lit up behind her, and complex lines formed a majestic dragon head in the circle.

Then, the wings stretched infinitely, and the white feathers shimmered, becoming more and more solid.

This is the largest range AOE skill she has developed so far.

"The Profound Truth of Dragon Slayer——Wind's Edge——The Feather and Rain Falling from the Sky!"

Countless feathers shot towards the ground like bullets ejected from the chamber.

A large-scale rain of knives began to rain on the huge duel field.

Shh! Shhh!! Shhh!!!

Countless ear-piercing sounds sounded, and the clones of the Della family were all beaten into hedgehogs in an instant. …

Hermione observed carefully: "How come, it's all fake!"

She did not find the Della family.

How did he escape from such a large-scale attack?!

At the same time, Della Ke, already covered by his avatar, was standing on a high mountain.

He looked at his horrific avatar not far behind him, and swallowed involuntarily.

Fortunately, it wasn't really stuck on him, otherwise they would all be dead!

But now is not the time to think about that.

Covered by a rock, Dellaco peeked at Hermione in the sky.

This is already the highest point nearby.

Although the avatar just now didn't bring the opponent to the nearest, but visually, the distance from the target should be enough.

And the outcome depends on this move...

Dellako took the wand and cast the Levitation and Speed ​​spells on himself with all his might.

During Setsuna, the whole person flew out at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, there was lightning in his hand.

Della looked at the opponent who was close at hand, thinking that he had won.

So he shouted excitedly: "Haha, violent woman! You lost!!!"

A flash of lightning flashes across the sky, but the reality is cruel...

Just the first few seconds.

Hermione, who was flying in mid-air, suddenly heard a sound of breaking through the air behind her, and instinctively flapped the wings on her back twice, and naturally moved two positions to the side.

Then she only heard a loud cry, and then something swished past her.

"Della Branch?!"

Hermione turned her head to look at the familiar figure who was in free fall.

Isn't that his own opponent in this duel?

He flew up like this?!

Also, what did he call me just now?


Hermione synthesized the information received in her mind, and flew towards the direction where Dellako fell with a black face.

And the result of this duel is self-evident.

The winner is Hermione Granger!!!

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!!).

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