
On Christmas, Bai Hao got up very early in the morning uncharacteristically.

He sat up slowly, stretched himself, and waved out the window: "Fina!"

A snowy owl flew to Bai Hao from the window. It returned from delivering presents at Felix's house in the middle of last night.

Bai Hao touched Fina's snow-white feathers, took out a few small dried fish from the special food bag and fed it to it, and at the same time took out a packaged gift box: "Fina, please send this to He Min there."

Inside is the quill pen that Bai Hao made before going to bed last night. The pink color is sprinkled with gold, which is full of girlishness.

Goo~~ Goo~~

Fina happily ate the dried fish, and flew away with the gift in her mouth.

Today is Christmas, the reason why Bai Hao got up so early is because he has to prepare Christmas presents for many people today:

First of all, he prepared a gift pack of snacks from Honeydukes Candy Store wrapped in wool socks for Dumbledore. After all, he also got a lot of snacks from him, and he would feel bad if he didn’t make up for it;

Then, a copy of "1877 Quidditch World Cup Decryption" was prepared for Professor McGonagall.

Hailed as an event no one remembers, the match was one of the most controversial in the history of the Quidditch World Cup. Because at the time of this game, the venue had been selected, the tickets had been sold, and the merchandise had been produced, but neither the players nor the fans could remember that they had ever participated in or watched any game;

Prepared 10kg of Moon Crazy Beast's golden gram for Professor Sprout, which will be of great help to her herb garden;

Prepare self-contracting shoes for Professor Flitwick, so that he does not often have to climb up to the podium with books to teach;

Prepared a set of "five-three" questions for the O.W.L exam that I personally customized for Caroline. She is preparing for the exam and it is suitable;

Prepared a set of Quidditch armor for Harry, in case he accidentally fell off the broom and died next time;

Prepared a set of wizard robes for Ron, Bai Hao was really pitiful to see him still wearing big brother's old clothes;


After wrapping up all the presents and going to the kitchen to ask a house elf to deliver most of the presents, Bai Hao was thinking about what to give Snape.

Finally, after thinking about it, he took 1.5 pints of venom from You Ye and put it in a beautiful glass bottle, and then took 1 oak barrel of Acromantus venom and walked to the basement.

He planned to give this gift himself.

You Ye is a Winged Demon with a very high degree of mutation. He wanted to ask Snape to help him study the effect of You Ye's venom. The venom of the Acantara is a thank you.

Snape's office was next door to the Potions classroom in the basement.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Professor Snape, are you there?" Bai Hao knocked on the door, but no one responded, but the door was shaking slightly because of the knock just now.

Bai Hao saw that the door of the office was not locked, so he opened the door and walked in.

The walls of the room were dark and very damp, and along the walls were racks of large glass jars in which all sorts of disgusting things were floating.

In addition, there is a fireplace, which is very clean, without any ash, it should have not been used for a long time.

There is also an old fir table in the innermost place, with several crucibles placed on it, and the potions full of strange colors are exuding a charming "aroma" under the urging of the flame.

Seeing that Snape was not in the office, Bai Hao swaggered around in front of the shelves full of large glass jars. He was very interested in the various animal organs soaked in them.

Bai Hao looked at a jar, and there was something like a goat's horn floating inside: "Is this the horn of a long-horned water snake? I remember that this thing can be used to make magic wands, but it doesn't say that it can be used as a potion material!"

"Huh?! Loba worms! Aren't there a lot of these black lakes? Why are they kept here?" There are many small black worms in a glass jar, and they are constantly crawling inside.

The venom of the Loba worm can be used as a raw material for making potions, but because of its extremely high side effects and strict restrictions, many potion makers usually don't prepare this thing.

"Fuck! There's also a specimen of the Golden Snidget!" He heard that the species was almost extinct due to overhunting.

Bai Hao was full of curiosity, jumping up and down in front of the shelf, constantly carefully observing the contents in the glass jar, guessing what kind of magical creature they came from.

"Huh?! So big!" Bai Hao suddenly glanced at a corner behind the shelf, where there was a huge glass jar, bigger than he had seen before.

He walked forward and looked inside with the "fluorescent flickering" light, and saw a huge scarlet tail soaking in a glass jar half the size of a troll.

"What is this?" Bai Hao carefully looked through the [Magical Creatures] folder in his mind, but found no relevant information.

"It doesn't mean it's a fire dragon's tail!" Bai Hao frowned and looked at the smooth cuticle of the tail, "There are no scales on it!"

This is the tail of the Chimera, a bloodthirsty and violent magical creature native to Greece. "A gloomy voice sounded from behind Bai Hao.

Bai Hao turned around and smiled, "Good morning, Professor Snape."

He'd been aware of Snape's arrival, even if there was no sound when he opened the door.

"Filks, broke into the professor's office without permission." Snape looked at Bai Hao with cold eyes, "How many points do you want to deduct for La Wen Keluo College?"

"Or... you can also choose to try my new potion, which will make your troll brain, which can't even recognize the tail of a chimera, become a little... smarter."

"Hey hey hey! That's too much! Many people don't recognize the Chimera's tail, okay?" The corners of Bai Hao's eyes twitched, and he didn't pay much attention to Snape's poisonous tongue, because this is his man Suppose, if you get angry, you lose.

Bai Hao took out the glass bottle containing You Ye's venom. The venom inside was emitting a faint blue light. Coupled with the dots of white stars on the glass bottle, it seemed that there was a starry sky inside.

"Merry Christmas! Professor Snape!" Bai Hao handed over the venom bottle, "This is my Christmas present for you."

Snape didn't speak, his eyes were fixed on Bai Hao, and he grabbed the bottle as if "snatching", with a flick of his thumb, the cork flew off, and he sniffed the bottle between his nose.

"The venom of the Winged Demon! But it seems to be a bit different!" With years of experience in pharmaceuticals, Snape immediately smelled that the bottle of liquid came from the Winged Demon.

The venom of the Winged Demon is very rare, even on the black market, it is difficult to find, and although the ordinary Winged Demon's venom also emits light, it is silvery white, unlike the dark blue bottle in front of me.

"Felix, where did you get this bottle of stuff?" Snape stared at Bai Hao. For him, this might be a new ingredient of potion. Medicine may become a reality because of this venom.

"You Ye!" A black shadow suddenly flew out from Bai Hao's chest, and You Ye flapped his wings and flew out, circled around the office a few times, and stopped beside Bai Hao.

You Ye has the ability to change size at will, so Bai Hao turned it into a small ball and hung it around his neck.

But Snape suddenly saw a Winged Demon running out, and out of instinct, he quickly backed away, and pointed his wand at You Ye vigilantly.

"Uh...Professor Snape, you don't have to be so nervous." Bai Hao touched You Ye's wings with a cold feeling, "It's my pet You Ye, and the venom in your hand came from it. Extracted."

Snape still didn't put down his wand: "Felix, raising dangerous magical creatures in school, I don't think you need to think about deducting points, but when to pack up and go home."

Bai Hao looked at Snape helplessly, took You Ye back and hung it around his neck again.

"Professor, I know."

"The venom of the Winged Demon can remove bad memories after dilution, but it is ordinary Winged Demon's venom."

"You Ye is a mutated Winged Demon, so I would like to ask the professor to help you research whether the venom on it is different from before."

Snape put away his wand, with no expression on his face, but looked at Bai Hao with a playful look in his eyes: "Then, Philx, why should I help you?"

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