The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 52 Training (Please Subscribe!)

On the other side, there is our poor Ron, who is also being enlightened by Professor McGonagall in the dean's office of Gryffindor.

After an afternoon of soothing, coupled with Madam Pomfrey's potion, Ron, who had almost calmed down, finally walked out of the office.

But not long after leaving the house, the Weasley twins started their cheating behavior. Although they don't know exactly what they did to Ron, someone saw Ron enter Professor McGonagall's office again in fear, and continued to accept Headaches of psychotherapy.

The Weasley twins were also punished for copying the school rules once, and a letter from Professor McGonagall's home visit.

"I said Hermione, how long are you going to hug me?" Bai Hao looked helplessly at the western sky, the sky was full of red clouds, and the sun had already completely set behind the mountain.

Hold it any longer and you'll miss dinner time!

At this time Hermione had completely calmed down, and she gradually left Bai Hao's arms.

Bai Hao watched her lower her head, her bangs covered her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Hermione?" Bai Hao tilted his head.

Hermione didn't speak, she just stretched out her hand and pushed Bai Hao hard, then turned her head and ran towards the castle.

Bai Hao scratched his head: "Huh? What do you mean? Girls' minds are really hard to understand!"

Another week passed like this, and it seemed that Hermione had told Harry and Ron the truth about the basement, and the three of them were now terrified of Bai Wu, turning away wherever they met.

Bai Hao also shrugged his shoulders, saying that he doesn't care!

The school year at Hogwarts is coming to an end, and during this time, what the three of Harry did in the basement spread like wildfire in the school.

But different from the original work, there seems to be more versions circulating this time, and it seems that Dumbledore did it on purpose.

At this time, Bai Hao was training You Ye at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. After nearly five months of careful training, You Ye's appearance has changed slightly.

The originally huge patagium becomes more and more transparent, and it can even give people the illusion of only bones when there is no dim light at night. Although the black bony spurs in front of the wings shortened a bit, they became sharper, faintly emitting a cold light similar to metal.

"You Ye!" Under Bai Hao's command, You Ye released the thorn ball and flew into the air with a swish, gliding among the trees.

Bai Hao took out his wand, waved it from bottom to top, the blue magic circle lit up, and the tornado caused by the sky magic rolled up a lot of dead branches, fallen leaves and gravel around him, and then gradually Combined into a dragon about the size of two buses.

The giant dragon flapped its wings and set off several hurricanes, soaring into the sky, the sound of the dragon's roar echoed continuously in the quiet Forbidden Forest, scaring away all the creatures not far away.

You Ye took the lead in attacking, it uttered a pleasant cry, flapped its wings a few times and disappeared in mid-air in an instant, and then the dragon's wings were cut off by Qi Gen, followed by a late sound of breaking through the air .

The wingless dragon staggered and landed on the ground, raised its head and let out an angry roar, the dragon's belly swelled, and a huge tornado spit out from its mouth, carrying all kinds of dead branches and rubble, and began to attack all around indiscriminately.

And You Ye flapped its wings vigorously to avoid it, but in the face of such a large-scale attack, it also fell to the ground because it couldn't dodge enough to be hit by a flying stone.

Seeing this, the giant dragon rushed over quickly, and its huge dragon claws stepped on the ground with huge palm prints, making a dull sound. The surrounding dead branches and fallen leaves were being attracted by the force of the wind, and they were constantly repairing the severed wings of the giant dragon. .

Facing the giant dragon that was rushing towards him, You Ye let out a shrill cry from his throat, his body instantly swelled several times its original size, emitting a huge blue light all over his body, and with a wave of wings more than ten meters long, he rose again to the top of the mountain. High in the sky, the Dark Angel who had fought Bai Hao in the Forbidden Forest came down again.

The giant dragon flew into the air, braked its legs and turned its head to look at the sky, stirring its repaired wings to rise gradually, raised its head and sprayed a tornado towards You Ye.

The condescending You Ye was not to be outdone, and sprayed out a blue venom breath to fight back, and the two breaths collided together to form a spectacular confrontation.

Bai Hao is watching with relish from a distance at this time, even if it is training, but every time he sees this scene is very enjoyable.

This is his training for You Ye, with an average of about six to eight times a month, to stimulate the power of the Winged Demon's bloodline in constant battles.

