The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 362 Kira’s back-up plan (3 updates)

Kira also didn't expect that Wendy could enter the state of dragon power in one go and froze on the spot.

"What a guy! He cheated so quickly?!"

Originally taking into account Wendy's body's endurance, he only gave her about three times the amount of magic power. He thought it would explode at most and enter [Storm Mode] or something like that. Unexpectedly, he turned on the dragon power directly. It seems that she My talent is much higher than I thought!

Indeed, even in the original work, Wendy's talent is on the same level as, or even exceeds, Natsu's - other dragon slayers have not shown such a performance in activating the dragon power alone!

Others did not expect Wendy to suddenly explode to such an extent, and they were both surprised and happy.

"Good job Wendy!"

"It's not bad!"

"We can't be compared to her!"

Encouraged by Wendy, everyone's morale increased again. Kira couldn't tell which round it was, so he directly called on everyone to rush forward together: "Everyone rush!!!"

The strengthened four dragon-slayer wizards of wind, fire, thunder, and iron once again stood side by side as the main force of the attack.

Makarov, Gildarts, Erza, Mira, as well as two foreign aids, Jellal and Urrutia, followed as the second main force to cooperate with the four dragon slayers. Although ordinary magic is ineffective, they are not completely without countermeasures.

After that, Gray had just upgraded and mastered the power of destroying evil. In cooperation with Juvia, his ice-making magic became even more powerful. Others, led by Gray, cooperated with the second main force to interfere with Akunololia.

As for Kira, in addition to serving as the commander and assistant for the entire battle, he also had to take over the main attack from time to time, and set up defensive barriers for his companions. He was the busiest one in the room.

This is a tough monster spawning battle!

After beating, the mature Makarov realized something was wrong.

Even though four dragon slayer mages came together, three of them had activated the power of the dragon, and they were assisted by the entire main force of Fairy Tail, Akunololia only swayed at the beginning. , and then still stood on the same spot, waving his wings, sweeping his long tail, clapping his sharp claws, and swinging his dragon head wildly, almost the same as before.

It's just that its movements are faster and harder than before, just like an adult going from playing games with a group of three-year-olds to playing games with a group of six-year-olds.

"Could it be that this guy is still not serious?"

The others quickly came to their senses, and their expressions became uglier than the last.

"Damn it! There should be a limit to looking down on people!"

"What on earth does it want to do?! Does it think it is a cat teasing a mouse? This is the Dragon Slayer Mage!"

On the tree in the distance, the ghost of Mavis quietly watched the scene of everyone fighting. He wanted to help, but he didn't know where to start.

When Akunololia roared at Tenrou Island before, if Kira hadn't caught it in time, she would have almost stepped forward and launched the "Fairy Ball".

If Kira knew, he would be very happy that he acted decisively and avoided seven years of regret.

"Drink ah ah ah——!!"

Kira held the machine gun he made and fired wildly. The bullets were specially made so that they would not lose even against Erza's sword, but they could only interfere with the black dragon's sight.

While firing continuously, Kira was distracted directing the actions of others.

"Gray, Juvia, poke it in the eye with an ice spear..."

"Erza, cut off its tail..."

"President, smash his head..."

"Mira, hammer its toes hard - by the way, your new form is pretty good..."

"Urudiya, double the number of bullets I have..."

Bang bang bang... bang bang bang... tinkling...

With the thought of "We are pretty powerful if we can survive this kind of monster for so long," everyone fought harder and harder, fighting harder and harder. Even though they knew it was useless, the magic was thrown upward as if there was no need for magic, just hoping to get rid of it. The smoke and dust raised can create a chance for the four main forces.

After more than ten minutes of bombing, everyone has become somewhat familiar with the pressure and roar of the black dragon. Although there is still no hope of victory, at least there will no longer be fear or trembling.

Kira controlled thousands of guns and kept firing, and couldn't help thinking: "Although I know this guy is just teasing, I still have to thank him for not attacking with all his strength! Well... it just happened. The object of our training."

