The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 187 Invitation from the Magic Academy (please vote for me)

"The first person in the new era of magic, "Sage" Kira"

""Demon" Mira Returns to the Magical World"

"Shocking illusion magic, Fairy Tail's most mysterious wizard, the man named Mistagon"

"A brief discussion on the gold content of the first magic guild in the Kingdom of Fiore - how strong are "Fire Dragon" Natsu, "Ice Warrior" Gray, "Summoner" Kana, and "Dark Knight" Felide"

In the magical newspapers, similar news hot spots came one after another, and various eye-catching headlines emerged one after another. Suddenly, everyone in the entire Kingdom of Fiore knew about Fairy Tail and everyone knew about the Demonic Convention!

Cool magic battles, novel game rules, powerful magicians... Various reasons made the royal family pay more attention to the establishment of the Magic Guards, and at the same time aroused their desire to hold a magic convention.

It can be held by any magic guild in a kingdom. I am a royal family of the Kingdom of Fiore, so it won’t be a problem for me to hold one, right?

The matter of Fairy Tail holding a magic convention this time was fermented very quickly. After it was published in the magic newspapers, it soon spread throughout the entire Kingdom of Fiore, and the guild became famous because of it, reaching as far as Mira and Mystergang. From Marcus to Bisca, everyone’s fame has skyrocketed.

But who's fame has risen the most, it's Kira who won the championship in the end.

From that day on, the entire citizens of Magnolia knew Kira, but some people looked at him with a strange look. He speculated that Disper must have done something behind his back, but Kunai evidence.

Three days after the Harvest Festival ended, Kira's Hope House received a letter.

"Letter? There are still people writing to me these days?" Kira, who had just returned from the guild, took out the letter from the mailbox, full of curiosity and expectation, "This seems to be the first time I have received a letter in a long time, right?" ?Who could have sent it to me?"

Back in the house, Kira couldn't wait to take out the letter, and suddenly a refreshing smell of paper and ink hit her nostrils. Inside was a letter and a card. To be precise, it was not a card, but an invitation.

"Such exquisite paper, who wrote this invitation to me? Could it be that the king of Fiore wants to find a husband for his daughter? No, no... I remember that the princess was still very young..."

This is an extremely delicate letter. Kira can tell its material by touching it. Paper made from cedar trees is the best paper in this world and is generally used for invitations issued by the upper class.

The upper class here refers to people with high authority such as the royal family or the Senate. Ordinary rich people and nobles are not allowed to use it. It is precisely because of this particularity that Kira becomes suspicious.

Kira put the letter on the table and spread it out, and saw what was written on it:

[Dear Mr. Kira Hopelet:

I heard that you are the leading mage of the younger generation in the Kingdom of Fiore. You are powerful in magic, young and talented, and of high moral character... You have made many indelible contributions to the magic world.

Magic education is an indispensable part of the magic world. It is the responsibility of every magic academy to provide elite magic education to children with outstanding magic talents and establish a correct view of magic...

In view of this reason, Demisor Magic Academy plans to launch a new magic enrollment in September this year, and now specially invites Mr. Hopelite...]

Seeing this, Kira, who was originally slumped in the rocking chair, was shocked and immediately sat up straight like a salted fish: "What?! Demisor Magic Academy?!"

Demisor Magic Academy, the most famous magic academy in the Kingdom of Fiore, was jointly invested and founded by the Fiore royal family and the Senate. The teaching staff can be said to be very powerful.

This academy has a long history, and there are rumors that its predecessor can even be traced back hundreds of years. This worries Kira because he remembers that in the comics, Zeref studied at a certain magic academy when he was a child.

Let’s not talk about whether they are the same building. If this rumor is true, as a magic academy that can survive the Dragon King Festival, Demisor Magic Academy must have a rich foundation.

But... isn't it inappropriate for me to study with you when I'm so strong?

"Why didn't you come back then? I'm already old enough to hold cups in the academy now. Why did you invite me over? Are you pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger to play house?"

Kira continued to look down...

[Now, Mr. Hopelet is specially invited to attend our school’s admissions ceremony to set an excellent example for future geniuses in the magical world. 】

"Okay, I misunderstood! It turns out I wasn't asked to enroll in school, so I just said..."

Kira slumped back again. The other party invited her to visit their enrollment ceremony as a guest, not as a student. She felt relieved. It seemed that the other party also knew that she was not suitable.

But soon, a deep sense of loss followed.

"Damn it! With my magical talent, I should have had a wonderful life in the academy! Why didn't it send me an invitation to enroll in the academy?!"

I can't think about it anymore, the more I think about it, the more depressed I become!

[In addition, I hope that my husband will not hesitate to educate and give lectures and one-month magic teaching to the children. 】

"Okay! You actually asked me to do hard work!"

Demisor Magic Academy recruits students every year, targeting children over 6 years old and under 12 years old who have talents in magic practice. Since each admissions examination is extremely strict, all the students left behind are all geniuses.

These geniuses will undergo several years of further training at Demisor Academy, but the training time for each person is different. Those who are less talented will be kicked out within a year or two, while those who are more talented will have to study for four or five years. If you are young when you enter and your talent is very high, it is possible to stay for eight or nine years. But it will not exceed 10 years at most.

Kira heard from Jiula and Ivan that Demisor Academy would invite some well-known magicians to teach magic classes to the students from time to time. The letter said that she would give magic classes to the children for a month. Eighty percent success is this.

"Hmph! I didn't come to you when I needed you. I came to you now that you need me. I don't want to go to this kind of invitation..."

Before she finished her angry words, Kira's eyes glanced at the last few lines of the letter.

[If you agree to this invitation and come to give lectures and teach, we will pay you 1 million J as a reward. If you have any gifted children you know, you can also bring them with you. 】

Seeing this, Kira clicked her tongue again: "Good guy, as expected of a magic academy with a background in the Kingdom and the Senate, it's so generous! 1 million J...that's the amount of prize money for the champion of a Fairy Tail competition."

In the magic world, it is an extremely honorable thing to participate in the enrollment of Demisor Magic Academy as a guest, because it means the status of an invitee, so even if they have no money, they rush to go. , but Kira is different, he is a very principled person!

The principle is simple: give money, go! No money, don’t go!

"Since they are so sincere, then I will go there!"

It's not because I want to find an owner for 1 million, but mainly because I want to support magic education.

After thinking for a long time, Kira went out with the letter and invitation. He was going to find Marklov.

"Be careful with your ship. It's better to check with the president first to confirm the authenticity of the invitation letter. What if it's someone else's prank?"

Half an hour later, Kira walked out of Marklov's house, and the old man confirmed the authenticity of the letter and invitation.

"Sure enough, as I thought, the president has been invited before. Since the invitation is true, then we should prepare to bring people..."

Since they allowed themselves to bring their children of appropriate age, Kira certainly wouldn't refuse! However, the academy’s enrollment restrictions are for children over 6 years old and under 12 years old with magical talents...

"It seems I can only take one from the orphanage..."

After returning to the Hope Cottage, Kira wrote down the names of all the children in the orphanage that she knew on paper, and then crossed them out one by one after considering them based on their magical talents.

"This one is not good. It has a bad mentality. If you take it out, you will inevitably be laughed at... This one is a few years older... This one is a bit younger..."

At the end of the stroke, among the dense scratches, only three names were left.

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