The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 59 Salted Fish And Fellow Villagers (Please Subscribe!)

"Come on! Honey! Come and try my new invention of sea salt cheese mashed potatoes!" At the dining table, Mary Aunt pushed a large lump of mashed potatoes onto Bai Hao's dinner plate.

"Thank you, Mary Aunt!" Bai Wu thanked happily. To be honest, he really missed the mashed potatoes she made after being in Hogwarts for so long.

He scooped a spoonful and put it in his mouth.

"How is it?" Mary Aunt looked at Bai Hao expectantly.

Bai Hao didn't speak, his pupils constricted instantly, and he immediately held his breath to suppress the emergency reaction of his stomach.

Oh my goodness! What a weird smell!

He has eaten a lot of mashed potatoes with sea salt at home before. The mashed potatoes taste soft and glutinous, and the taste should be very sweet when paired with sea salt. Even if you add some cheese now, it will only add a unique flavor.

But the problem this time is that Mary Aunt used sour cheese. Can you imagine the soft starch of mashed potatoes being sweetened by sea salt, but someone added spoiled milk to it?

Bai Hao stared stiffly at Bolas and Xitaya, who had turned their eyes away, and they must have tried this dark dish before.

So he could only bite the bullet and say: "Thank you Mary Aunt! It's delicious!!!"

He forcibly swallowed the mashed potatoes sticking to the back of his teeth.

"Let me just say, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with what I cook, but they don't know how to appreciate it!" Mary Aunt also scooped up a spoonful of mashed potatoes and ate it, "Look at this, how delicious it is!

Bai Hao stared at his adoptive mother dumbfounded. I haven't seen her in the past few months. Not only is her skill in the field of dark cooking increasing day by day, but her sense of taste has also undergone a strange change!

Bai Hao stared at 670 blankly at the mashed potatoes piled up in a hill on his dinner plate.

No way, let's eat!

Anyway, you know you can't kill people if you eat it. Fortunately, Bolas Uncle bought a turkey and some salmon when he went out just now, otherwise he didn't know how to eat this dinner.

In the end, Bai Hao used the turtle breathing technique to finish the dark dishes on the plate, and then used other normal food to suppress all the strange smells in his nasal cavity.

So, the first dinner home from vacation was spent in a strange atmosphere.


Both Mary Aunt and Bolas Uncle are out today, and they seem to be attending some kind of party, so Bai Hao and Xitaya are at home today.

"Bai Hao, there are still two and a half months before school starts, so what are your plans for this holiday?" Xitaya excitedly played with the unicorn figurine in her hand, which was a gift from Bai Hao. The ones called, there were a few more on the table.

Now she's dreaming of having a small zoo of magical creatures at home.

Bai Hao was lazily lying on the sofa eating snacks: "I don't have any plans for now, I have to go back to school to deal with some things in two days, and I haven't thought about what will happen after that.

"Back to school? Isn't it a holiday now? Why do you want to go back to school?" Xitaya instinctively became curious.

"It's just some small things." Bai Hao's tone was full of perfunctory.

"Cut! If you don't say it, don't say it!"

"Oh! That's right!" Cebf Taya suddenly jumped up excitedly, "Since your school is already on holiday, Hermione must have gone home, call her to play at home, I am Haven't seen her for a long time."

She remembered that when Hermione came to the house last time, she told herself a lot of knowledge and interesting things about the magic world. In contrast, her younger brother always seemed too lazy to speak when she asked him, which was really flattering. hate.

"Just call if you like!" Bai Hao glanced at Xita Ya, "It's just that she may not dare to see me now."

"Huh?!" Xitaya suddenly puffed up her cheeks, angrily walked to Bai Hao's side and grabbed his ear with her right hand, "What did you do to this girl?"

Bai Hao rolled his eyes: "What can I do to her! It's just that I scolded her for doing something wrong."

"What?! Are you still scolding others? Why are you scolding her?" Xitaya's right hand unconsciously added some strength, but it was from the fingers instead of the wrist.

Bai Hao waved his hand: "Oh! Don't worry! It's fine!"

"Although Hermione is serious, she has strong self-esteem, she is competitive, and she even likes to show off."

"But I also know that she is a very strong person, and it's not a bad thing to scold her to make her sober."

