In less than an hour, the members of ‘Gate to Hades’ painted Tianrou Island in red and black.

The red is blood, and the blood of humans and demons are mixed together, making it difficult to distinguish; the black is magic and curse, born from "love" and "hate", two completely different forces that separate the people on Sirius Island. The fight reaches its peak.

The fish demon at the Gate of Hades and the mage mage at the Devil’s Heart were fighting fiercely, with blood flowing like rivers!

Resentment, magic, curse, fear, sadness, unwillingness, death...all imaginable or unimaginable negative energy and negative emotions are all mixed together, turning into the purest evil and darkness, destroying Sirius The island becomes a living hell on earth.

On the sea, on the ship of the Senate, Doranbart's figure appeared again.

Not long ago, Doranbart, also known as Mester, after noticing that the 'Devil's Heart' was at war with 'Fairy Tail', took advantage of Wendy's fight with Melty to return to the ship. , reported the matter.

This news naturally aroused Laharl's concerns, and in the end he even said that "the Senate may take special measures." After weighing this, Doranbart wanted to use his teleportation magic to transfer Wendy and Take it away with other guild members.

But when he returned to Tianrou Island again, he found that the two of them had disappeared. After inquiring, he found that a new enemy, the demon from the 'Gate of Hades', had landed on Tianrou Island.

Doranbart learned the news from the members of the 'Devil's Heart', and during the melee between them and the demons, he fled back to his base camp in embarrassment.

"Where did you go just now?!" As soon as he appeared, Lahar, the captain, shouted loudly, "You also took away the crystal that was used to contact the headquarters! Do you know that..."

However, in the face of his questioning, Doranbart just lowered his head and murmured: "The Gate of Hades..."

"What did you say?" Lahar was stunned.

"It's the 'Gate to Hades'!!"

Doranbart said again, "In addition to 'Devil's Heart', there is also 'Gate to Hades'! These two dark guilds started war against 'Fairy Tail' at the same time!"

His tone became excited, "One more thing, the members of 'Gates of Hades' are all demons! Real demons! They kill everyone they see, and there is no room for communication at all!!"

Laharl was shocked by the news brought by this subordinate: "You said the devil..."

"On the island ahead, the three strongest guilds of light and darkness in the magic world are now in an unprecedented melee!!!"

The island of Hades is a demon who signed a contract with Hades Maldo.

When it wakes up completely, it can devour the people inside it and turn them into its own nutrients. Fortunately, this giant beast has not yet awakened, so it is just a small square island.

Kira and Urrutia set foot on the underworld island, chatting while searching for the entrance.

"This is the headquarters of 'Gate of Hades'? It looks similar to our guild's airship!"

Urrutia looked left and right, as if he had discovered a new world. In fact, this could indeed be considered a new world.

"Actually, you can pay attention to your wording! Urrudia...san!"

Kira corrected him seriously, "If the guild you are talking about refers to the 'Devil's Heart' which now has only three available combat forces, maybe it is more appropriate to call it the 'former guild'! Now you are already a 'money-making organization'" 'People!"

"So, 'Twelve Holy Swords' sounds too average!" Urrutia looked back and chuckled, "If it is the position of vice president or financial officer, I can accept it!"

"Haha...wishful thinking!"

How could such an important position be given to you?

Urrutia rolled his eyes at Kira and changed the subject: "What on earth were you looking for from the beginning?"

"Looking for the entrance to the 'Island of the Underworld'!"


Kira nodded: "Did you see it on the way here just now? Groups of demons scattered together!"

" want to go in through the hole they came out of?"

Urrutia heard this and immediately guessed Kira's intention, "But judging from the scale, this demon's lair is not small! And the other party has almost all of them, so they probably won't be considerate enough to leave one or two for them. You show the way, then here’s the problem!”

"what is the problem?"

"How are you going to find the laboratory where the 'core of hell' you mentioned is located?"

Kira:? ?

"Wouldn't it be better to destroy all the rooms? It's not a good thing anyway. If we don't destroy it now, why don't we keep it for the New Year?"


"I found that you are really clueless..." Kira looked at Urrutia teasingly, "I told you to study more! What do you usually read?"

Urrutia: The method you are talking about is not something that a smart person can come up with! ! !

"You wrote "Instructions for Workers", "Labor Law", "How to Deal with Black-hearted Bosses"..."

"Ahem...that's enough, that's all!"

Kira interrupted quickly, thinking: I don't know where this girl's resentment comes from. She has integrated into the status of a "worker" too quickly, right? It’s only been less than a month! The trial period has not even passed! Sure enough, employees who have too many opinions about their boss (himself) should be fired during the probation period!

The appearance of the Underworld Island has its own gravity field, which means that when it is suspended in the air, people can stand firmly on the six sides of its appearance; but inside, its gravity field is the same as the outside world. It is equivalent to a multi-story square castle.

"found it!"

After some exploration, Kira and Urrutia finally found a large opening. Standing outside and looking in, they could see a long corridor with several stairs on both sides leading to unknown places. But the most eye-catching thing is the wall made of stone like a primitive tribe, and the rows of candles inserted on the wall.

"It's such a gloomy place!"

Kira didn't complain aloud until he entered it and adapted to the changes in gravity around him.

Urrutia looked around and asked, "Do you really want to destroy everything here?"

"What's wrong?"

"I just advise you to think about what you would do if you were buried before you do it!"

Kira followed Urrutia's gaze and suddenly realized: It turned out that the two of them were at the bottom of the inner castle at this moment!

If all the rooms were destroyed as Kira just said, it would most likely cause the structure to collapse, and then the two of them would be buried underneath the boulder.

"Don't you have your arc of time? If we are buried, just use your magic to return the stones to their original positions!"

This kind of problem is not worth mentioning to Kira. Isn't this what the "Arc of Time" magic is used for?

Urrutia held down the fist that could not help but refuse, trying to remain calm and refuse: "I am a magician! Not a digger!"

"Then there's only one other way!"


Kira said softly: "Amplify the sound!"

The magic of the speaking spirit reappeared, and the magic power lingered beside him, preparing to transmit his next words to every corner of the underworld island.

"Maldo!!! Come out to pick up the guests!!!!"

With a loud roar, Urrutia felt that the ceiling above his head, the wall in front of him, and the ground beneath his feet were shaking, and three candles in the row on the wall were extinguished.

But the most severely damaged ones were her ears!

"Are you an idiot? Do you think the other party is an enemy that can be provoked by this method?"

Whizzing! Whizzing!

Hearing the noise, Kira looked back and chuckled: " that a slap in the face?"

Voices, loud or small, strong or thin, came from the end of the passage, jumped out from the stairs next to it, and crawled over from the ceiling.

Soon, dozens of demons of different shapes gathered in front of the two people, with bloody eyes, fierce faces, fangs and sharp claws.

"Look, aren't the enemies coming out now?"

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