The four dragon-slayer mages who rushed at the front were panting from exhaustion, and the others had very little magic power left, but the monster in front of them was still unscathed. The dragon scales on their bodies that reflected the moonlight looked bright under the night sky. Extremely dazzling.


Akunololia took off again, and then quickly fell down. As his body fell together, the black wings waved out two counter-currents of air to swirl around.

Wendy was one of the closest people, and with the help of dragon power, her perception of the atmosphere was far beyond what she had ever experienced before, so she was the first to sense the approaching whirlwind.

I saw her take a deep breath, and the dragon-killing magic came first. With the blessing of dragon power, its power was far greater than before: "Celestial Dragon's Namikaze!!"

The storm tornado spit out from the mouth was like a dagger inserted into the heart, powerfully beating the oncoming wind to pieces and losing all its power.

Natsu took advantage of the wind and also breathed out: "The Roar of the Fire Dragon!!"

The temperature of the white flame is much higher than the usual orange flame, and the power is naturally stronger. Led by the wind, it forms an over-range attack, and the target spreads to the black dragon's body, making it indestructible.

"Iron Dragon's Steel Sword!"

"Thunder Dragon Square Heavenly Halberd!"

After the wind and fire passed, Gajeel immediately launched an attack, and Laxus added thunder and lightning at the same time, adding seven points of edge to the already extremely hard iron sword.

The viewer has no doubt that this flame can evaporate a river and this iron sword can split a mountain. However, when they fell on Akunololia, they only caused him to take a few steps back and his voice changed. It's just louder.

The four people did not give up and once again changed their attack methods, from the simplest two-two cooperation, to the three-person cooperation, and finally the four-person cooperation. The four elements of wind, fire, thunder, and iron were played with in their hands. He exhausted all his strength, but none of them could cause considerable damage. Not to mention leaving blood marks on Akunololia's body, not even a single piece of his scales fell off. They were all smoke and no damage, at most they were repulsed.

"Huh... ha..."

"Are you kidding me? Such frequent attacks are of no use at all?!"

"It can't even break the skin... This dragon power can't be fake, right?"

In fact, whether it is a human who practices dragon-slaying magic and transforms into a dragon, or a dragon that transforms into a human form, the defense power of the dragon form is higher than that of the human form.

What's more, what they are facing now is Akunololia, the Dragon King who has slaughtered all the dragons in Ishgar and bathed in dragon blood countless times!

Even in the finale of the original work, no one was able to leave scars on Akunololia's dragon body. This level of attack power was simply not enough.

Just when the four people rose up to attack again, the black dragon seemed to be tired of this cat-and-mouse game. He suddenly let out an unprecedented roar, and then shot at the four people like a cannonball!

Bang! ! !


There was a loud sound and four screams. Without magic or claws, the black dragon just relied on its brute strength to knock the four Natsu back dozens of meters and fall heavily to the ground!

The black dragon succeeded with one blow, and then attacked again when he gained the upper hand.


Seeing the sudden change in the battle situation, Makarov and Gildarts immediately rushed forward. Their giant fists and shattering magic blocked their way at the same time, but they were unable to block the attack and were knocked back repeatedly.

Gildas retreated to Kira: "Let me tell you, Kira! We have been fighting until now, can we almost reveal your trump card?"

Why has the fight lasted less than ten minutes? Not enough time for a meal!

Kira stopped firing the gun in his hand, turned around and asked, "Why do you think I have such a trump card?"

Gildas snorted, "I don't know? With your character, if you weren't certain, you would have escaped with everyone long ago. How could you wait for it on the island obediently? Don't say anything that will cause disaster. If we lead you to Magnolia, you don’t have to go back to the guild to escape!”

Kira smiled and gave a thumbs up: "Oh! You still have something, uncle! I thought your head was full of lewd things!"

Gildas looked constipated, thinking to himself, how long has it been since he said this? !

"However, although I have a backup plan, it may not be useful to it. The reason why I stay here is because I don't want Tianrou Island to be bombarded by it. It will be very troublesome then!"

As he spoke, a white magic circle suddenly appeared around him. Kira stretched out his hand and pulled out a silver-white metal magic wand from the circle.

"Next, it's time for the hero to appear!"

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