"Humph!" Xitaya let go of Bai Hao's ears, "If you don't tell me, I'll ask her myself, I'll call her now, if you let me know that you bullied her for no reason, I'll tell my mother that you like to eat her most Made of cheese mashed potatoes, we both died because of it.

Then he turned around and ran to the phone.

Bai Hao shrugged, and continued to lie on the sofa as a salted fish.

But only ten seconds later, Bai Hao suddenly realized: "Wait, did she just say that she wanted to say something to Mary Aunt?"

Recalling what Xitaya said just now, he suddenly shuddered, hoping that Hermione would stop talking nonsense!

Having said that, yesterday seemed to be the Dragon Boat Festival! I haven’t eaten zongzi for a long time!

Thinking of this, Bai Hao regained his energy, and immediately went back to his room, changed his clothes, rushed out the door, and came to the largest Chinatown in London.

In fact, it is called Chinatown, but the architectural style here is still British style. The only thing that can keep in touch with the florists is the people and food here.

Bai Hao looked at the Dragon Boat Festival faucets and rice dumpling decorations that remained around him, and he remembered that after the Dragon Boat Festival, the refrigerator was full of rice dumplings given by others, and he couldn't finish eating them for a month.

Bai Hao came to a shop suspected of selling breakfast. It may be already afternoon, and there are actually not many people in the shop, but people will come one after another.

He shouted in Mandarin: "Boss [do you have any leftover rice dumplings for sale?"

A middle-aged man poked his head out from the store, speaking in a poorly spoken Mandarin: "Oh! Yes!"

"Eh?! Boss is from Cantonese?" Bai Hao knew that the boss was from Guangdong Province as soon as he heard it.

"Yes! You have been here for several years!" The boss replied with a smile, "Looking at you, it must be the first time you have come to Lidu. Foreign students are mostly immigrants?"

"No~~ I was adopted! I grew up in London from childhood." Bai Hao sat on a stool generously.

"Oh! Are you sharp?!" The boss looked in amazement at this young young man in front of him, who grew up to be fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese?!"

"Haha! Little case!" Bai Hao smiled, "Boss, do you have rice dumplings for sale?"

"It's tight!" The boss replied affirmatively, "Do you want to taste it?"

"Is there any difference between alkaline rice dumpling and pork salted egg yolk?"

"Hey, you know how to eat! How much do you want?"

"It depends on how much you have!"

So Bai Hao dragged more than a hundred catties of zongzi with magic and walked towards home, a combination of the floating spell and the invisibility spell.

On the way, he seemed to have seen people from the Ministry of Magic searching for something all over the world, and they detected an unknown magical fluctuation in this place.

Back home, as soon as Bai Hao entered the door, he saw an unexpected and unexpected person.

"Oh?! Hermione, are you here?!" Bai Hao greeted.

"Hmph!" Hermione turned her head arrogantly, if Sitaia hadn't invited her to eat at home, she really didn't want to see this annoying person in front of her.

Bai Hao stuck out his tongue at her and walked towards the kitchen.

Seeing him like this, Hermione stomped her feet angrily: "Bastard Bai Hao! He really ignored me! I apologized to you because I thought you had a better attitude.

If Bai Hao knew what Hermione was thinking at this time, he would only say: What kind of logic do you have?

You can ignore me, but I can't ignore you, or you will be angry?! He can only say that girls' minds are really hard to understand!

"Boy, Hermione is my guest, how can you treat the guest like this." Xitaya grabbed Bai Hao's ear, "I just saw it in the kitchen!"

Bai Wu took out a big bag of zongzi: "What?! She was the one who ignored me first!"

Xitaya let go of Bai Hao's ear and patted his head lightly: "Who told you to bully her!"

"Hey!!! Let's talk about it!" Bai Hao put his hips on his hips confidently, "What do you mean I bullied her? Didn't I just say something to her for her benefit!"

Sitaia patted him on the head again: "Hermione told me something, although I don't know exactly what happened, but don't talk so hard to girls!"

"Oh! Blame me!" Bai Hao was unconvinced, but he still insisted that he was right and he was right!

(Have you eaten zongzi yet? Please subscribe, ask for monthly tickets, ask for flowers, thank you for your support!!!).

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