The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 8 Guild Selection (Please Subscribe!)

"Do you have a moment?"

"Not engraved!"

"I'll tell Mr. Granger what happened to you last term!"

"... I engraved."

Hermione finally compromised, she was afraid that Bai Hao would really drop out of Hogwarts if she really told her family that she ran to die last semester.

And Bai Hao still didn't dare to come to her directly, after all, she was a girl, and he wasn't a pervert.

Bai Hao held the wand with an angry expression on his face: "Where is the engraving?"

Hermione stared at her legs in the air: "You put me down first!"

Bai Hao waved his wand and put Hermione down.

After Hermione came down, she straightened her clothes, grabbed Bai Hao's arm and bit it down!

"I'm going! You're coming again!" Bai Hao gasped in pain for a while.

"Hmph!" Hermione threw away Bai Hao's hand and glared at him.

Wiping the drool on his arm, Bai Hao raised his wand again: "Where is the engraving?"

Hermione hesitated, then pointed reluctantly to her left upper arm.

"Wouldn't it be better if it was like this earlier." Bai Hao opened Hermione's sleeve with a magic war, revealing the snow-white skin inside, and Hermione's face turned red instantly.

"Okay!" After engraving the blue guild badge and repairing the sleeves, Ri Hao put away his wand.

Hermione kicked Bai Hao silently, and ran to the training room by herself.

Bai Hao scratched his head: "Isn't it just to engrave a guild badge, so there's no need to be so angry?"

The name of the successor of La Wen Keluo is very popular.

The news of Bai Hao's establishment of the guild spread throughout Hogwarts within a short period of time [Many people are discussing whether joining this girl's tail will learn very powerful magic.

And this alarmed the Ministry of Magic and many wizarding families at the same time.

At this time, in the Slytherin common room on the basement floor, Dellaco Malfoy received a letter from his father.

The content of the letter is very simple, it asks Della to join the Fairy Tail Guild as an undercover agent at all costs to obtain information on Bai Hao Felkes.

To be honest, Dellako said that this is a bit too much for a second-year snake.

Although I don't know the specific strength of Bai Hao, but he can turn more than a dozen senior Slytherins into flesh balloons in the first grade, and then slaughter monsters on Halloween, and kill the dark wizard who wanted to steal the Sorcerer's Stone at the end of the semester. In the end, he obtained the inheritance of Raven Klaus.

Just one of these things is beyond the reach of ordinary wizards, let alone Felkes has done them all.

Not only himself, but now the whole school thinks that Bai Hao Felkes is the strongest person in Hogwarts besides the professor.

It is also because of this that Slytherin has restrained himself a lot in the face of Raven Crowe now, and he does not have the attitude of wanting to look at people with his nostrils as he walked on the road in the past.

But Della didn't dare to disobey his father's order. He could only say that he would try his best, but if he couldn't do it, he couldn't be blamed. He couldn't be forced into the guild just because of his surname Malfoy if others didn't accept him.

If someone finds out that he is going to be an undercover agent, who knows what Bai Hao Felkes will do to deal with him.

On the other side, compared to the actions of the Malfoy family, the Ministry of Magic seemed a little restless.

"Albus, what is this guild for~"?"? Cornelius Fudge heard the news and came to Hogwarts to find Dumbledore himself, with the purpose of asking about the Fairy Tail guild. matter.

"Connelly, are you here just because of this matter?" Dumbledore said calmly, "It's just a normal student organization, just used to promote communication among students.

"After all, as you know, Hogwarts has undergone some reforms this year. There are some things that professors cannot intervene but students can do."

"Is it really that simple?" Fudge looked skeptical, "La Wen Keluo's successor, you know the weight of this title.

"Are you really sure he has no other thoughts?"

Dumbledore shook his head: "Of course not!"

"Connelly, you are too nervous, you must know that even though Felkes is the successor of La Wen Keluo, he is still a second-year student.

"Did you expect him to have anything special in mind?"

Fudge wrinkled his nose in thought for a moment: "Okay, but I have a request."

"This so-called Fairy Tail guild needs to register with the Ministry of Magic, and clarify the nature and function of the guild, and everyone who joins must register with the Ministry of Magic...

