The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 34 Let's Go! (Please Subscribe!)

Bai Hao looked up and saw Luna coming down the stairs, barefoot like his father.

"Hello, Luna." Bai Hao looked at her with a smile, "We should start, it may take two or three days."

"Okay, maybe I should go clean up." It was obvious that Luna was very happy at this time.

"Does Mr. Lovegood know?" Bai Hao didn't come down after seeing Xenophilius go upstairs.

Luna looked up: "He said let me bring back some moon frog eggs."

Bai Hao smiled and nodded knowingly.

After packing up his things, Bai Hao took Luna out.

Bai Hao turned his head to look at the second floor of the house, and couldn't help but wonder, is this daughter so relieved to be a father when she travels far away?

Or go with a boy.

"How should we get there?" Luna interrupted ~ Bai Hao's doubts.

"Well~~ There are two ways for you to choose." Bai Hao stretched out two fingers, "One is to fly directly, the other is to use the Portkey."

"Which would you like to choose?"

"I think we can fly there." Luna made the choice without thinking.

"Okay, we'll just fly." Bai Hao actually breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this answer.

To be honest, he really didn't want to go to Ireland with a portkey, and he didn't want to experience the feeling of being stuffed into a front-loading washing machine for a second time.

Bai Hao transformed a boulder into a black and white chicken—actually, a bald eagle.

The two sat on it, and the bald eagle spread its huge wings, flapped a few times, rolled up a hurricane, and flew quickly to the north.

The destination this time is firstly set in Dublin, the largest city in Ireland. It will take about an hour to get there from the village of Ottery St. Catchpole at the current speed of the bald eagle.

Bai Hao and Luna sat on the eagle's back, because of magic, the strong wind during flight could not affect them.

"Luna, do you want something to eat?" Bai Hao took out his own collection of chocolates.

"Thank you!" Luna took the chocolate, broke a piece and put it in her mouth, with a strong hazelnut taste.

"It's so beautiful!" Luna suddenly looked into the distance with erratic eyes.

Bai Wu followed her gaze, and couldn't help sighing: "Yes, it's really beautiful, as if the world should be so clean."

Because it is close to noon, it is the most sunny time of the day.

The sky was clear, and the strong sunlight shone through the deep blue waves, shining like crystals.

There is not a cloud in the sky, and there is no breeze. Bai Hao and Luna are sitting on the back of the eagle, facing the sea and the blue sky. The sea and sky are the same color. At the junction of the sea and the sky, blue slowly spreads endlessly , Exudes a clear, impending brilliance.

"I also saw such a scene when I was a child. My mother took me to a coast, and my feet were covered with golden sand." Luna's eyes were suddenly a little dazed and sad

"Your mother must love you very much."

"Yes." Luna slowly fell into the memory, "She likes to do some spell experiments, and my father and I have persuaded her, but she usually likes to smile and say, it's okay."

"Until three years ago, I saw thestrals."

Seeing Luna's sad look, Bai Hao thought for a while, and suddenly said: "She must be a very good witch?"

"Why?" Luna tilted her head. In her heart, her mother is of course very good, but why did Bai Hao come to such a conclusion? They have never met each other.

"Luna, you are excellent." Bai Hao smiled and looked at the blue sky in the distance, "From the first time I saw you, I knew that you are a real La Wen Keluo.

"I even thought at one point that you should pull Wen Ke's real heir, and I was just a lucky one."

"You love your mother very much. Without her, I don't think there would be such an excellent you."

"Actually, you don't have to be sad because of missing you often."

"Know a word?"

"Death is not the end of life, oblivion is."

"As long as you miss her, she will always live in your heart."

Hearing Bai Hao's words, Luna lowered her head in thought, but after a while she raised her head and looked into the distance, smiling very happily.

Bai Hao was thinking that at this moment, Pandora should be calling Luna's name affectionately in her heart...

The bald eagle flew very fast, Bai Hao and Luna finally arrived in Dublin, Ireland.

Dublin is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Ireland, as well as the political, economic, cultural, tourism and transportation center of Ireland.