When you just subdued You Ye, the cooling time after You Ye broke out at the speed of sound was about 10 seconds, but now after several months of training, this time has been reduced to 7 seconds.

Moreover, through careful study of You Ye's body structure, Bai Hao discovered that the tail is the most powerful part of You Ye's body.

Therefore, in terms of its characteristics, Bai Hao also specially formulated some powerful moves unique to You Ye, but these moves are a bit destructive and not suitable for display and use in training

There is also You Ye's second form. In theory, You Ye can grow infinitely larger, but the bigger the body, the more physical energy it will consume.

Bai Hao has done a test, and if You Ye's current physical strength becomes the size of an adult dragon, it can only last for about 5 minutes, and once the 5 minutes pass, a mouse can kill You Ye.

So generally speaking, Bai Hao only makes You Ye into a form with a wingspan of about ten meters in front of him. This form can last for about 30 minutes, which is just right for fighting.


The two monsters collided violently again, and the dragon was swept to the ground by You Ye's tail.

"Bai Hao!" Suddenly a voice came from behind.

"Good afternoon, Hagrid!" Bai Hao turned his head and smiled.

Hagrid walked over with a large bucket of sheep brains, which Bai Wu asked Hagrid to help prepare, and Youye needed to replenish his strength after training.

"Oh! My God! You used a dragon this time!" Hagrid looked at the roaring dragon in the distance in surprise, with a little excitement on his face.

Bai Hao nodded: "Yes, although the size is half of the real dragon, the effect is still good."

According to the step-by-step training plan, in the previous training, Bai Wu successively simulated relatively large magical creatures such as werewolves, giant monsters, and acromantulas as You Ye's opponents.

Last time You Ye's training object was a Chimera, and You Ye was already able to handle it easily, so he began to increase magical creatures with special abilities as You Ye's targets

"I said Bai Hao, can you keep them away? If the school finds out that I let you into the Forbidden Forest, Principal Dumbledore will be angry." Hagrid looked at the loud noise made by the two monsters in the distance In the past, the training was not so intense.

The reason why Hagrid agreed to Bai Hao to keep the secret of training You Ye in the Forbidden Forest is because he really likes You Ye. After all, magical creatures with blood returning to their ancestors are too rare. Appeared on Bai Hao. The second reason is that Bai Hao gave him a very comfortable woolen coat at Christmas, which he has always recorded in CE.

Bai Hao waved his right hand and said indifferently: "Hey! Don't worry, I have already cast a spell to block out the sound."

Considering that today's training object is a giant dragon, the momentum may be bigger, so Bai Hao set up a barrier of silent spells around them in advance, no matter how fierce they fight, there is no need to worry about the sound being transmitted to the castle.

"And, do you really think that Professor 083 Dumbledore doesn't know about this?!"

"He just turned a blind eye."


After a period of fighting, You Ye finally exhausted and returned to its original form, and fell to the ground powerlessly.

Bai Hao waved his hand to dispel the magic power of the Transformation Curse, and the dragon turned back into a pile of gravel and rotten leaves, forming a hill in the middle of the Forbidden Forest, which often became the habitat of some small animals in the Forbidden Forest.

"You Ye is flying!" Bai Hao cast the Flying Curse with one hand, and the limp You Ye returned to his hand with a whistling sound.

He put You Ye into a bucket full of sheep's brains, and You Ye ate happily while making a tut-tsk sound.

"Thank you, Hagrid!" Bai Hao flicked his thumb and gave Hagrid a golden Galleon.

Hagrid naturally caught Galleon and put it in his pocket.

Regarding this matter, Hagrid had repeatedly rejected Bai Hao, because these animal brains were worthless at all, but Bai Hao insisted on giving it every time, saying that if he didn't accept it, he would not be allowed to play with You Ye, which made him I could only reluctantly accept this. ?

After bidding farewell to Hagrid, Bai Hao returned to the dormitory to pack his luggage with You Ye who was full.

Today is the last day of this semester. After a while, everyone will go home to prepare for the new school year in more than two months.

Tonight, Hogwarts will hold a dinner and announce the winners of this year's Student House Cup.

Judging from the current scores, the first is Slytherin with 472 points, the second is La Wen Keluo with 426 points, the third is Hufflepuff with 352 points, and the bottom one is Gryffindor with 312 points.

If nothing else, Slytherin will continue to defend the Academy Cup.

But an accident is an accident, and it will always happen when you think there will be no accidents.

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