The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 340 Keith: The real rebel is not Yin! Rather

Chapter 340 Keith: The real rebel is not Yin! But...

"What is this? A monster?"

Franmars, who was standing in the distance, couldn't see the specific situation of the ice bird. He just thought it was a summoned object like the protoss, so he smiled and said, "It's useless, it's useless. Warcraft, like the protoss, can also be summoned." I absorbed it!”

Kana chuckled and said: "Idiot! Ice Bird is not essentially a monster, but a machine! It has no soul!"

Before he finished speaking, a machine voice sounded from the ice bird: "An enemy has been detected. The enemy is the demon Keith from the 'Gate of Hades'. The spell is to control the dead, and the body is immune to physical attacks."

"The best way to deal with it is [internal destruction]. It is recommended to 'let Juvia enter the opponent's body to destroy it', but be careful about the magic particles in its body; the probability of defeating this monster is 50%, and the probability of sealing it is 90%."

Everyone:? ? ! !

Before they could react, Ice Bird spoke again: "An enemy has been detected. The enemy is the demon Fran Mars from the 'Gate of Hades'. The spell is to absorb souls."

"The best way to deal with it is to use physical attacks with soulless substances; the probability of defeating this monster is 70%, and the probability of capturing it is 30%."

Everyone said again:? ? ! !

After a long silence, the audience burst into exclamations.


The two demons did not expect that someone from the outside world knew the information about the 'Gate of Hades', and formulated corresponding combat strategies based on the abilities of each of their demons, and even built a machine that could defeat them.

Fran Mars panicked: "Nani Nani?? What is going on? Has our intelligence been leaked?"

Keith was also silent. After thinking for a moment, he murmured: "Could it be...Silver?"

Even if it was a corpse he controlled, Keith was the first to think of this young man, and then said something similar to Maldo.

"Damn it! I knew that guy would rebel sooner or later, but I didn't expect that he would rebel so early, and so thoroughly!"

In Keith's view, the ice bird in front of him can tell about his and Franmars' abilities and countermeasures during the battle. It can also tell about other companions, that is to say, all the information about 'Gate to Hades'. The information has been completely leaked!

It would take a lot of time to accurately obtain all the information about the "Nine Ghost Sect", spread it out, formulate strategies, and create targeted magic weapons. In other words, if there is such a rebel, it must have been rebelling for a long time!

The members of 'Gate of Hades' are all demons from the Book of Zeref. They all share the same origin and are of the same mind. There can be no traitor, so this rebel must be Silver!

After all, he is human and only he has the motivation to rebel!

Who else could it be? Other demons? Are you kidding me? ! Everyone's goal is to awaken President "END" and return to Jer. How could he be a traitor? !

ridiculous! This guess is simply ridiculous! Will the devil betray the devil? Why not talk about Hades...

Keith was suddenly stunned. He thought of what Maldo often said: [Maldor Gil is a perfect strategist! 】

Over the years, Lord Hades has indeed been as he said, and he has always had a plan. He has led the 'Gate of Hades' to become stronger, and its power has spread throughout Ishgar. He is the smartest among all demons. All of Silver's actions should be under the control of Lord Pluto!

Then why does this happen? ! And we don’t know anything! !

Think about it carefully, why did Lord Pluto let Yin enter the 'Nine Ghost Gate' in the first place? It's to check and balance other demons! To check and balance us! !

Including me, other demons from the Nine Ghost Sect at that time thought this move was too ridiculous: How could a mere human being, a dead person resurrected by a demon and controlled by a demon, become a constraint to the demon?

did not expect! I didn’t expect that this would actually happen now! ! !

Lord Pluto, is this also your purpose? Was this all part of your plan?

Keith's hand holding the scepter began to tremble, and the iron ring made a faint sound of "clinking". It was obviously a skull face, but it looked extremely gloomy, and emotions such as sadness, anger, and fear could be seen on it. .

No! Will not! Lord Pluto has absolutely no reason to deal with us! And even if he wants to deal with us, there is no need to use this method!