Its location is extremely close to the center of the east coast of the island of Ireland, at the mouth of the River Liffey in County Dublin, in the heart of the Dublin region.

"Dor and lyn, dirt and lake, the only clues Slytherin gave to the basilisk are these two words." Bai Hao held a satellite map of the whole of Ireland in his hand, "Where do I start looking?"

"How interesting!" Luna looked at the map, how did she manage to print everything on paper?"

"Ah~~ To be honest, the current magic world is really out of touch with the historical development." Bai Hao sighed, "Luna, I think you should get in touch with the Muggle world more in the future, I think you will benefit Very shallow."

Luna smiled and nodded: "It is said that Slytherin comes from the quagmire in the east of Ireland. I think we can narrow the scope down to this place."

She stretched out her index finger and drew a circle on the right side of the map, meaning to find it in the eastern peninsula of Ireland.

Bai Hao frowned and sighed: "The search must be in this half, but the scope is still too big."

"There are dozens of lakes, large and small, in the entire eastern peninsula, and those are clues left over a thousand years ago. Who knows what has changed in such a long time."

"Dor and Lyn are the languages ​​of the ancient Celts, maybe we can check it from this aspect." Luna made a suggestion, "Is there a library here, or a place to record history?"

Bai Hao thought for a while, then nodded: "There really is such a place."

So, Bai Hao and Luna came to the National Museum of Ireland.

This museum is Ireland's national comprehensive museum, which mainly exhibits ancient artifacts, artworks, gold products, early Christian metal crafts, and specimens and materials of zoology, botany, and geology.


Following the guidance of the road signs, the two soon came to the Antiquities Department of the museum, where many of the most exquisite gold ornaments in prehistoric times were displayed, which were rare cultural relics in Europe.

In addition, there are many extremely precious Bronze Age necklaces, brooches, throat guards, etc.

"A thousand years ago, the ancient Celts did not have a clear national concept, and they all lived in groups of tribes."

Luna was reading a book they had collected from the National Library of Ireland before they came here and wanted to return it.

"The ancient Celts believed in Druidism, and Druids had a high status in Celtic society, second only to kings or tribal leaders.

"They are not only in charge of sacrifices, but also healers, magicians, fortune tellers, poets, and historical recorders of their tribes."

"Druids regard the oak tree as a sacred tree, so people also call them Druid, which means "the sage of the oak tree", that is, "the person who understands the truth of the tree."

"It is said that they have the magical power of turning people into animals and talking to gods, spirits and animals. They can predict the future through the way birds fly and the appearance of sacrificed internal organs."

Bai Hao was a little dumbfounded.

Good guy, doesn't this druid sound like a wizard, it's just a different title.

"It's interesting, it's the first time I know the name Druid." Luna put down the book, her eyes sparkled with excitement, "Maybe we can look for the oak.

"Oak?!" Bai Hao frowned and thought, "This seems a little unreasonable."

"Although oak wood is hard, it is not like Nanmu, it is very easy to decay in the natural environment, let alone buried in the ground.

"But Slytherin is a wizard..." Luna made a soul answer.

Bai Hao reacted immediately: "That's right!"

So the two began to constantly search for the display of ancient oak artifacts, but they did not expect to find them.

"Look!" Luna pointed to a badge in the glass display case, "I think we found it."

Probably due to staying in the soil for a long time, this badge looks a bit washed and whitish, but the surface is very smooth, there are no fancy patterns on it, only a small snake.

"It's really there!" Bai Hao exclaimed, having to say that having a smart little witch by his side really saves a lot of trouble.

If he really asked him to look for it by himself, he might not be able to find it so quickly.

At this time, another very clever little witch sneezed in London.

"The source of this badge is written on this sign." Luna pointed to the introduction column next to it.

Bai Hao looked over and carefully read the introduction to the snake badge above: "Emotions are nearby!"

This badge was actually dug up by a farmer in Dublin when he was reclaiming the land more than a hundred years ago. At that time, he thought the badge was very beautiful and brought it home. "It was not until after his death that the badge entered the museum.

At that time, the farmer excavated the location of this badge, which is actually the Wicklow Mountains National Park near Dublin.

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!! Spoon).

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