"So, did Mr. Felkes say why?" Hagrid frowned and looked at Harry seriously.

"Because of that man, the one who left this scar on my head." Harry touched the lightning scar on his forehead.

"Vol..." Hagrid realized that he almost called out Voldemort's name, and quickly covered his mouth, "Did he really say that?"

"Yes! And Bai Hao wasn't afraid of that person at all. He even said his name many times in front of me that day." In fact, Harry's mind was in a mess right now, too many problems intertwined together made him feel Extremely irritable.

"Hey! Harry, and what Hermione said today." Ron nudged Harry with his elbow.

"Hermione? Who is that then?" Hagrid looked at Ron, and now he only thought in his mind: "There's only one Felkes left, why is there another one?"

"That's our classmate, also from Gryffindor, and Bai Hao knows her very well," Ron explained.

"We saw her chatting with Bai Hao in the cafeteria for a long time today, so we went to ask her if she knew something, but she told Harry..." Ron looked at Harry hesitantly.

"Hermione said, if I don't want to die, stop asking about volts." Harry picked up Ron's words.

"Well...she's actually right, Harry, this is not something you should know." Hagrid knelt down and cupped Harry's face with his rough palm, "Although I don't know what Professor Dumbledore is doing, But there must be a reason for him.”

"But, Hagrid..."

"Okay, Harry, you should have classes this afternoon, go back to the dormitory and rest." Hagrid interrupted Harry's continued questioning.

He was indeed not very clear about the matter between Bai Hao and Dumbledore, but since this matter involved Voldemort, Hagrid couldn't talk nonsense. Even if he knew something himself, he shouldn't tell Harry, it would only bring danger to Harry.

Harry and Ron were kicked out of the hut, they looked at each other, and walked towards the castle dejectedly.

In the blink of an eye, it was Sunday afternoon, today is the day when owls collectively deliver couriers...

In the auditorium (actually, the cafeteria), the students are all sitting on the long tables representing their respective colleges. On the tables are afternoon tea such as fruits and pumpkin cakes. Doing homework, some are playing wizard chess.

"The eyes of the rabbit are smooth, the harp is faint, turn this clear water into fine wine..." On the long table in Gryffindor, Seamus Finnigan, a blasting wizard, was practicing magic with a wand.

"Harry, be happy, come and have a piece of toast!" Ron forked a piece of toast and put it on Harry's dinner plate, all this time Harry was morose because of the events of the previous few days.

"Thank you, Ron." Harry picked up the toast and ate it. In fact, he had thought about it for the past few days and decided not to inquire about Voldemort. Into the small, dark stairwell.

"By the way, have you heard that Lawen Crow and some senior students in Slytherin had a fight." Dean Thomas chatted with the little lions around yesterday's explosive incident.

yesterday saturday...

After two days of fermenting, the rumor that "the Dark Lord may be a half-blood" has become known in the school, which naturally aroused some people's dissatisfaction.

Just after dinner yesterday, some Slytherin pure-bloods gathered a dozen or so students to secretly teach Bai Hao a lesson. Of course, they didn't dare to be too Zhang Yang, so they secretly ambush outside the cafeteria to look for opportunities to strike.

And a clever little eagle noticed the abnormality, and a dozen Slytherin students sneaking around outside the cafeteria caught his attention.

Everyone in the school knows that Bai Hao can eat, and he often haunts the cafeteria. Combined with the rumors of the past two days, Xiaoying judges that this group of Slytherins are here to trouble Bai Hao.

So the little eagle sneaked back to the lounge and told another big eagle about his guess.

Big Eagle was furious when he heard this. Want to fuck our little eagle cub? In terms of protecting the calf, we Lawen Crowe can not lose to you Slytherin. So the eagle turned around and gathered a group of people, thinking that the mantis would catch the cicada and the oriole would follow.

But it turned out that two groups of people met unexpectedly in the corridor on the fourth floor, without saying a word, they met their eyes and knew that it was the person they were looking for, and then they started to fight.

If Bai Hao hadn't heard the movement and rushed to stop the fighting, he might have died, because he had already seen that they were about to hit the room where Lu Wei was.

When a few professors arrived, they saw a dozen students in Slytherin floating in the air like balloons, emitting a stench all over their bodies—dung eggs, courtesy of the Weasley twins.

In the end, Professor McGonagall deducted 100 points from each of the two colleges for this vicious brawl. Many people saw that Snape's face was extremely ugly at that time, and the cold eyes wanted to put the dozen or so students floating in the air together. ate.

"I've heard some, but Professor McGonagall won't let us talk nonsense." Hermione next to her heard something related to Bai Hao, and raised her head from the book.

"Passy, ​​you seem to have gone to the scene, tell us about the tragedy of Slytherin at that time." Ron's face of schadenfreude made them like to raise their heads and look at people with their nostrils!


Boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

Before Percy refused, Seamo beside him blew up the clear water in the wine glass, blowing him into a grey-faced exploding head again.

Hermione, who was sitting next to him, slapped her nose in disgust to get rid of the unpleasant smell of fireworks.


Just when everyone finished teasing Seamo's explosion art and wanted to continue discussing the battle between the eagle and the snake yesterday, the owl delivered the express delivery.

Hundreds of owls flew in one after another from the skylight on the top of the hall, throwing gift boxes of different sizes in front of the consignees.

Ron got a newspaper, but he picked it up to look at it and put it aside without opening it.

"Ron, let me take a look." Seeing Ron nod, Harry opened the newspaper, only to see the news that Gringotts had been invaded.

"Hey! Ron, look at this." Harry patted Ron next to him, and then pointed to the vivid picture on the newspaper, in which several goblins were arguing in front of an empty vault, "Just yesterday, a black man The wizard broke into Gringotts, and the goblins confirmed that there was no theft, as vault 713 was emptied that day."

"Vault 713?! I remember this is the vault that Hagrid took me to that day." Harry looked at Ron in surprise, how could it happen that the accident happened to be the vault he went to that day.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione stared at each other, and a strong thirst for knowledge gradually rose in their hearts. It seemed that Professor McGonagall was angry again.

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