The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 61 Nurmengard (Please Subscribe!)

"Good afternoon, Fox!"

After spending a few days at home, Bai Hao returned to Hogwarts again and came to the headmaster's office.

All around, only Fox was in the room.

"Where did Professor Dumbledore go?"

Fox made a tweet at him.

"Okay! It's useless to ask, if he comes back and tells him I'm at school." Bai Hao couldn't understand what Fox was saying at all.

He took a bag of snacks from Dumbledore's collection, and went to the edge of the Black Lake. He still remembered the taste of lemon sherbet last time.

Outside Hogwarts Castle, the green lawn connects the broad lakeshore.

Looking up at the sky, the sky is blue and cloudless.

Looking into the distance, you can see the dark green lake, the breeze sweeps by, the broken waves hit the shore, and the lake is shining brightly.

The clear lake reflects the surrounding mountains and pine forests, and the emerald green of the forest is also dotted with the clear lake.

Bai Hao looked at the beautiful scenery, but he never understood why this lake was called Black Lake. Wouldn’t it be better to have a better name for such a beautiful place?

Although there are indeed many ugly magical creatures in it, such as mermaids. "Four Zero Zero"

He took out a lure fishing rod from his arms and prepared to fish here.

Bai Hao has wanted to do this for a long time, but he has never had time to do it, so he must experience what it is like to fish in the Black Lake this time when he returns to school.

In fact, the most important thing is that he wants to see if there are any good ingredients in this black lake.

I took out a bag of muddy salmon scraps and flung and flung them into the lake, then hung up the fake bait and swung it vigorously, the throwing force was just right.

"Okay! Now wait for the fish to take the bait." Bai Hao looked at the fishing rod that had been fixed by himself. To be honest, he didn't know whether it was right to fish like this. Anyway, he learned it from books in a mess.

Bai Hao took a lemon sherbet candy and threw it into his mouth, then lay down next to the fishing rod, basking in the sun and waiting for the food to be hooked.

But just a few minutes after lying down, he stared at the dead fish and stood up abruptly: "Professor, in fact, you can come back later.

His tone was full of resentment.

"There is nothing delicious in the Black Lake." Dumbledore calmly looked at the buoys floating on the lake in the distance, Fox stood on his shoulder, "Most of them are some rather strange magical creatures."

"And if you catch a mermaid, I'll have a headache."

But Bai Hao did not put away the fishing rod, but moved his body: "Let's go! Professor! It's time to fulfill your promise.

"How about the Forbidden Forest?"

Dumbledore looked east: "I think I have a better place."

"It's far enough away from people, it has magic to prevent disapparation, and it's hidden enough."

Bai Wu shrugged: "You decide, I don't care!"

So Fox started flapping his wings to fly into the sky, and after making a melodious cry, he turned into a golden flame and devoured the two of them.

It was the first time for Bai Hao to experience the Apparition of the Phoenix. It was as if the whole person was riding a supersonic roller coaster, and he could vaguely see some different scenery flashing past his eyes.

The process was better at the beginning, but after a long time, Bai Hao felt that his eyeballs were going to be squeezed into his brain.

So, after a long time of torment, Bai Hao finally landed on the ground, staggering, with circles drawn in his eyes.

"Professor, I think you should learn my magic. This method of teleportation is really inhumane."

Bai Hao was talking in a daze, and at the same time looked at the surrounding environment. In the distance was the turbulent sea, and there were towering cliffs under his feet.

"right here?"

"No, we still need a Portkey." Dumbledore slipped up a wooden barrel from the cliff, 【Fox couldn't take us that far.

"Far away?" Bai Hao remembered the direction Dumbledore was looking at just now on the edge of the black lake, "Professor, you don't mean to take me to that place!"

Dumbledore didn't speak, but his eyes contained deep meaning.

After activating the Portkey, Bai Hao once again experienced a more painful torture than Fox's apparition just now.

Finally, two people and one phoenix arrived at the destination of this trip.

Bai Hao shook his dizzy head, looking at the dark and dilapidated stone brick tower in front of him, he knew that Dumbledore was going to bring him to this place.

