The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 21 Harry And Tom (Please Subscribe!)

"Harry, what's wrong with you?"

Harry pursed his lips: "I'm sorry, I was just thinking..."

"If I don't release this mission, they will not have an accident."

Ron sighed: "Harry, you really don't have to think about it that much."

"This incident is not your fault, no one expected such a thing to happen."

"Didn't the professor say that Fred and Healer will be able to wake up after the mandella grass matures in another two months.

"Look at me, I'm their younger brother and I'm not that nervous."

"Thank you for comforting me, Ron." Harry smiled wryly, "Thank you!"

Ron smiled: "Don't think so much, let's continue with our homework, finish it as soon as possible and we will have enough time to practice magic tonight."

Harry nodded, collected his mood, and was about to pick up a pen and continue writing his homework.

But as soon as he lowered his head, he found that his homework book was full. He remembered the strange blank diary a few days ago, and now he just took it for homework.

Taking the diary out of the bookcase, Harry saw Tom Riddles Diary (Tom Marvolo Riddle) written on the cover, and he didn't pay much attention to it being a personal name before.

"Ron, is there a student named Tom Marvolo Riddle in our school?" Harry picked up the diary and showed it to Ron.

Ron looked up, then shook his head: "No, there seem to be a few Toms in school, but none of them are named Tom.

"Oh! All right." Harry put the diary down, and without thinking too much, he opened the cover and wrote his name on the blank of the first page.

"Huh?" Harry rubbed his eyes, 24 he seemed to see the name he had just written on it suddenly disappear.

He frowned and thought for a while, then dipped some ink on the quill pen and dripped it on the diary.

The black ink gradually disappeared, and a greeting suddenly appeared on the blank paper: Hello, Harry Potter, I'm Tom Riddle.

Harry's breath became short of breath, and he raised his head to call Ron's name, but it turned out that Ron had already fallen asleep lying on the table, and the pen in his hand was still drawing a beautiful arc on his homework book.

What did you say in the first two minutes? Hurry up and finish your homework and go back to the guild to practice magic tonight. I didn't expect to fall down like this?

Harry shook his head, picked up the diary and flipped through it quickly, the pages were all blank.

He bowed his head and thought for a while, picked up a pen and wrote in the diary: "Hello, Tom Riddle."

Tom: "Hello, Harry Potter."

Harry: "Why are you in the diary?"

Tom: "I'm just a memory."

Harry: "Are you a Hogwarts student?"

Tom: "Yes."

In this way, Harry chatted with Tom for more than ten minutes, gradually talking about Fred.

Tom: "Maybe I can solve your troubles."

Harry: "What can you do? You're just a diary.

Tom: "I can take you back fifty years and have a look, maybe you can understand.

A white light suddenly lit up in the diary, pulling Harry into a black and white world.

And ten minutes later, he returned to the real world again.

Harry had an unbelievable look on his face: "Hagrid?!"

He stood up quickly and shook Ron awake who was sleeping soundly.

"What... what's the matter?" Ron was forced to turn on the phone, still a little dazed.

"Ron, it's Hagrid!" Harry said, "50 years ago, the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets was opened!"

Ron frowned, with a puzzled look on his face: "What's wrong?"

Harry licked his lips and calmed down: "Hagrid opened the Chamber of Secrets 50 years ago, and a student died at that time."

"It wasn't the basilisk that killed that student!"

Ron was shocked: "What?!!!"

Inside the guild residence.......

"You two, don't tell me that you just use this diary of unknown origin to say that Hagrid is the murderer who hurt Fred and George." Hermione's expression was very bad, and the two fools in front of her suddenly He ran to himself and said something about the secret room 50 years ago.

With just one weird, worn-out diary!!!

"I didn't say Hagrid did it!" Seeing that Hermione misunderstood him, Harry was anxious. "I mean, although Hagrid opened the Chamber of Secrets back then, it wasn't the basilisk that killed the student."

"At that time Hagrid had a pet named Aragog, although I couldn't see what it was because the environment was too dark, but it was the murderer who killed the student.

Hermione looked angry: "Then since you said that Hagrid opened the Chamber of Secrets, what about the basilisk? Where did the basilisk go then?"

"This..." Harry was immediately stopped by the question, he hadn't thought that much just now.

