The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 326 The Battle between “Goblins” and “Devils”

On another battlefield on Tianlang Island, the strong man with the soul of the beast and the fat man with changed body properties are about to reach the end of the battle.

The leaves rustled down in the wind along with the rain. The wind and rain were mixed with the sound of explosions from time to time. These were the noises caused by Abba Green on the nearby battlefield.

But here and now, the two people stood opposite each other, one's scales were stained with blood, and the other's face was covered with sweat.

The blood on the scales was both dripping from the opponent's hands and seeping from his own body. Although Elfman's defense was strong, he could not withstand the opponent. He could change his body into steel, light, cotton, and smoke. With his physique, coupled with his already flexible speed and powerful strength, even Elfman cannot easily win.

But this head-to-head battle entered the end of the countdown after the devil screamed.

Huayuan was still holding his puppet with one hand and holding the palm forward with the other, but there were many tiny wounds on the palm. He looked at Elfman opposite: "It looks like you have new troubles! "

"Yes!" Elfman endured the pain in his body and his lungs that were on fire, and said tenaciously, "So let's decide the outcome with one move!"

"I will crush you! Doll material - cotton!"

Huayuan shouted and jumped up with all his strength. Under the influence of "Ugly Time", his body became as light as cotton, but it did not have its water absorption and would not become heavy due to rain.

"Accept, the soul of the Beast King!"

As a final move, Elfman decided to use up all his remaining magic power and switch from defense to offense.

He gave up all his defenses and received the most powerful soul of the Beast King. After the soul possessed him, his body shape, which was already much taller than that of ordinary people, slowly increased, and his attack and defense capabilities were also greatly enhanced.

"The material of the doll - iron!"

Huayuan shouted again, his body transformed into an iron block with the strongest attack power, and his muscles glowed with a metallic sheen.

Suddenly, he flipped upside down in the air, put his palms down, and fell heavily in the direction of Elfman: "Go to hell!!"

Elfman also faced up, clenched his fists, and put all his strength into this last punch: "Ohhhhhhh!!!"

The two of them moved up and down, each using their own abilities. They used their strongest moves with all their strength, as if even the surrounding air and rain were affected, squeezing them into two tit-for-tat air currents.

However, just when the fists of the two were about to collide, Elfman suddenly closed his eyes, closed his fists and turned around to avoid Hua Yuan's palm move falling from the sky! !


This move shocked Huayuan. Before he could think about the reason, he saw Elfman turning around again and punching hard!

Bang! ! !


The Beast King's fist hit Hua Yuan's face accurately, and the powerful force sent his entire body flying for more than ten meters, and directly hit seven or eight thick old trees before making a loud noise.

The fist wind swept across the battlefield, blowing up a layer of fallen leaves that had been accumulated by the rain.

"You...are fooling around...uh--!"

"Let me lose the 'head-to-head' battle!"

Elfman slowly exited the beast king's state, glanced at the fainted Hua Yuan with a little regret, then decisively turned around and left, heading towards the battlefield of Abby Green, leaving only a faint apology, To the comatose in the rain.

"I'm very sorry! But now I don't have the time or energy to continue fighting with you! Let's have a good fight next time if we have a chance!"

The Arc of Embodiment is a magic that relies on imagination to fight.

Among the "Seven Familiars", this is the lost magic second only to the "Arc of Time". Unfortunately, Lastiros' own strength limits the power of this magic.

Facing Philide and Bigusro, Lastiros could still maintain his confidence at first, but he soon realized the strength gap between the two sides, and the pressure doubled.

The guardian beast Bilkusas is a huge monster made entirely of steel, which can defend against a certain degree of attack. It is the most commonly used imaginary creation of Lastiros;

His right hand transformed into a pitch-black sword that could tear the enemy apart. It was composed of several iron whip-like things and could be retracted like steel claws;

The left hand turns into a golden shield that can defend against attacks. It is a golden shield made of solid materials and has strong defensive capabilities;

Pegasus wings rise under his feet and can fly freely. The wings can take him to any height and move extremely fast.