"So, Professor."

"Don't tell me you promised him for me."

Bai Wu is now in the principal's office, after listening to Dumbledore's talk about the Ministry of Magic or Fudge's various unreasonable demands on the guild.

"Of course not." Dumbledore handed over a letter, "This is what Connelly left for you, there are some things he wants to talk to you personally.

Bai Hao picked up the letter, he knew what was written in it without opening it.

It is nothing more than raising conditions, and then it is all kinds of promises to make big cakes, making Bai Hao and the guild subject to the Ministry of Magic, and then implanting the power of the Ministry of Magic into Hogwarts.

"Okay, I'll settle this matter myself." Bai Hao put the letter in his pocket, "If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Dumbledore nodded.

After Bai Hao left the principal's office, he came to the guild castle, where he handed the letter to one of his thoughts.

"Go ahead, just cast an Imperius Curse on him."

After receiving the letter, the missing body disappeared in Hogwarts. He went to the Ministry of Magic to talk to Fudge.

And this is actually just a small episode of the establishment of the guild.

Time soon came to the selection day of the guild members.

Because today is the weekend, the entire Hogwarts students came to the atrium lawn to join in the fun, no matter whether they are willing to join the guild or not.

The selection method is very simple, that is, to pass the test of illusion magic. The scene is the same as the last time Cedric was tested, but there are some modifications on the NPC.

"Go away!" Hermione was helping to hold a stack of registration forms, and seeing Bai Wu standing in front of her, she glared at him.

She was still angry about the previous guild badge.

But Bai Hao is not used to her, no one in the guild except the old man dared to treat him like this before, what's more, he is the guild leader now, and he can't even subdue a little girl, what is his majesty?!

So he pretended to be fierce, and stretched out his hands to catch Hermione's cheek: "Don't let me! Can you give me another try?!"

"Let go!!!" Hermione's face turned red instantly, and many people around were watching, because she was holding something in her hand and it was difficult to slap Bai Hao's hand off.

""~Don't let go!" Bai Hao continued to pinch, "Do you still dare to lose your temper?!"

Hermione looked around, and there were already many people looking at her, feeling flustered.

"Let go, I just don't get angry."

After Bai Hao finished speaking, he let go of his hand in satisfaction.

Seeing his smiling and proud appearance, Hermione was so angry that she kicked him and walked past him.

Bai Hao looked at Hermione who was sitting at the registration desk, and scratched his head: "Didn't you say you're not angry?"

There are about hundreds of people who come to the selection today, Ravenclaw has the largest number, Gryffindors has the most number of times, Hufflepuff is the third, and Slytherin is the least.

It may be that considering the O.W.L exam, there are basically not many students above the fourth grade who come to take part, and those who come are all young wizards of lower grades.

Everyone needs to go to Hermione to register basic information such as name, college, grade, etc., and then enter the fantasy magic under the guidance of Cedric.

The illusion magic is set in a temporary tent, and those who enter will enter the illusion test in an instant, and the house elves will place them in appropriate positions one by one.



"Are you here to participate in the selection?"

Hermione ran into an acquaintance as she checked in and looked up.

Harry (okay) scratched his head a little embarrassedly: "I'm just curious to come and participate."

Ron also pointed to the back: "Fred and George are here too."

Hermione nodded, because there was still work to do, and it was not suitable for chatting and pleasantries.

She quickly registered the information of the two of them, looked in Cedric's direction: "Just follow the team to the tent over there, I hope you can pass the customs."

"Thank you!" After saying that, Harry and the two left.

The work in the early stage was very smooth. A total of 121 people participated in the assessment, among which there were more than 50 people from Lawen Keluo.

And the three people in Slytherin are actually Della himself and his two followers.

"All in?" Bai Hao walked to Cedric's side.

"They're all in, and the house elves have arranged for everyone." Cedric fiddled with the registration form in his hand, "Isn't this test a bit too cruel?"

He's been through it before, and it's a really bad feeling.

Bai Hao patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I'm sensible."

And at the same time, he caught a glimpse of a familiar name on the registration form: "Luna? She's here too?!"

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!).

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