"Since you have the time to study this, you might as well read more books!" Hermione glared at Harry, turned and left.

"Look, I said that you will definitely be scolded for looking for her." Ron walked over from the side, "And what she said is right, since the Chamber of Secrets has been opened, how can you explain the basilisk thing?"

"Wait a minute." Harry opened the diary on the spot, picked up a pen and wrote in it.

Harry: "Since the Chamber of Secrets was opened back then, what about the Basilisk?"

Tom: "The basilisk won't show up.

Harry: "Why?"

Tom: "It's sleeping, and only Parseltongue can wake it up."

Harry: "What is a Parseltongue?"

Tom: "The ability to communicate with snakes."

Harry: "Why do you know this?"


No more words came out of the diary, and it was obvious that Tom didn't want to say why he knew these things.

Ron watched from the side: "I still don't think this diary is very reliable, we might as well give it to Bai Hao, or Professor Dumbledore.

Harry closed the diary: "No! Bai Hao is investigating Fred's affairs, and we shouldn't disturb him because of these matters."

"Let's go to Hagrid and ask him what he said."

"But........" Ron looked puzzled.

"Don't worry, we're just looking for Hagrid, not doing anything dangerous." Harry put his arm on Ron's shoulder, "Let's go, Ron."

There was no way, since this person in front of him was his best friend, Ron had no choice but to go to Hagrid's cabin with Harry.

At the same time, Bai Hao was in the conference room on the second floor of the guild castle, frantically looking up Rawen Keluo's inheritance information in his mind.

After several days of searching, although he didn't get any clues, according to the testimony of the acromantula and the centaur, he has initially ruled out the possibility of man-made.

He was looking up the legacy about Slytherin, the Chamber of Secrets, and the Basilisk.

Bai Hao once suspected that Slytherin had raised a second basilisk in the secret room, so he went back to the secret room to check, but found nothing.

But he noticed a name in the inheritance materials: despicable Haierbo.

Despicable Haierbo: He is a dark wizard in ancient Greece. He is one of the earliest known dark wizards. The records about him can be traced back to more than 1,800 years ago, nearly before the establishment of Hogwarts. 900 years.

He was notorious, and much of his research still influences the development and use of much of the Dark Arts to this day.

He is believed to be the first wizard to breed a basilisk, and is famous for it.

In addition, he invented many evil curses and became the first wizard to successfully create a Horcrux.

Some say he may still be alive today, splitting their souls by him.

He is also one of the earliest recorded Parseltongues.

According to a fragment read by Royna Lawen Keluo, the first basilisk bred by Herbo was killed in Greece 300 years ago in her time, and people will wake up from the basilisk A 59-cubit two-winged snake skin was taken off the monster as a trophy...

[Cubit]: A unit of measurement of length in ancient Greece, 967, refers to the length from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger, about 2.1 cubits equals 1 meter.

In other words, the first basilisk bred by Haierbo was about 27 meters long when it was killed at the age of 600, which was more than two meters longer than the basilisk in the secret room.

The record of the basilisk in the current data is: an adult basilisk can grow to more than 20 meters.

The basilisk can reach adulthood in about 10 years.

Although it is not clearly recorded that the length of the basilisk will increase with age, no one can rule out this possibility, can it?

Then this is strange. If the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets was really put in by Slytherin, even if it had been sleeping for a while, it would not be only 25 meters long.

And what happened to the recorded two-winged snake skin?

Just when Bai Hao was puzzled, Min walked in.

"Bai Hao, did you find anything?" Hermione handed him a bottle of pumpkin juice, "You should take a break, you only slept for a few hours since yesterday.

Bai Hao took a sip of the pumpkin juice, a sweet taste refreshing.

"I'm fine, this is nothing to me."

"Did everyone in the guild find anything?"

Hermione shook her head: "It's peaceful, but Malfoy said that recently he felt that the Slytherin common room was much quieter.

"Actually, that's a good thing." Bai Hao smiled, "If nothing happens next, it means Fred and the others are just a rare accident.

"Maybe I can spend a while looking for this mysterious and dangerous magical creature."

"If it's a new species, maybe I can get a third-class Medal of Merlin for it!"

So, people should not easily set up a flag......

(Sorry, there are too many trivial matters at work, and I am very sorry for the late update.)

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