The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 102 Mira’s Transformation Armor

"Hiss...'Witch' is really powerful!"

Juvia was surprised at Mira's quick reaction and the fact that the magic in her hands never stopped.

"So, so what? The water flow cuts through!"

The attack from the water-gathering blade was fast and fierce, and came to Mira in a blink of an eye. She had no time to use transformation magic, and could only reluctantly cross her hands in front of her body to protect her and passively receive the beating.

However, how could the weak body block the sharp water blade with the magic power added? With the sound of "swish, swish" and "stab", the oncoming water blade cut off Mira's white hair. Her hair cut her long skirt and even made slender cuts on her arms.

"What a powerful magic..."

Even though she had been in Fairy Tail for several years, Mira, who had rich experience, had to admit that the enemy in front of her was the best human magician she had ever seen, and she was the best at using water magic.

Magic is useless and melee is at a disadvantage. At this time, Mira has no choice but to cheat.

While running to the side to dodge the water flow, he took out the magic item he had bought from Kira from an unknown place on his body - a belt.

The belt is silver-white, the same color as Mira's hair. It feels soft and pliable. It doesn't feel like metal, but rather like it is made of the sinews or skin of some kind of monster.

The belt is also engraved with the logo of Hope House, which represents Kira's products. However, the most eye-catching thing is the black circular badge in the center of the belt, with Mira's head on it.

Mira quickly buckled it around her waist, and the white leather belt just hugged her slender waist. Obviously, it was specially customized for her to fill her current combat flaws.

"What did she take out?" It's not like Juvia didn't see the white belt in Mira's hand, but she couldn't figure out what it was for and why she had to wear it.

Then, she heard the witch opposite her shout: "Transform!!!"

Juvia: "??"

Time seemed to stop for a brief second. Even the rain defied gravity and stopped falling in the air. Then, a burst of energy burst out from Mira, blowing away the stagnant rain and blowing away the sharp edges. waterjet.

Holy light, winds, and magic surges exploded on Mira at the same time, so shocked that Juvia forgot to continue attacking.

Just like the magic of dressing up, the silver-white armor was worn directly on Mira. She was majestic, extraordinary, elegant and sexy, and full of royal sister style. It is also a product that combines strength and aesthetics. Judging from the style alone, even It surpassed Erza's armor.

Juvia was a little unsure in her heart. Could it be that this woman could also change her magic?

"Water flow violently saws!"

Throwing down the umbrella in her hand, Juvia spun at high speed after being hydrated, controlling the tornado-like water to approach Mira, trying to use centrifugal force to shred Mira's armor.

However, the silver-white armor made of an unknown material covered Mira's whole body without even a single leak. It impeccably blocked the attacking flow and firmly defended against this powerful magic.

Juvia instantly lost her composure: "Nani?! Juvia's attack has no effect at all?"

At the same time as Juvia exclaimed, Mira slowly raised her right hand and reached into the waterspout in front of her. The armor cracked under the instructions of her mind, making a 'click' sound.

"What is this? What does she want to do?"

Then, Juvia was attracted by the changes in the armor. The cracked part of the armor's right arm revealed more than a dozen holes, and a small barrel emerged from it.

A single salvo was fired, but the bullets did not lose their power due to being wetted by water. Instead, they detonated accurately within a second after being fired, causing violent turmoil in Juvia's body.

boom! Water drops are splashing everywhere!

After a while, Juvia, who had regained her original form, opened the distance between herself and Mira, and looked at the 'Armor Witch' in front of her with cold eyes.

Although the explosion just now did not cause any damage to her due to her physical condition, she could clearly feel her magic power being sucked away the moment she came into contact with the armor!

Juvia felt that it was for this reason that the power of her magic was not as powerful as expected, so she did not cause harm to Mira.

"Can that armor absorb magic power?"

"Ha!" Mira was happy that she had just successfully repelled the enemy. "The armor was crafted by Fairy Tail's number one forger, 'Sage' Kira, using energy-absorbing stones and demon-sealing stones. You didn't expect it, right?"

Although she didn't know why, Kira asked herself to say this every time she changed, no matter who her opponent was, but she still did it.

"Blacksmith? I thought Fairy Tail was the same as the Ghost Ruler, and its members were all magicians. I didn't expect such people to exist."

Mira would not explain to her anything like "mage, part-time blacksmith, part-time magic merchant", she just silently raised her hands and fired. At this moment, she seemed to have returned to her previous fighting state.

"Double fangs of water flow!"

"Water Water Whip!"

"The water flows and the clouds rise"

One water attack after another hit Mira, but it had little effect.

Even the magic that Juvia is most familiar with, after removing the weak resistance of the air, can only make a tiny splash on the armor, and it is not as effective as hitting it with a punch.

Every move failed and failed, and the magic power in Juvia's body gradually decreased under such frequent attacks.

'We can't go on like this. Juvia's attack has no effect at all. If we delay it any longer, the mission will fail. Let's take that woman back first. ’

Thinking of this, Juvia was about to leave, but how could Mira let her go so easily?

At this time, she was more worried about the battle on Lucy's side.

‘We can’t let her go back to deal with Lucy, at least we have to hold her back! ’

Although there is armor given by Kira, Mira rarely uses it and is not sure about the armor's lethality, so she has no confidence in defeating the enemy. She can only mobilize her unstable magic power in the hope that the armor can be used. produce more combat effectiveness.

Feeling the user's fighting will and the infusion of a large amount of magic power, the arms, shoulders, and gloves of the armor split apart one after another, revealing gun barrels, just like Iron Man's firepower suit.

Phew—bang bang bang bang…

The firepower of this armor is very powerful. If the opponent is not Juvia who can elementalize, he may have been blasted away long ago.

It stands to reason that since physical attacks are ineffective, the bullet should go directly through Juvia's body, but the strange thing is that no matter where Juvia stands, every attack from Mira is guaranteed to explode around her.

"Why does it keep detonating around Juvia?"

Juvia didn't know that this explosive bullet was specially made by Kira and had an automatic tracking function. It only locked onto the target at the moment it was fired. The target was designated by the armor. The armor was connected to the wearer's thoughts, so it was equivalent to The armor user locks onto the target directly.

After a series of explosions, Mira stepped forward, preparing to decide the outcome in close combat.

Back then, she was able to match Erza in hand-to-hand combat. The two were equivalent to the female versions of Natsu and Gray.

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