These weapons, representing attack, defense, speed and summons respectively, have always been Lastiros's winning weapon. No opponent can survive under these continuous manifestations. He armed himself to the extreme, and then …

Beaten by Philide and Bigusro again!

The Thunder Gods have known each other for many years, and they already know their teammates' magic and attack methods, so they cooperate seamlessly when fighting.

"Dark text, Jueying!"

"Heavy particle form!"

"Dark text, severe pain!"

Bang bang bang...

Felide, who transformed into the form of 'Jue Ying', greatly increased his attack and speed. Under repeated attacks, he quickly shattered the opponent's dark sword and golden shield one by one.

Bigusro assisted from the side, using his five puppets to perform star map magic. The puppets were arranged in different formations and spit out magic beams from their mouths to control the opponent's movement and position, and at the same time create magic for Philid. A chance to kill with one hit.

The embodied creation is restrained by the star map magic. Whenever Lastiros creates a monster, Bigusro uses his soul to control it and destroys it, unable to exert its original power. In addition, his physical fitness is not strong and he cannot fight in close combat. There was no way they could compare to Philide and Bigusro, and the battle situation became one-sided.

Sweat mixed with rain flowed down from the body, soaking the clothes and hair of the three people. The raindrops fell to the ground, making a clicking sound in the ears, and blurred the vision. It was impossible to tell that the three people on the battlefield at this moment were "goblins". Or "Devil".

For Rastilos, he could have as many expensive clothes as he wanted, and it didn't matter whether they were wet or not.

He is a proud person in his heart. This pride comes from the fact that he has never been defeated after acquiring the "Arc of Embodiment". Therefore, he will not allow himself to be defeated here, at the hands of the two people in front of him!

But... it is not that simple to win this battle!

"Huh... ha..."

In the battlefield, Rastilos was panting heavily, as if looking for a chance of victory in the moist and cold air in front of him.

He knelt on the ground, unable to believe that his magic would fail: "How... is it possible?! The power of imagination should be unlimited..."

Although he was almost mentally broken, Philid and Bigslow on the opposite side had no intention of letting him go. They were not reckless men like Natsu and Gajeel who only wanted to fight, and they had a more thorough understanding of the situation. .

The people in front of me are from the 'Devil's Heart'. They are not only opponents used to prove their strength in the assessment, but also intruders and enemies!

"Get up! We are not easy to talk to!"

"Although Kira asked us to treat you as the trial opponent for this assessment, the purpose of 'Devil's Heart' is to attack 'Fairy Tail', right? Then don't expect us to let you go easily!"

People who can use black magic well must have talent and character.

Unlike Bigslow, Natsu, and others, Philide is not the kind of character who just beats people up and lets them go; because they have followed Laxus all year round and are influenced by his personality, the two of them are not only tough-minded, but also aggressive towards their enemies. He also has his own way of dealing with it.

"Dark breath!"

The black magic vortex spit out from the Western long sword, crossed the continuous rain and hit Lastiros, blowing his whole body into the sky...


Amid the cry, Lastiros felt an unprecedented fear, which was the uneasiness of failure and the fear of having his pride shattered.

‘So… is it because I don’t have enough imagination? Imagine...imagine...that's right! ’


The body landed heavily, splashing up piece after piece of rain-soaked soil!

"Speaking of which, I would also like to thank Urrutia. I bought a lot of books from the bookstore a while ago. I read a few of them during this time, which inspired a lot of imagination!"

Lastiros endured the pain and slowly stood up from the ground.

"Can you still fight?"

Seeing this scene, Bigusro tilted his head, "What does this guy want to say?"

Of course Philide didn't know, so he just reminded in a deep voice: "I don't know... don't be careless!"


Rastilos stood back up and wiped his body with his right hand. Brand new clothes replaced the scarred coat. The embarrassment left in the previous battle was instantly eliminated, and he was as bright and beautiful as when he first appeared on the scene.

"Let's try it on you! The power of the evolved Arc of Embodiment!!!"

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