The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 57 Self-Doubt (Please Subscribe!)

"I'm not that stingy!" Hermione glared at Bai Hao, "It's not me looking for you, it's the two of them!"

"So, why are you looking for me?" He tilted his head to look at Harry and Ron behind Hermione, "Still hiding behind girls."

Harry and Ron blushed at the same time, and walked forward slowly.

Ron licked his lips that were not dry: "Bai Hao, I...we want to express to express..."

"We want to express our thanks to you!" Seeing that Ron was embarrassed to speak for a moment, Harry directly expressed his intention loudly.

Bai Hao nodded his head lightly, as expected: "Okay, I see." Then he lowered his head and continued to eat his breakfast.

This... that's it? Doesn't he say something?

Harry and Ron looked at each other, and the two fell into silence and embarrassment at once.

Bai Hao didn't look up at the two of them, but he could guess the mood of Harry and Ron at this moment: "What? Do you think I'll tell you a lesson? Or ask you why to thank you?"

"I don't want to say these boring words at all, if you still look like you don't repent after experiencing a death, then you have reached this level.

"But having said that, compared to the two of you...Miss Hermione Granger, shouldn't you have something to tell me?"

Hearing Bai Hao's words, Harry and Luo En both looked at Hermione behind her with "what's wrong with me?" on her face.

Bai Hao continued to work with his head down calmly: "Miss Granger, it's fine with the two of them, after all, I haven't persuaded them directly and face to face."

"But what about you?"

"I've told you more than once that these dangerous things are simply not something you can participate in."

"But you seem to have been taking my words as a deaf ear! You are still foolishly following these two fools to play the savior game."

"To be honest, if I were Dumbledore, the fifty points last night should not have been added to you at all."

"Calmly and calmly used your own wisdom? Did you take yourself and your companions to die?"

Hermione's face became paler and paler, she didn't expect Bai Hao to suddenly become so cold, these words made her feel a little trembling and a chill in her heart.

"I...I'm not!" Perhaps out of habitual arrogance, she still wanted to refute, but she found that her mind was blank and she couldn't say anything

Bai Hao swallowed the last piece of steak into his stomach: "Come find me after you figure it out." Then he disappeared from the cafeteria in an instant.

Harry and Ron looked at their friend who was pale and had red eye circles, and they didn't know how to comfort them.

Thinking back, after the incident centered on the Sorcerer's Stone this time, even if they listened to what Bai Hao said, they wouldn't be what they are today. …

After leaving the cafeteria, Bai Hao teleported to the principal's office.

"Good morning, Bai Hao, congratulations on becoming the heir of Rawen Claw." Dumbledore sat on a sofa, and there were two glasses of iced lemon juice and several boxes of snacks on the round marble table next to him.

He seemed to have expected that Bai Hao would come here.

"Good morning, Professor." Bai Hao sat down naturally.

"Try this, lemon sorbet, my favorite sweet." Dumbledore pushed a box of milky white fudge in front of Bai Hao, "You came to me because of our previous agreement?"

Bai Hao picked up one and threw it into his mouth, his eyes lit up immediately.


It's a kind of fudge, with a sweet and sour taste! There is also a very strong lemon flavor!

Bai Wu took a few more and threw them into his mouth: "Professor, didn't you guess it?"

Dumbledore sighed helplessly, he still couldn't hide from the beginning to the end.

He scratched his head, and intentionally or unintentionally pulled out a few white hairs, "Why are you embarrassing me, an old man?"

Bai Hao looked at Dumbledore with a strange look: "Professor, don't talk nonsense! When did I embarrass you? Obviously you agreed, and I didn't force you!"

Dumbledore saw that it was too bad, so he nodded in approval: "Okay! When are you going to do it?"

Bai Hao looked up at the ceiling: "In a few days! We need to find a better place, otherwise there will be too much movement and it will be difficult to deal with it.

Dumbledore tacitly said nothing.

"Oh! That's right!" Bai Hao puffed out his cheeks and took out La Wen Keluo's crown and put it on the table. "One of Voldemort's souls is dead."

