The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 54 Oath (Please Subscribe!)

"Cough! Cough!" Bai Hao cleared his throat.

"To be honest, I don't know why this so-called hero title fell on me. I just did something I wanted to do."

"But Caroline wants me to talk, so I will, but..."

"It's not about the Academy Cup, I want to talk about another thing, about how to get higher wisdom.

"Maybe it will be a little long, please sit down."

"Of course, those who don't like it can also stand."

Bai Hao drew out his wand and cast an infinite stretching spell on the entire common room to ensure that more than a hundred Raven Klaus present could sit down, and then he waved his wand again, everyone's hands suddenly A glass of honey lemon iced tea appeared.

And at this moment, Professor Flitwick just walked in, watching this scene with great interest.

He also held a cup of iced black tea in his hand, and at the same time, he found that the little wizard in the first grade before him had unknowingly become the leader of the college, no matter whether it was a junior or a senior student, he was obeyed.

Bai Hao sat cross-legged in the middle of the flock of eagles, looked at the curious and eager eyes of the young eaglets around him, and remembered what Caroline said when he first entered school: This is the habitat of wise people.

"Comrades...err! No!"

As soon as Bai Wugang opened his mouth, he found that he had been unconsciously affected by the special environment around him, and the flower planter gene in his body had been activated. This name should not be called indiscriminately!

"Cough! Students! Before the official start, I want to ask you a few questions."

"First, does everyone think we're the smartest people in school?"

He spoke at 030 in a very gentle, normal voice, but just enough for everyone present to hear what he was saying.

All the eaglets around nodded naturally, and it was recognized by the whole Hogwarts that Raven Crow was the smartest.

"Second, do you all think that our wisdom comes from books?"

This question caused some Xiaoying to fall into silence and thinking, but most of them nodded naturally.

Seeing this, Bai Jing smiled: "The last question, do you all think that, except for our La Wen Keluo, the students in the other three colleges are all idiots?"


This question caught everyone at once, so don't talk nonsense!

Although they usually like to call others "stupid", "stupid", "stupid people".

But in fact, if they really say that they are completely better than students in other colleges, they really don't have the confidence.

Bai Hao took a sip of iced tea: "So, we don't have the confidence, so how can we say that we La Wen Kelao are the smartest people?"

Caroline: "Bai Hao, what do you want to express?"

Bai Hao stood up, and the next words were not suitable for sitting down.

"Students, in a sense, we are indeed the smartest people in Hogwarts - we have naturally smarter minds than others, which is our gift."

"However, we are not yet wise people."

Bai Wu drew out his wand and began to cast his unique light and shadow magic. A huge lion, a entrenched poisonous snake, and a tall honey badger appeared beside him.

"Wow!!!" The eaglets all exclaimed, it was the first time they had seen this kind of magic.

"The lion is the totem of Gryffindor, representing their bravery, courage, boldness and boldness."

"Snakes belong to Slytherin, representing ambition, shrewdness, respect for honor, judging the situation, being wise and protecting oneself, and winning first.

"The honey badger best represents Hufflepuff, gentle, honest and loyal, and not afraid of hardships."

"That's their strength, but it's also what's missing from us.

"We are too constrained by the knowledge in books, but we don't know that the people around us are actually our teachers."

"Learning to learn from the strengths of others is also a kind of wisdom."

"What about Slytherin? None of them have good qualities." At this time, a second-year Kitty Hawk raised his own doubts.

Bai Hao nodded: "Good question."

"But why? We take for granted that qualities like ambition are negative?"

"Is it because there are so many dark wizards in Slytherin?"

"Everyone seems to overlook one thing, ambitious and unscrupulous people, they are usually because of the character.

"Actually, many people don't know that the phrase "for the greater good" comes from the current headmaster of our Hogwarts - Albus Dumbledore."

"So, we should have the spirit to fight for the glory that can be ours."

Speaking of this, Kitty Hawk, who is familiar with the history of magic, changed his face, especially some students from pure-blood families, they knew what this sentence meant.

