Picking up the stiffened Witchbird that had fallen to the ground, Bai Hao stroked its smooth feathers.

I have to say that it is really beautiful, no wonder so many people like to use its feathers to make quills.

"Don't worry, little guy, I don't want to eat you, I only want a few feathers from you." Seeing the humanized frightened eyes of the wretch bird, Bai Hao smiled and stretched out his evil fingers.

Unlocking the spell, Bai Hao walked away, leaving behind only a bald bird with circled eyes.

Explore the Forbidden Forest to unlock the magical creature [Wicked Bird] and get a reward: 89 beautiful pink feathers (can be used to make exquisite quills).

In the dark Forbidden Forest, the starry sky on Christmas Eve is really bright. After walking through the thin snow, all kinds of magical animals attracted by the light in Bai Hao's hands are rustling in the dense grass. , everything seems so mysterious and unknown.

Bai Hao walked slowly among them, not paying any attention to the hidden dangers around, until...

"Huh?! What's that?" Bai Hao suddenly saw a faint blue fluorescent light floating up and down in the mid-air in the distance, just like the legendary will-o'-the-wisp.

"What is the magical animal that emits a faint blue light?" Bai Hao couldn't find any relevant information in his mind, so he decided to go in and see if it was an unknown or extinct magical creature.

Afraid of disturbing this strange "wild fire", Bai Hao extinguished the light in his hand and groped forward quietly, afraid of making a certain sound.

Bai Hao's eyes have been staring at the blue fluorescent light not far away.

Just when he was about to unravel the true face of the will-o'-the-wisp, he accidentally stepped on a dry and cracked branch

Crack! ! ! This sudden accident made Bai Hao's heart tense.

The sound of branches breaking was very abrupt in the dark Forbidden Forest. In the blink of an eye, the blue magical animal disappeared, and immediately after that, the alarm bell in Bai Hao's heart rang crazily.

Relying on years of fighting instinct, Bai Hao fell backwards, a black figure with a wingspan of at least four meters flew past his nose, and Bai Hao could even smell a fishy smell from it. .

Bai Hao stood up quickly and looked around vigilantly.

"What's that?!" He was sure that the attack just now came from that mysterious blue fluorescent creature.

But now the surroundings are dead and dark, and there is no special light.

call out! ! ! here we go again!

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and Bai Hao instinctively dodged to the side quickly.

But he felt that he was already injured, and the guy seemed to be attacking faster than the speed of sound.

Wiping the blood off his face, Bai Hao squinted his eyes without paying attention to the pain on his face. He is now quickly analyzing the characteristics of this magical animal in his mind based on the two attacks just now:

First: This magical animal is most likely a nocturnal animal. The blue dim light I saw at the beginning was probably the means of this magical creature to lure food.

Second: The fishy smell he smelled when attacking him for the first time was the smell of brains. He used to fight with monsters and smashed their heads. He was familiar with this smell. Third: Combined with the fact that the target of the two attacks is his own head, it can be deduced that this magical creature is probably the Winged Demon that feeds on human brains.

Fourth: If it is determined that it is a Winged Demon, but it can emit blue fluorescence autonomously, with a wingspan of nearly four meters, and attack beyond the speed of sound, this does not conform to the previous description of the Winged Demon, but if this is a mutation The Winged Demon, it all makes sense.

Bai Hao licked his dry lips: "I'm on fire!"

Today he had to catch this mutated Winged Demon. He had been thinking about a handsome and strong contract monster for a long time.

But excitement is nothing but excitement, but the vigilance in Bai Hao's heart did not relax for a moment.

Bai Hao understood that the mutated Winged Demon in front of him was difficult to deal with, its attack was silent and its movement speed was extremely fast.

And the reason why I can continue to stand here is because my fighting instinct has saved him for many years. I am afraid that my mind is empty now if I want someone else to attack just now.

"Flashing fluorescent lights!" Bai Hao pointed his magic wand towards the sky, and a huge sun rose up, illuminating a radius of hundreds of meters like daylight in an instant.

He had to make the battlefield bright enough first, so that the Mutated Winged Demon would lose its protective color of night.

call out! ! ! The sound of breaking through the air sounded again!

"Iron armor protection!" The attack of the mutated winged demon hit a magic shield.

Bai Hao stared at the creature in front of him with strong light: "I found you!"

I saw a magical creature with blue-green wings more than four meters long, resembling a bat, colorful, and covered in thorns, gliding in the tall woods.

"It seems that your speed is only used when attacking." Bai Hao looked excitedly at the mutated Winged Demon in mid-air, so it would be much easier to clean up.

Just now he thought that this guy's regular speed could exceed the speed of sound.

But now it seems that it was due to the excellent hiding ability of the mutated Winged Demon and its instantaneous super high explosive power, which made me mistakenly think that this Winged Winged Demon has a flying speed exceeding the speed of sound.

"Crazy growth!" A green magic circle appeared under the Winged Demon's body, and hundreds of green vines shot up into the sky to form a cage that blocked all the roads in the air.

The Winged Demon, who didn't have time to break out and escape, flew around the cage a few times before flapping its wings and hovering in mid-air.

"Huh?! Did you catch it?" Bai Hao raised his eyebrows, as if it came too easily.

Sure enough, just when Bai Hao thought he had successfully caught the Mutated Winged Demon, there was a piercing sound from the cage, which made Bai Hao's head buzz.

"Fuck! How much has this guy mutated!" Bai Hao squatted on the ground covering his ears in pain, and hurriedly cast a silent spell to block out the dangerous cry.

The shrill cry of the Winged Demon spread far away, scaring all the ordinary and magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest to flee, and their survival instinct told them to run as fast as possible.

The chirping sound lasted for about ten seconds. Bai Hao looked up and saw that the mutated Winged Demon in the cage had completely changed and became extremely terrifying.

The spine-covered tail hung down to the ground, and the sickle blade on the tip of the tail was constantly scraping the fallen leaves under the snow and making rustling sounds.

The two wings that have been stretched to a length of ten meters are emitting a faint blue light, and at the same time through the fangs of the mouth, one can faintly see the same blue light emitting from the inside as the wings.

Supported by the night sky and the "sun", it is like a dark angel who has fallen into the world, a perfect combination of darkness and beauty.

But Bai Hao didn't have time to appreciate the scenery in front of him. He looked at the Winged Demon in the cage in shock, wondering how it was born.

"What the hell is this! Isn't changing body size the ability of birds and snakes?"

But before Bai Hao could react from the shock, the Mutated Winged Demon uttered a cry, and flicked the sickle blade of its tail, smoothly cutting open the vines that trapped him.

Then it quickly flew up into the sky, and exhaled a faint blue breath in Bai Hao's direction.

Bai Hao quickly jumped away, then looked down: "Fuck! This TNND is extremely poisonous!"

I saw that the place where I was standing just now had been corroded with a pit, and there was still a lot of green smoke floating above it.

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