This is Nurmengard, Austria, an old wizarding prison.

"I said, professor, you don't mean to gang up on me with your old friend... old friend?" Bai Hao looked at Dumbledore strangely, who had begun to sink into memories.

"Of course not, it's just that this place happens to be the right place, and I just want to visit him before fulfilling our promise." After speaking, Dumbledore walked into the tower.

Bai Hao glanced at him and thought to himself: "I'm afraid the second half of the sentence is the truth."

He looked at the surrounding environment, the ground was full of gravel and rubble, this place should have been a good place before.

Looking up at the entrance gate of the tower, there is a sentence engraved on the door in German: For the greater good.

Follow Dumbledore into the tower, which is dark but clean, with a winding stone staircase winding up to the top of the tower.

The two walked up the stairs until they reached the end, and a prison cell appeared in front of them.

There is a hard board bed, a table, a chair, and some common daily necessities in the cell.

There is also a face-sized skylight on the top to let in a ray of sunlight.

Bai Hao knocked on the iron fence of the cell, and some oxidized rust fell to the ground with the vibration of the fence.

"I said, are you sure this thing can trap him?" Bai Hao pointed to the figure sitting in the dark corner of the cell.

"Long time no see, Gellert." Although Dumbledore's face was calm at this time, his eyes were full of emotional fluctuations.

"Not long, we met last month, didn't we?" Gellert Grindelwald slowly got up and walked out of the darkness, "Oh! There is another little wizard! I think you are Bai Hao Felkes. ......"

Bai Wu looked up and down the revolutionary who had triggered the first wizarding war. Compared with the scenery at that time, Grindelwald is now a ragged, thin, and frail old man.

Bai Hao nodded: "It seems that Professor Dumbledore has already told you about me!"

"I also know that you have inherited the ancient inheritance of Royna Lawen Klaw." Grindelwald glanced at Dumbledore, "Thanks to him, I can at least receive a copy of the Daily Prophet regularly. "

"You don't come here just to visit me, an old man, do you?"

Dumbledore opened the door of the cell: "I just came to fulfill a promise, and I came to visit you by the way.

Grindelwald walked out of the cell, looked at the two, and smiled meaningfully: "I see, let me see it! 11

The three walked down the stairs, with Dumbledore walking first, Grindelwald following closely behind, and Bai Hao walking third.

"Why don't you run away?" Bai Hao turned his head and looked in the direction of the prison cell behind him, and could vaguely see the door still shaking slightly, "This place will definitely not trap you.

"Oh... yes! Of course this place can't trap me." Grindelwald smiled evilly, "It's just that I don't want to leave here."

Bai Hao raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

"Some things are beyond your age to understand."

"Cut! Pretending to be profound!"

The three of them walked out of the tower gradually...

"Professor, are you sure nothing will happen if you choose this place?" Bai Hao glanced at the mountains and valleys all around, and there is still a lot of snow on the top of the mountain, so there will be a lot of movement!"

Dumbledore took off the wizard robes he was wearing outside, revealing the lighter clothes underneath: "No one will come here."

In the end, the two chose a huge valley as the battlefield. The distance between the cliffs on both sides was already close to 3.9 kilometers, and there were many boulders scattered here because of geological activities.

"To be honest, I haven't dueled anyone for a long time." Dumbledore caressed the old wand of the three Deathly Hallows with his wrinkled hands.

Since Grindelwald was imprisoned here in 1945, he hasn't shot with all his strength for decades. Even if Voldemort saw his strength, he would turn around and run away.

Bai Hao stretched his body and rattled his joints, and he also drew out his wand: "Professor, I hope you can do your best."

The two bow and hold their wands in a certain way, which is standard etiquette for wizard duels.

Fox flew through the air and let out a cry, Rigen's crimson feathers slowly fell from midair to the place between the two of them.

Finally, 10 seconds later, the feather instantly turned into a golden flame when it landed.

A huge explosion resounded throughout the valley of Nurmengard.

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