On the day of the exam, Kira brought the three little ones into the exam area, and then turned to find the person in charge of the college.

Not far from the gathering point for the entrance examination in Hams City, in an isolated European-style villa, there were several people with extremely high status in the Kingdom of Fiore sitting there.

Kira pushed open the door of the villa, and a noble and elegant atmosphere hit her face.

Bright mirror-like tiles pave the floor, and gorgeous crystal chandeliers hang high in the center of the villa; fragrant wood tables, white porcelain cups, and leather chairs are the high-end life that countless people at the bottom yearn for; expensive carpets, exquisite stone carvings, oil paintings by famous artists, and green The vegetation adds more color to the interior. But the most amazing thing is the dazzling magic books placed on the rows of bookshelves, showing low-key luxury and connotation.

Kira not only nodded secretly: It is indeed the reception office of Demisor College, the decoration is different!

A tall, plump woman with fair skin, no wrinkles on her face, a face as cold as abstinence, and an elegant demeanor like an aristocrat came forward and said to Kira: "Mr. Kira Hopelite, welcome to your arrival. !”

The woman has long pale blond hair combed back her head, her eyes are cut and charming, and she is wearing a white, half-breasted, slim-fitting dress that outlines her exquisite and graceful curves.

On her shoulders was a long cloak that was white on the outside and blue on the inside, reaching to the crook of her legs. This was the standard outfit for a strong person. An emerald-colored gemstone necklace hung under her neck. If you look closely, you can see The pearlescent light of the gemstone is like an oasis in the desert, full of life.

Kira couldn't help but admire the carver's superb craftsmanship, because this seemed to be no ordinary gem, but some kind of magic prop. This reminded him of Marvel's Doctor Strange. Fortunately, there was no such thing as a time stone in this world, otherwise he would have wanted to borrow it and take a good look at it.

She was wearing a pair of black leather gloves on her hands and a pair of white boots on her feet. Kira could tell at a glance that both were magic props with special functions, but she didn't know the specific use yet.

Just looking at her face and figure, this woman should be around 30 years old, which is the age of maturity and intellectual maturity.

Kira responded politely: "Thank you for the invitation, Dean Cornas!"

According to Marklov, this woman named Kenas is the current dean of Demisol College. At the same time, she also has another identity, one of the ten holy wizards.

Cornas looked at Kira and nodded repeatedly: "There is a successor to 'Fairy Tail'. How is Mark Lovesan?"

"President is in good health, thank you for your concern."

After a brief greeting, Kira noticed that there were two other people in the villa, one old and one middle-aged, both men.

The old man has a long white beard and looks to be sixty or seventy years old. He wears a wizard's hat and a reddish-brown cloak. He holds a snake-head staff in his hand and his hand is covered with bandages. He is a member of the Senate. The new Speaker, Ghulam Doma.

The middle-aged man has short dark purple hair, four red marks on the left forehead forming the word "ten", a few strands of bangs on the right side, red eyes, and a mustache between the nose and lips. He is dressed as an aristocratic gentleman, with a white and purple shirt on his upper body and a collar. Wearing a blue bow, a black high-collar cloak, and holding a goblet in his hand, he looked like a legendary vampire.

The most inconsistent thing for Kira was that the goblet contained not red wine or other red drinks, but milk.

Well, this face looks familiar too, Hayberian, who ranks second among the Saints.

In line with the idea that personal image should not be lost and the guild's personality should not be discarded, Kira said hello one by one.

Grandoma put on airs and squinted one eye and said, "I originally heard that you were from Fairy Tail, and I thought you were also a lawless young man. But now it seems that you are much more stable than Marklov."

The newly appointed dean of the Council seems to have never had a good impression of troublesome guilds like Fairy Tail.

Hayberian stood up and said: "Don't say that, Speaker Gulan, Mark Lovingsang is also very reliable sometimes!"

The old man turns out to be that kind of person in your eyes...

After chatting for a while, Kira also gained some understanding of the three people in front of her.

