The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 27 The Millennium Strange Injustice (Please Subscribe!)

Bai Hao raised his hand, threw a sky magic, and instantly restored the HP of the basilisk to 100%.

Hermione in the distance puffed up her cheeks angrily, and murmured: "What are you showing off?! Sooner or later, I will surpass you!"

The fully recovered basilisk wanted to riot in an instant, but Bai Hao punched it on the head with a giant rock hand, smashing it to pieces.

"Harry, listen to what it's saying." After re-fixing the basilisk, Bai Hao ordered to Harry.

Harry nodded and stepped forward, looking a little nervous, and then let out a creepy hiss from his throat.

"Saya Hisseha~~~"

"Sess hash~~~"

So, after a few minutes of "friendly" communication, Harry managed to get news about Slytherin's inheritance from the basilisk.

According to the words of the basilisk, the function of Slytherin's chamber of secrets is actually very different from the legend.

During the Middle Ages, magic was feared by everyone, common people were afraid of magic, and witches and wizards were usually severely persecuted.

So the four founders built Hogwarts together, away from the prying eyes of Muggles.

The reason why Slytherin built the Chamber of Secrets and left the basilisk in it was actually to protect Hogwarts and resist foreign enemies, not to remove those with impure blood.

The basilisk's original order was: when it wakes up, clear Hogwarts of traitors or accept the order of the man holding the ring and tell the location of the quagmire.

The ring should be the one on the serpentine platform.

It is not clear exactly what the traitor refers to, but it may be because Bai Hao took the initiative to get the ring, and the basilisk did not receive the order to eliminate the traitor when it woke up, so it ran to live in the Black Lake.

As for the mire basilisk, only two words were spoken: dor and lyn

Bai Hao was dumbfounded by this, because this is not a modern English language at all.


At this time, the basilisk made a hissing sound, and it seemed to have something to say...

Harry looked at the basilisk: "It said its name was Bram, and it was asking why did it attack it?"

"Huh?! Why didn't you think about attacking it?" Bai Hao raised his eyebrows, "Fred and Hagrid are still lying on the bed."


Harry: "It said that there is no order, and it will never attack people."

"Oh! According to what it says, I have wronged the snake"~?" Bai Hao was not convinced when he heard it, "You ask it, let it explain to me why it attacked people a while ago. "

Hissing Ha ∼ ∼ basilisk carried on for up to three minutes to cry.

"This..." After hearing what the basilisk said, Harry glanced at Yuri in embarrassment.

Bai Hao put his waist down, with a confident look: "Why are you hesitating? Talk!"

Harry licked his lips that were not very dry, and pointed at the basilisk with a bit of embarrassment: "It said that most of the time I just sleep at the bottom of the lake, and I only go ashore when I want to find spiders to eat."

"I did encounter a few humans when I went ashore a few times ago, but I didn't touch them at all. I just glanced at them from a distance and went to find something to eat."

"Until today, I was sleeping peacefully at the bottom of the lake, and suddenly I was caught and beaten up.

"So why are you hitting me?!?!?"

... A breeze named embarrassment blew by, and the grass fluttered on the ground.

Everyone present suddenly understood, no wonder the Weasley twins and Hagrid didn't suffer the second fatal attack, it turned out that the basilisk had no interest in them at all.

The basilisk came out to look for food and sleep, and then the president of his own family indiscriminately dragged it out of the bottom of the lake, poked him blind and beat him violently, this is really a strange injustice through the ages!

Everyone involuntarily looked at Bai Hao in unison.

He was already standing next to the snake head of the basilisk, with an innocent look on his face: "Why are you all looking at me?"

"I didn't do much about it. You can see that its eyes are fine."

Everyone immediately shouted in their hearts: Fuck!!! Shameless!!!

It turned out that Bai Hao just took advantage of the fact that everyone didn't pay attention, and even cured the eyes of the basilisk in advance. This is really taking off his pants and hanging himself, so shameless!

"Then what should we do with this basilisk now?" Newt, who was beside him at this time, asked a soul question.

The basilisk is a level 5 (XXXXX) magical creature, let alone such a big one, no matter how dangerous it is, it doesn't matter whether it has the intention to attack the wizard or not.

If you want to put it in the Black Lake, you have to hide it from the students, and you have to hide it from the Ministry of Magic.

Otherwise, let people outside know that there is a dangerous magical creature in the Black Lake of Hogwarts that needs dozens of Aurors to deal with. Dumbledore dares to guarantee 100% that the number of enrollments next year will drop to single digits.

And the basilisk cannot control the instant death talent released by its eyes, the Weasley twins and Hagrid are typical examples.

They are just lucky, and there is no guarantee that next time a little lion will not sneak into the forbidden forest to take a look at the basilisk that came out to look for food, and then directly ascend to heaven.

Don't ask why it's the little lion [students who have had accidents in the Forbidden Forest since Hogwarts was founded are all from Gryffindor.

"Oh, it's easy!" Bai Hao patted his chest confidently, "Leave this to me!"

Half an hour later, everyone watched the basilisk gradually disappear on the water surface of the Black Lake, and the work of catching the basilisk came to a hasty end with dramatic results.

As for how to deal with the basilisk, Bai Hao didn't care about the ring or not, threw a [Life Deed] over, and then used magic to seal the ability of the basilisk's eyes. This basilisk belongs to Lao Tzu!

Bai Hao ordered the basilisk, without its orders, it must not be revealed in front of people.

As a result, Hogwarts also regained its calm.

And before you know it, it's time for Hogwarts' annual Halloween dinner.

In the past, every Halloween, the Great Hall of Hogwarts will be decorated with the theme of Halloween:

A thousand bats fluttered across the walls and ceiling, and a thousand more hovered over the table like low black clouds, making the candle flames flicker in the pumpkin belly.

The ghosts of the school also perform at the end of the banquet: they pop up from the walls and tables, forming various formations to perform slides.

But this year Dumbledore didn't know what was going on in his head, and he even invited a skeleton dance troupe to entertain everyone at the banquet.

Bai Hao looked at the bones flying continuously on the stage. To be honest, he couldn't appreciate it, and the whole school couldn't appreciate it.

Can you imagine two skeletons fencing with their own leg bones, and the one who wins presses the other's bone against himself?

To be honest, this has already brought back the memories of the students who participated in "Silent Hill" last year, so whoever sees it will know.

And there is another very interesting thing, Harry, Ron and Hermione did not attend this dinner party, but accepted the invitation of Nearly Headless Nick to attend his 500th death anniversary party in the dungeon.

They were all very curious about what the ghost party was like.

Hermione originally wanted to take Bai Hao with her.

But Bai Hao said, go to the death party of the ghost (Nuo Dehao)? Go to eat offerings?

So the next day..………

""~Oh my god! I really regret that I promised these two idiots to go to some death party!" Hermione began to whine as soon as she returned to the guild, "You know what? I'm sure that must be the time of my life Worst party ever! ”

Last night Hermione went to the dungeon where Count Nicholas held the death anniversary party as promised.

The dungeon is very spacious, decorated with black ornaments, and the black candles emit blue light, which looks very gloomy.

Nick prepared a lot of moldy, rotting food.

According to Hermione's speculation, this may be to make the taste stronger.

The food on the long table included chunks of rotting fish on beautiful silver platters, charred cakes stacked on large trays, maggot-infested haggis and green hairy cheese.

In addition, in the center of the table was a large gray cake in the shape of a tombstone, with Nick's name and date of death spelled out in tar-like icing.

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