I saw that the originally black gemstones on the crown had returned to their original brilliant dark blue.

When he finished receiving the inheritance yesterday, he already discovered that Voldemort's ghost that was lurking in the crown had disappeared "but part of Voldemort's knowledge and memory remained inside.

It could be something Royna Ra Wen Ke Lao did, or it could be the power of the crown itself.

In short, Voldemort has now lost two-seventh of his soul.

"I'm curious!" Dumbledore picked up the crown and looked it over carefully. "Why didn't Tom use the power of the crown?"

Bai Hao looked at the crown and said in a vague voice: "The crown is made with the unique alchemy of goblins, and the method used is only known to La Wen Keluo."

"I didn't know until I got the inheritance, so the crown has been just an important symbol of La Wen Keluo for a long time.

Dumbledore put down the crown: "Then do you know if the other founders also have legacy?"

Bai Hao recalled the lyrics of the Sorting Hat: "I think there is, at least I know that Slytherin has a secret room in school."

Dumbledore's eyes suddenly became sharp: "Does the Chamber of Secrets really exist?"

"It seems that you don't know everything about the school! Professor!" Bai Hao looked at Dumbledore mockingly, "And you shouldn't have doubted it long ago?"

"You want to get this inheritance too?" Dumbledore asked tentatively.

"Why not?" Bai Hao took it for granted, but suddenly put on a look of disgust, "Although I feel that this inheritance is not a good thing.

Although Salazar Slytherin is one of the founders of Hogwarts, there are great differences between him and the other three founders.

He was very opposed to Hogwarts recruiting Muggle-born wizards. When he left Hogwarts, he left the Chamber of Secrets and the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets. Non-pure-blood wizards were wiped out.

So for now, Bai Hao is not sure whether this chamber of secrets is really the inheritance of Slytherin, after all, it really doesn't look like someone who will pass it on to future generations.

Because who can guarantee that the person who gets his inheritance is a pure blood wizard?

You must know that thousands of years have passed, the way for the magic world to distinguish between pure blood and impure blood is simply by looking at their names.

Therefore, Bai Hao temporarily put a question mark on this so-called secret room. He believed that even if Slytherin had an inheritance, there was a high probability that it was not in Hogwarts.

After eating all the snacks under Dumbledore's resentful eyes, Bai Hao patted the powdered sugar on his hands and prepared to leave.

Summer vacation is coming, and he is going to go home to be a salted fish.

But just when he was about to activate his magic and leave, he suddenly thought of something.

"Professor, I have a question for you."

A hint of doubt appeared on Dumbledore's face, this was the first time Bai Hao asked him a question. 420


Bai Hao looked at the Sorting Hat hanging on the wall: "I want to ask, does the Sorting Hat have the power to spy on people's hearts?"

"Oh! Of course not!" Dumbledore gave an affirmative answer.

"Then what does it use to sort students?" Bai Hao frowned.

He didn't understand, since the Sorting Hat doesn't have the ability to read minds, how does it determine the qualities of students?

Bai Hao has been having doubts about himself since receiving the La Wen Keluo inheritance last night.

He is actually not smart, and he doesn't think he has any wisdom beyond ordinary people. The reason why he is powerful is because of the existence of [World Tree].

At the sorting ceremony, he chose Rawen Klau, not Rawen Klau chose him.

But is that really the case?

Dumbledore pondered for a while: "Although I don't know why you ask such a question, I can answer you. In fact, there may not be an accurate answer to this question."

"The sorting hat has no ability to spy on people's hearts, that's for sure."

"Even people with Occlumency can't influence the choice of the Sorting Hat."

Bai Hao frowned even more: "Then why?"

Dumbledore waved and summoned the Sorting Hat from the wall.

He held the sorting hat in both hands and looked directly into Bai Hao's eyes: "I guess, are you thinking that you are not a real La Wen Keluo?"

"Yes... of course! Of course you might think so. 11

" know."

"For thousands of years, it has never gone wrong.

Dumbledore handed the Sorting Hat to Bai Hao.

Bai Hao took the hat and put it on his head after hesitating for a moment.

(Happy Dragon Boat Festival!)

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