The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 343 Thousand-year Ice Prison (please vote and order)

On the battlefield not far away, the cold wind was biting and the ice and water blended together.

As Ice Bird said "Start the battle mode", Keith and Kana started a new battle.

As soon as the sound ended, the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and at the same time the ice suddenly rose. A cold air even colder than before erupted from the ice bird, freezing the surrounding area into ice for several feet.

The cold air continued to erode the battlefield, even affecting Lucy's battle on the other side.

The demon soldiers who were originally divided into two battlefields were attracted by the powerful magic power and rushed here one after another. However, they were soon frozen into ice sculptures by the air-conditioning and lost their combat effectiveness.

"It's just you now!"

After dealing with the demon soldiers, Kana controlled the mechanical ice bird and directed the cold air towards Keith, who had just formed. In the blink of an eye, a layer of ice a few centimeters thick washed out on him!


Sensing something strange on his body, Keith quickly exploded with magic power, shattering all the ice attached to his hands. The ice immediately turned into tiny ice particles and fell. Then Keith's body dispersed again, and he came behind Kana in an instant, preparing to directly Take action against her, the summoner!

But as a creation of Kira, how could Ice Bird be weak?

When Keith started to move, Kana controlled the ice bird to spread its snow-white wings and take off.

Since it is a mechanical creation, its wings certainly do not fly by flapping, but are equipped with magic engines, flying devices driven by the magic power stored in micro-magic crystals as energy. With such equipment, the ice bird can move at a natural speed. No slower than Keith.

So when Keith came behind Kana, the ice bird had already swished over and stood in front of him.

"So fast!" Keith was surprised when he saw Ice Bird open his mouth quickly.


With a loud sound, the ice bird fired an ice cannon from its mouth. The ice cannon passed directly through Keith's body and exploded the demonic ice sculpture on the ground to pieces!

"Don't underestimate me! You bastard devil!"

Although her opponent was unharmed, Kana was not discouraged at all, but was full of confidence. Because she found that her mental power had grown much better than during the guild competition, and she could control the ice bird effortlessly, even with ease.

"What a stupid woman! You've already tried it so many times, why do you still do this useless attack?" Keith laughed at Kana while slowly gathering his scattered body, planning to attack again.

The unknown black substance, driven by the force of the wind, swelled up and enveloped Kanna. Then the black substance formed four sharp blades, which shot out from Kana's left side, right side, behind, and above at the same time. Launch an attack.

But Kana is one step ahead of her opponent! To be precise, first come first!

At the same time as the opponent launched an attack, Kana's mental power controlled the ice bird to send out four ice blades. The ice blades flew out from its wings and struck at the four attack sources at the same time.

Puff puff puff...

Along with the sound of four piercing the air, the ice blade chopped Keith's body apart again, but it could be elementalized, so such an attack would not work at all.

Keith laughed loudly: "It's useless! It's useless! No matter how many times you try, your attacks are ineffective on me!"

"That's not necessarily true!!" Kana's eyes narrowed and she burst out with a strong fighting spirit.

She rarely felt like this. Even when she fought Gray in the guild competition, she didn't feel like this. Even when Kira took away her drinking money as repayment of a debt, she didn't feel like this. Even when she thought about this battle, she didn't feel like this. Maybe I can get to know Gildarts later on, but I don’t have this feeling.

This may be the...fanatical fighting spirit that she has long forgotten and hidden deep in her bloodline!

At this moment, a thought suddenly came to Kana's mind: What if I wasn't from Fairy Tail? How about saying I'm Gildas' daughter? I didn't even expect that it turns out that I... turns out that Cana Arupelona is such a passionate woman?

In Kana's unseen mind, her mental power exploded unconsciously. At the same time, the magic power in her body was gradually rising, as if the blood talent inherited from Gildas had finally awakened.

"You bastard!! Pick it up!!"

Kana shouted loudly, and the battlefield suddenly became cold. Countless ice spears, ice cannons, and ice swords appeared out of thin air, and under Kana's control, they rushed towards the enemy!

