The space magic was only activated for a few seconds, and there were not many magic particles that spilled out, just the amount of one person. After Doken sucked some in, the surrounding magic particles disappeared for a short time, but they were quickly flooded in from other places. The magic house has been restored in Taipei.

Kira knew that this short opportunity was fleeting, so he immediately calmed down and sang loudly!

"The pupils of the north, the heart of the south, the fingertips of the east, the toes of the west, the tips of the hair on top, and the tail of the bottom, gather with the wind, drive away the clouds and disperse, the six directions are positioned!"

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

Following six soft sounds, green, white, red, black, blue, and yellow, six huge magic arrays appeared out of thin air. The magic arrays were written with complex and mysterious Rosen runes. They were distributed around Doken's front, back, left, right, and above his head. and feet, firmly locking his figure.

Doken has been riding Kirtina for many years and has never seen this type of magic before, so he was extremely stunned for a moment.

He endured the pain caused by the magic barrier particles in his body and tried to move his body, but found that no matter how hard he tried, he could not move even half a finger. The look of shock on his face became more obvious: "Can't move?! It's a restraint type. magic?"

However, Kira's actions haven't stopped yet!

"It's not over yet! Drink—!"

I saw him shouting loudly, and the magic power in his body turned into a pure white color. The magic power surged like a waterfall, rushing straight to the ceiling!

The ceiling also cooperates very well, opening directly to reveal the gloomy and gloomy sky outside!

The sky at this time was strange and familiar. Countless clouds gathered together to form a huge vortex directly above the mechanical castle. In the center, there was a holy white light spot, which was very powerful.

Seeing this scene, Doken's alarm bells rang loudly in his heart, but he was powerless to do anything about what was about to happen. He couldn't help but look horrified: "What kind of magic is this?"

Not far away, Jellal was trembling all over, and unbearable memories emerged in his mind: "This feeling...could it be?!"

Beside him, Urrutia and Eric were already stunned, staring straight at the man in front of them and the magic he used, their four eyes so bright that they were scary.

Hearing Jellal's voice, they also understood.

"Is this the move that knocked you into the sea?"

"It's not a bad loss!"

Jellal: "..."

Kira placed his hands horizontally in front of him, moved his palms inwards up and down, spit out magic power into his palms, transformed into an abundant power of holy light, and finally condensed into a white ball of light.

The ball of light echoed the white spot in the sky, and the vast magic power quickly passed through the ceiling, flew out of the valley, broke through the sky, and pulled it down!

"Judgment of the Goblin!!!"

The fairy's unique style reappears in the world!

Jellal suddenly thought of something: "No! This magic can destroy this castle!!"

"What did you say?!"

Urrutia and Eric also realized at this time, this was the move that drove Jellal into the bottom of the sea two months ago! He almost died because of this!

"Find a place to hide quickly!"

However, the three of them looked around and saw that the room was empty, with nothing that could be used as cover.

At this moment, Jellal thought of a certain scene when he was fighting Kira, and immediately said: "Go behind Kira! It's safe there!"

The other two people woke up from a dream and immediately raised their legs and ran behind Kira, but... it was too late!

Cutting through the clouds of disaster like thunder, piercing the darkness like a divine weapon!

The sacred power of judgment responded to Kira's call and descended from the nine heavens, breaking through the layers of clouds and splitting the mountains. By the way, it ignored the magic interference magnetic field laid by Silver and fell into the silver-white mechanical castle. Accurate positioning, it landed directly on Doken!

Suddenly the light shines in front of my eyes! The holy white light filled the entire room, spilled out from the castle, and illuminated most of the valley and the sky above!


After a long time, the magic in the room calmed down slightly.

"It seems...something's wrong?"

Jellal didn't react, he just thought in his mind: When he hit me before, the sound was so loud, why is it so quiet now? Is this guy Kira targeting me?

The expected explosion did not occur. Instead, it was very calm. There was only scattered smoke and dust, indicating that it was not everyone's hallucination.

"What's going on? Has magic never succeeded?"

"No! It's not that the magic failed! It's that Kira compressed it!"

The three of them looked up and found that Doken was not far in front of them. He seemed to be petrified, and his whole body turned into a pure white sculpture from head to toe.

His consciousness had fainted, but his body still stood motionless. Only his face still retained the previous shock and horror.

Jellal frowned and asked Kira: "This doesn't seem to be the magic you used when you fought me before, right?"

"This is an improved version!"

Kira didn't look back, "Both of them were modified from 'Fairy's Law', but the one used before was 'Fairy's Judgment 1.0'. Its attack method was energy attack, and the 'Determine Enemy' was removed. This function is, on the whole, a semi-finished product;”

"This time I used 'Fairy Trial 2.0', which is closer to the original magic! The attack method is mental deterrence, and it also has the function of 'determining the enemy'. Although the power is a bit lower, it successfully removed the 'use' If you pay the price of your life, it will be more perfect!"

After the battle with Jellal, Kira discovered the shortcomings of this newly developed magic. After these two months of in-depth research, he finally successfully improved the 'Judgment' again and completely mastered its use!

It also attacks people who are "regarded as enemies by the user", but the 'Fairy Trial 2.0' developed by Kira does not have the risk of being "denied by one's true heart". Anyone can be targeted if he wants to!

Kira walked forward in two or two steps, circling Doken, who had endured a complete set of combos, and looked carefully at him. It was a rare opportunity to use it, and he wanted to see how powerful his magic was.

It has not reached the level of "kill with one hit", but is just at the level of "seriously injured and completely incapable of fighting, and can survive as long as it is treated in time". This is exactly the result Kira wants!

"What a pity, uncle! It's exactly ten minutes!" Kira took two steps back, looking sad, with a little secret joy in his eyes, "According to the agreement, I will take over the dragon-slaying heart you brought!"

After saying that, he started groping directly on Doken, but naturally found nothing.

The dragon's heart was very big. It was impossible to carry such a conspicuous thing with him. There were no boxes or anything like that on Doken and the other two people. The only explanation was that he had put them in a different space.

Thinking of the battle just now, when Silver and herself took turns to do things in his different space, Kira clicked her tongue and said, "I wonder if that heart is intact..."

Urrutia walked up and said, "Shouldn't you consider whether you can get it first? He has already passed out. How are you going to open his exclusive alien space?"

"Why is it so difficult for me to do this kind of thing?" Kira said proudly, "Forget it! While this uncle is still hot, I will seize the time to open your eyes!"


Kira placed her left hand on Doken's body and raised her other hand into the air. The magic power in her body was continuously transferred to her hand, and through physical contact, it rushed towards Doken's body crazily. He controlled the magic power to circulate around Doken's body, and then returned to himself along the same channel.

This move surprised the three of them. They had been in the magic world for so many years, but they had never seen anyone whose magic power could enter someone else's body and come back successfully in the end.

"Kira! What are you doing??"

Kira didn't answer. When he raised his head, a bright white light flashed through his sky-blue eyes: "Uncle, let me lend you my magic!"

This is one of Kira's lesser-known magics. As long as the two parties have physical contact and let him stay in the other person's body for a period of time and then come back, he can temporarily use other people's magic!

Kira used this trick when Zonya faced Akunololia, borrowing the magic power of the dragon seed in Natsu's body to use dragon-slaying magic!

"Death of the Hidden Dragon!"

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