Among the three, the old man Gulan is serious and rigid, decisive and tough, and he cares about the new generation, but he doesn't have much fondness for Fairy Tail; Hayberian is mature and steady, and his conversations are humorous; Dean Cornas sees that Although he looks cold and cold, he is actually gentle. He values ​​the college and his students very much, and his character is a bit sinister.

After talking, Kira also knew the reason why Dean Cornas invited the three of them. Gulan represents the Senate, the largest official magic organization in Ishgar; Hayberian represents the Holy Ten, Ishgar Er's high-end combat power; the last Kira represents Fairy Tail, the oldest magic guild in the Kingdom of Fiore.

To put it simply, the three of Kira are representatives of several forces in the magic world, which makes Kira a little flattered.

Kenasi said: "There are a few important things to invite you to come here this time, which are all mentioned in the invitation letter and letter. I hope that after this admissions meeting, I will ask three people to conduct an interview for the students in the college. Lectures; after that, another month of teaching.”

The three of them all nodded silently when they heard this. Since they were here, they naturally agreed to the conditions in the letter.

Kira raised her hand and said weakly: "I have a question, why didn't the dean invite our president Marklov, but invited me instead?"

Dean Cornas was silent for two seconds and said: "In the past few sessions, we did invite President Marklov, but in the end... It may be a bit rude to say this, but he did cause a lot of trouble to the college. After him After a month of teaching, many students began to become lawless and difficult to discipline."

Thinking of Marklov's rebelliousness and unruliness from time to time, Kira suddenly understood and complained wildly: Good guy, old man, I didn't expect you to be such an old man...

"Although I am in the academy, I have also heard of Mr. Kira's deeds: relying on magic props to open up trade routes, promoting economic development with neighboring countries, and single-handedly improving the level of magic technology in the Kingdom of Fiore; a few years ago He was nominated as one of the Holy Ten Magicians, and soon defeated two Holy Tens, Joseph and Jellal. Both his strength and reputation were enough to become an invited guest."

In view of Disper's own request, when the Fairy Tail people reported the situation to the Council, they revealed the news that Joseph was defeated by Kira.

Although these words may have mostly polite elements, Kira still felt secretly happy after hearing them, especially since the other two people did not refute or show doubts, which made him very satisfied: 'Sure enough, big shots are different. It was immediately obvious that I was gifted, and that alone was worthy of praise. ’

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

You still have to be modest. Kira's backhand was a compliment. There is no shame in exchanging compliments in business.

Later, the four of them had an in-depth discussion on magic in the villa.

Gulan is an old man in the Senate. He has very rich magic theories and very profound knowledge of magic. He has been conducting various magic research and continuous improvement all year round. He can almost be said to be an important representative in academic circles, but he has no combat effectiveness.

Hayberion uses indirect blood-sucking magic and can control the opponent's blood from a distance. He is quite experienced in the use of magic and magic. Even though he was instantly killed by the god Silena in the original plot, he was the only one who caused him harm, not to mention that his magic was praised by the Magic King Olgaste.

After the exchange, Kira could only sigh secretly that there are no empty warriors despite the great reputation.

The last Dean Cornas, after being told by Marklov, Kira knew that she was using aging magic, which could make things age quickly. It was a very terrifying magic that reminded Kira of Balegang in Death next door.

As the dean of Demisor Magic Academy, her knowledge is not much weaker than that of Gulan. On the contrary, with the history of the academy as the cornerstone, her knowledge of certain magics is better than that of Gulan, an old man who has been studying it for most of his life. Even more profound.

For her, Kira will also admire the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the Kingdom of Fiore.

Finally, they talked about Kira.

"Word spirit magic? I didn't expect that there is such a strange magic in this world..."

After learning about the magic used by Kira, the three of them were also amazed and called it a refreshing view of magic.

"Speaking of which, I have been researching a topic recently," Kenas's words regained the attention of the three of them. "This is one of the reasons why I invited a few people this time. I hope they can join the research on this topic. "

Kira asked curiously: "What topic?"

Kenas smiled sweetly: "It's about the second source of magic in the magician's body!"

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