At this moment, Kana felt as handsome as Erza!

The ice weapon was unleashed for a full minute, and the loud roar it caused could be clearly heard within a radius of dozens of feet. It was extremely powerful.

However, when the cold mist dissipated, the enemy still stood unharmed, staring at Kana who was beginning to breathe.

"You do have talent, but it's a pity that you are destined to die here today!" Keith stared at Kana with a pair of skeleton eyes and said coldly, "I have mastered the attack method of this mechanical monster!"

Kana was silent. Keith glanced at the ice weapon stuck beside him and continued: "You should admit that the ice magic you used with it is very powerful. It has a stable shape and high attack power. It is better than many magicians." Strong, but unfortunately, it’s useless against a physique like mine!”

As he said that, as if he was showing off, he turned into a black substance again and floated in the air: "At this point, you are almost out of moves, right? Then I will end this battle!"

Keith's arms were spread out, and the iron ring on the scepter jingled. At the same time, the curse power in his body surged, and his body became two or three times the original size, but gradually became transparent, and then he shouted in a deep voice: " City of Death!!”

The magic power took effect immediately, and there were several muffled sounds and several crisp sounds from the ground.

The muffled sound is the corpse moving; the crisp sound is the frozen ice being broken by the demon's body.

This is a battlefield between demons and goblins. Kana's 'Fairy's Glory' previously wiped out hundreds of demons, and later solved some of them in the battle.

And now, they're all back!

The dead demon soldiers broke through the ice from the ground, as if they had come to life again, and joined the battle again.

This time, they will not die, because they are dead in the first place; this time, they are no longer afraid of pain, because the dead are unconscious.

"My spell is to control the dead. The more you kill, the more my army will grow! The dead are not afraid of the cold, and you will never be able to defeat me!"

Suddenly, Keith's voice stopped.

Because in just a moment, its army of the dead was completely frozen, and it entered the body from the fur, freezing all the flesh, bones, and muscles. Without the slightest bit of death energy to drive it, it could not move.

Keith's color changed in horror, and he forcibly used magic power to drive the corpse: "What's going on?!"


There was a sudden explosion with a crisp sound, then a second sound, a third sound...

A series of sounds of breaking ice sounded, lasting for dozens of seconds before stopping, accompanied by the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground like a "dong", and the resulting sound of the ice breaking again.

It felt so good to shout just now, but now it feels so embarrassing.

Keith muttered to himself in disbelief: " going on?"

"Phew...I now understand why Kira always says 'Villains die from talking too much'! It turns out that such a thing really happens!" Kana's voice came, with a hint of schadenfreude in her tone, "Thank you for what you just said. Those words gave me enough time to prepare...this final move!"

The card summoned beast has a "big trick". In the guild competition, the fire demon ape summoned by Kana finally used the "big trick: Flame Rasengan" to fight against the newly upgraded Gray, and they were tied. up and down.

"How is that possible?" Although Keith was surprised, he still comforted himself, "Even if there are still tricks left, that kind of attack cannot cause harm to me!!"

"Have you forgotten? What Ice Bird said before?"

[The probability of victory is 50%, the probability of sealing is 90%]

Keith murmured: "Seal..."

At this moment, Keith thought of a lot, and the first thing that came to mind from the words "ice" and "seal" was an extremely terrifying magic - absolute freezing!

Kana's voice came again: "It's actually a bit inaccurate to say the seal, it should be freezing magic!"

Keith escaped! When he heard "freeze", he turned around and ran away without hesitation!

But he can't escape!

"Take the move! Bastard devil!"

Those ice weapons scattered on the ground were not a venting attack, but a means to increase the amount of ice and increase the cold air. They had changed their form at this time and turned into an ice cage suspended in mid-air.

The cage looks like a cylinder made of countless icicles, and thirty-six icicles penetrate it from top to bottom, left and right, firmly locking Keith in it; there are eighteen chains made of ice hanging from the bottom of the cage, It sways gently in the wind and makes a crisp sound, looking majestic.

"Thousand-year Ice Prison!!"

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