After walking around the crime scene, Kira made up her mind and used her brain: the chandelier was still warm, indicating that people had been here for a while; although these chairs were overturned, based on their placement, it could be inferred It is around this table, which means there are many people;

The iron filings were dropped by Gajeel when he ate something, and he is the only one here. The traces of wine are still wet, and Kana is the one who is so wrong. The cigarette ashes are also new, and Wakaba and Macao were also involved. The clothes on the ground are ...Gray is here too; huh? Is hair? There is only one in the guild...

These people are secretly hiding here for a meeting without letting me find out. There must be something fishy!

"Ghost game..." Kira felt that she would not be bored tonight.

In the corner of the second floor, more than a dozen figures were huddled together on tiptoe, not daring to let out any air.

Philide wrote down the magic formula: the sound made here cannot be heard!

"Okay, everyone can talk now..."

Wakaba said: "Huh! Let's leave quickly while Kana is dragging Kira. If he finds out that we are gambling and doesn't call him, he will definitely be punished..."

"What are you afraid of!" Disper shouted, "Who is not Kira? The sword in my hand is sharp! Besides, we also have the support of a great president! Where is the... president?"

Bigusro chuckled and said, "He ran away a long time ago. By the way, Habi and Rocky also ran away."

Disper: "..."

Are alien creatures amazing? It’s wings, it’s from the Star Spirit Sect, it’s running so fast!

"These guys who abandoned their teammates! Let's settle the score with them tomorrow!"

"The president is gone anyway, why don't we leave too?"

Disper shook his head and said: "Why are you leaving? Isn't it fun now! Let's play ghost hunting!"

I have to say that peers are really a wonderful existence. Perhaps this is the tacit understanding of being Kira. The two of them can still think of one thing without communicating in advance.

"Catching ghosts? Interesting..."

"Oh!! Could this be the long-awaited... showdown between the magician and the swordsman?"

Tap tap, tap tap...

Kira walked slowly towards the second floor, one step at a time, listening to six directions, looking in all directions, and gearing up his hands, ready to attack as soon as he saw someone.

The corridor on the second floor was completely empty, with not a single ghost in sight. There was only a faint residual magic power in the corner.

"The nature of this magic it a spell?" Kira closed her eyes and felt it, "Even Philide was involved, I'm even more curious!"



With a shout, several black shadows sprang out from Kira's body and rushed quickly in several directions. A slight exclamation came from the darkness, but Kira caught this change, stepped forward, and turned into a disabled person. The shadow drifted past.

He reached out and grabbed it in the darkness: "I caught you!"

"Wow!" The figure was mentioned by Kira and shouted in surprise, it was Wakaba.

Kira held his collar and asked, "Tell me, what are you doing behind my back?"

Just as Wakaba was about to beg for mercy, several attacks including ice, iron rods, laser beams, and slashes came from different directions. Kira could only put down and dodge. When he regained his feet, Wakaba had already passed out.

"Okay! Let's see if I don't find you all!" Kira shouted, "If you are found by me within an hour, I will win. If someone can escape my detection, you will win!"

After saying that, a burst of magic power was released: "Barrier!"

The magic barrier instantly enveloped the entire guild, blocking entry and exit. Gray and others in the darkness secretly cried out: "I can't leave now even if I want to..."

At this moment, in the guild tavern, Kira reached into his arms and took out a lighting magic crystal, and then threw it into the air.

bass! !

"Ah! My eyes!!"×N

Uh-huh! Clang! Boom!

The crystal flash bomb only illuminated for less than 3 seconds before it was hit by an aerial slash. The magic crystal hit the ground with a clang, and the fragments fell to the ground.

"come out!"

"And you!"

"Got you!"

"You still want to run in front of me?"

Even though Dispere reacted quickly, several unprepared people were still blinded by the flash. Kira was able to determine their position in 3 seconds.

The body moved around, several ups and downs, and four or five people were caught with a few snaps. Alzak, Bisca, Marcus, Ridasu and others were all captured, and were thrown by Kira to sit quietly on the first floor. , shivering.

Seeing this scene, the remaining people knew not to sit still and wait for death, so they immediately changed their positions or used magic to delay time.

"Made from ice, sculptured from ice!"

Several ice sculptures in the shape of Gray rose from the ground and were scattered in various corners of the guild, which played a good role in delaying the situation in the dark. On the other side, Gajeel followed suit and made several iron men with poor shapes, but because of The magic is different, you can only pinch one, place one, and then move the position; Philide relies on magic to lay traps, and his magic can play the best delaying effect; as for Bigusro and Disper, they can only rely on themselves. The experience conceals the body shape.

Ten minutes passed and Kira caught Bigusro on the fourth floor...

Twenty minutes later, Kira caught Gray and Gajeel in the corner of the third floor...

In the last ten minutes, Disper was the only one left in the whole journey...

Again, few people can refuse the words "you win". This is true for Kira, and even more so for Disper. This decisive battle between the two is bound to last until the end.

"Sure enough, in the end, I am the only opponent!"

At this time, the arrested people had gathered again to drink and chat under the chandelier. Kira looked at the time, there were still five minutes left, and sighed: "This Disper, the travels of the past few years have really not been in vain. Hidden The technology is so good..."

No more delay! At this point, the only option is to rely on cheating! Kira sent out a detection magic, and his perception enveloped the entire guild, and he instantly locked onto Disper's figure on the first floor.

Kira looked over and said with a somewhat surprised tone: "It's so close and I didn't notice it?"

Disper doesn't have magic power, but that doesn't mean he has no sense of magic. He noticed Kira's movements and walked out first, looking with disdain: "You guy, cheating when you can't find someone, how shameless!"

"I didn't say you can't use magic..."

After the game ended, several people sat back at the table. Kira held the betting list and read it line by line. He shook his head and said, "It's too miserable! It's terrible! So, is this the reason why you are in the guild so late?"

"That's right!" Disper said, "Me, Habib, President Marklov, and Kana are the openers, and they are the ones placing the bets."

Kira's mouth twitched and she looked at the others: "The judges are starting to bid, aren't you afraid of them cheating?"

Disper explained: "So didn't I find Kana..."

"I should do this kind of thing!"

"No! With your character, if you know about it, you will definitely fix the match. Even if you belong to the group of people who are prohibited from betting, there is no guarantee that you will not deliberately cheat their money for fun. This is why we don't want you to know s reason!"

"That's too much! You actually look at me like this?" Kira slammed the table angrily and asked several other people, "Tell me, am I the kind of person who would fix a match?"

The Wakaba people laughed and drank from the wine bottles without saying anything.

Kira's face suddenly dropped. He rolled up his sleeves and was about to hit someone. After thinking about it, he lowered his fist and said, "In this case, I will fake the match tomorrow and surrender..."

Disper's eyes lit up: Is there such a good thing? If this is really the case, this game will be a bloody gain!

Several people's expressions changed drastically, and they all knelt down to beg for mercy. Some even hugged Kira's thigh, crying and shouting.

"I'm sorry! We were wrong just now! We were really wrong!"

"Be a human being!"

"Don't do this! Please!!"

"Give us some protection, Kira!"

"I spent all my money on you to win the championship. You can't betray my trust!"

"Catching match-fixing is a shameful act! A noble person like you would definitely not do this, right?"

Kira lowered his head with an inexplicable smile on his face: "Oh? Am I noble?"

"So noble!"×N

"Haha... I still prefer your unruly attitude just now..."

Everyone: "..."

That night, many people in Magnolia couldn't sleep, but Kira slept peacefully and soundly.

Regarding the repetition of previous chapters, it is probably because I

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