Keith had lived for hundreds of years, so he had some brains after all, and he immediately found the loopholes in his thoughts.

Lord Pluto is not the nominal president of "END". His strength is known to all the demons in the 'Gate of Hades', and he can easily beat Kuanghua, the leader of the 'Nine Ghost Gates', as long as he is serious, he can be defeated by one person. The 'Nine Ghost Sect' teamed up - not counting the restraint of the evil-destroying attribute.

With such strength, if you really want to deal with other demons, do you need a silver? Lord Pluto just wants to take advantage of Silver's strength or enjoy the pleasure of enslaving humans!

right! That’s right! Everything is just my random imagination!

Keith shook his head, trying to throw away all his previous thoughts.

But once the seeds of suspicion are planted, they will only take root, sprout, bloom and bear fruit, rather than rot in your heart!

Just when Keith was about to regroup and go into battle, Maldo's voice appeared in his mind again: [What is a human being? It is an existence worse than even an ant! Maldo Gil was quite unhappy to see his subordinates taking pleasure in creatures that were worse than ants! 】

When did you say this? correct! It’s time for Kuanghua to torture mankind!

Lord Pluto will not get pleasure from enslaving or torturing humans. He will only feel pleasure when his plan goes smoothly! Then...why did he put Yin in the 'Nine Ghost Sect'? Is that really the reason?

At this time, Keith was uneasy. The less he wanted to think in that direction, the more evidence of that guess appeared in his mind.

[I called you here this time for the "Fez" plan! 】

Why summon all the Nine Ghost Sects for an uncertain "Fez" plan? Why did Jer's adult voice appear just when we were about to leave?

【"END" is no longer important! 】

Why isn't it important? It’s obviously a purpose that has persisted for hundreds of years! Why is it suddenly not important? ! Is it just for Zeref-sama’s words?

[Hunting ‘Fairy Tail’ is the most important thing now! 】

Why the sudden war? Why is the ‘Devil’s Heart’ also on this island? Is that voice really that of Lord Zeref? Is Lord Zeref really here? Why don't I feel anything? !

[The enemy is detected...the best way to deal with it is...the probability of defeat is 50%, and the probability of sealing is 90%]

Why is our intelligence leaked and targeted weapons? Did Yin do this? Does Lord Pluto know about this?

【Are you afraid of sacrifice? 】

! ! !

Keith got it, he got it all!

Maldo Gil is a devil who likes to play tricks, and watching his schemes succeed is his favorite thing! But he doesn't like designing humans, because humans can't interest him, so he designs demons and plays with them, and the 'Nine Ghost Gate' is the best toy!

This feeling is not difficult to understand. Just like humans can design humans, it is not surprising that demons design demons!

Although everyone is a demon in the Book of Zeref, their ultimate goal is to return to Zeref. What does it matter if the other demons can't come back?

In fact, there is no direct subordinate relationship between Atrias.

At the beginning, for the ultimate goal, the 'Nine Ghost Sect' surrendered to Maldo, obeyed his orders, and even signed various contracts. Although he obtained immortality, it was equivalent to never being able to escape his control.

The root of all this is because other demons feel that Maldo has enough strength and vision to lead them back to Zeref!

But in fact, from a long time ago, Keith had vaguely felt that the term "animal homing instinct" mentioned by Maldo was a bit strange. It seemed to be different from what he felt, but he couldn't explain why. So I didn’t think much about it.

Now Keith understands everything, it must have been used by Maldo to deceive the devil! The purpose is to take all the demons under his control, and then play with them at will to satisfy his bad character! !

Seeing these powerful demons being deceived by themselves, playing with them without knowing it, and even betraying information, causing the demons to be defeated by humans who are worse than ants, the humiliation and unwillingness shown at that time must have made Hide Behind the scenes, self-proclaimed "conspirator" and "strategist" Maldo Gil applauded, right? !

At this moment, Keith woke up as if from a dream, his skull looked up to the sky and roared: "Damn it!! You bastard!!!"

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