Bai Hao spread his arms and exposed his chest: "Everyone should have guessed from my appearance, but in fact, like Zhang Qiu, my body is filled with the blood of that mysterious eastern country.

"There is a saying in that ancient country: With copper as a mirror, you can straighten your clothes; with history as a mirror, you can know the ups and downs; with people as a mirror, you can understand gains and losses."

"So, when it comes to this, I hope everyone understands."

"A truly wise man will never limit himself to getting wisdom from books, that would only make us nerds.

"Here, I sincerely hope that everyone can understand what I said and become the real La Wen Keluo in this era.

(cebj) "The above is from my heart, thank you everyone!"

Bai Hao bowed slightly.

There was silence in the lounge, and everyone hadn't recovered from Bai Hao's speech, especially the senior students. Their three views were a bit broken. What Bai Hao said was the same as what they used to say to Raven Keluo There was a great conflict of beliefs.

Bai Hao raised his head and drank freely, and drank down the iced black tea in one gulp.

The reason why he said so much was because he wanted to get rid of the vain arrogance hidden in the depths of Lawen Keluo, because in fact they did not have enough comprehensive strength to look down on students from other colleges.

Furthermore, he is going to start preparing for the recruitment of guild members for the next semester. The primary target group is Rawen Keluo. He hopes to select some like-minded people through this speech.

And at this moment, Bai Li suddenly felt that his hand was being held.

He looked down and saw that it was Professor Flitwick.

"Good evening, Professor Flitwick." Bai Wu squatted down.

Professor Flitwick held Bai Hao's hand tightly with both hands: "Thank you, child! Thank you."

Bai Hao smiled. Although he couldn't quite understand what Professor Flitwick's gratitude contained, he knew that what he just said touched the old Laura Wen Keluo in front of him.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The little eagles around finally came to their senses, and gradually gave out warm applause, which was even louder than the dinner just now.

Caroline walked up to Bai Wu, and pressed her right hand on Bai Hao's heart: "Thank you, Bai Hao Felkes."

Bai Hao nodded and smiled.

But Caroline did not let go, but solemnly closed her eyes and took a deep breath: "I only swear in the name of Royna Ra Wen Ke Lao."

Bai Hao's pupils contracted, and the applauding little eagles around him suddenly fell silent. They looked at the people next to each other, and they all saw a trace of determination in each other's eyes.

After a while, I saw all the Lawen Klaus in the lounge step forward one after another, surrounded Bai Hao from inside to outside, closed their eyes, and said in unison:

"We come from the peaceful lakeside, and we are Raven Klau. We are scholars who wear black but see through the darkness, and we are ravens who soar in the sky but never forget to stare at the land. We always pursue the truth and study hard. We are full of curiosity, Heart to the sea. We are loyal to ourselves, loyal to reason, loyal to wisdom."

Everyone present did not realize that what they said was constantly echoing throughout Hogwarts. The professors, students, and ghosts in the school all looked at the tower of La Wen Keluo in shock, as if something unbelievable had happened.

"Here, we swear only in the name of Royna Ra Wen Ke Lao!" At this moment, Ra Wen Ke Lao's crown suddenly flew out of Bai Hao's arms, emitting a soft blue light.

"Bai Hao Felkes, La Wen Keluo is willing to crown you with the crown of wisdom. Your wisdom will become our eternal glory and faith. We will use you as our guide to become the supreme wise man in this world."

"At this point, the oath stands!"

The statue of Royna Rawen Kelaw in the lounge and the bronze door knocker of the raven outside also suddenly emitted light, and at the same time transmitted a force to the crown of Rawen Kelaw, which emitted a greater blue light .

And Helena Lawen Keluo, who had been staying in the tower, looked in the direction of the lounge in shock: "Mother!"

"Albus, could this be..." At this time, Professor McGonagall was beside Dumbledore, and she looked at the Lawen Klau tower in the distance with a blue light in disbelief.

Dumbledore nodded: "I think so, the ancient oath that has been handed down for thousands of years and belongs to Raven Klaw finally came today."

This time he couldn't maintain his usual calm appearance either.

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