The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 372 Daily Christmas Eve Gift

Chapter 372 Daily Chapter-Christmas Eve Gift

Santa Claus originated from Western folklore. A rich man, philanthropist, and Christian believer named Saint Nicholas was kind and generous. He was very good to children and often helped the poor.

The legend of Santa Claus in the Fairy Tail world is similar to that of the previous life, but with more magical elements - Santa Claus is a kind, generous, and powerful wizard, and those gifts are conjured up by his magic.

But even if there are elements of magic, he can still only conjure actual gifts! !

It was impossible to directly turn a child into a wizard, so Kira left a copy of "Basic Theory of Magic" and wrote on the wishing card:

[The foundation of honesty is the first step to becoming a strong person, and it is also the last step to becoming the strongest person!

——Having dreams is a good thing, but you still need to read more! If you know more about Santa Claus, you should know that the wish to "become a powerful wizard" should not appear here! 】

Perhaps this is the reason why parents want to leave this matter to the wizard. It is true that they do not know how to realize some children's wishes, or they cannot realize them at all.

After leaving the child's bedroom, Kira sent a bill to the parents. The money for the magic book will be paid together when the client settles the task rewards. For the sake of the child's love for magic, he also gave the other party a rare discount.

Kira left and headed to the next house to continue giving gifts.

This is the wish of a little girl. Her wish is to make the boy she likes also like her.

"I like to come and go at a young age... What happened to Magnolia's education in the past two years? Such bad trends have arisen!"

Kira decided to discuss this issue with the mayor after the year.

The client of the second task is a rich man who lives in a six-story villa. The little girl has one floor to herself. There are study rooms, bedrooms, music rooms, painting studios, and dance studios on this floor, each of which is bigger than Kira's house. It's two or three times bigger.

In order to find the location of the bedroom, Kira looked through every room on this floor, and was directly shocked by the life of the rich.

"They say that rich people think about falling in love every day because they don't have to worry about food and clothing. I didn't believe it before, but now I know it's true!"

From a short five-minute exploration, Kira discovered that this was a very outstanding little girl (with a bunch of certificates and trophies) but a reserved and reserved personality. She had lived under the strict education of her parents since she was a child. She almost only showed her talents in storybooks or movies. The whiteness and beauty of existence.

In view of the habit of "gathering information to better complete the commission", Kira opened the little girl's diary with great interest and found information related to the boy.

As expected by Kira, the boy is a poor boy, but he is sunny, sincere, and warm. He talks about "I want to become a great wizard" every day, and he has the temperament of a passionate young man. .

The frank, bold and energetic spirit deeply attracted this rich girl who had not been able to be free since she was a child. She envied the other person's attitude towards life, so she paid attention to him silently. After a period of time, her emotions fermented, but she never dared to express her feelings.

Kira closed the book, hesitating.

There is indeed magic in this world that can "make people like themselves", and there are similar magic props, but such immoral things are against the law and are looked down upon by most people. I definitely can't send them out to teach bad children.

"Hmm... I don't know if the little girl's parents know about this. If they really succeed, they won't take it out on me then, right? How can I give this gift?"

After thinking for a long time, Kira left a bottle of "Courage Potion" on the bedside, and then left the same message:

[Hesitation will not help, only by moving forward bravely can we see hope!

Be prepared, seize the opportunity, and the probability of success will be greater!

Emotionally only if one of them takes the initiative, the two of them will have a story!

It is important to distinguish between "like" and "appreciation"!

When pursuing freedom, you must also be careful to avoid harming your family and friends!

Drink this bottle of "courage potion" and you will become very courageous within a day. Take advantage of this time to confess to "him"!

——Puppy love is not good! 】

Kira was very satisfied with her masterpiece. Looking at the series of admonitions, pride arose in her heart: "I am really a master of emotions!"

Kira followed the address on the commission and came to the third house, but this time, he froze directly on the roof and did not go directly into the chimney like the previous two times, because this house had no chimney at all!

"There's no do I, Santa Claus, get in?"

After walking around the house three times, Kira confirmed one thing: Not only did this house have no chimney, but all the windows were tightly closed, leaving no room for Santa Claus!

The wind and snow in the middle of the night were very cold, but Kira felt that people's hearts were even colder.

"At least the anti-theft measures are really good and worthy of praise - what a ghost!!! I'm here to do a mission! I'm not here to steal things!"

What kind of family is this? Are parents so ignorant?

As a last resort, Kira could only take out the prop "Master Key", opened the front door and walked in without hesitation.

Silently unlocking the locked bedroom door, Kira discovered that the person making the wish this time was a boy, and what he wanted was "eternal friendship."

Kira looked at the ceiling speechlessly: "...No wonder the parents want to ask the magicians, they are right!"

Do today’s children like this kind of “juvenile comics”? Each one of them is either pursuing love with the heroine template, or pursuing bonding with the male protagonist template!

The boy seemed to regard Santa as a close friend and wrote down stories about him and his friends.

The two met a few years ago on a midsummer day when the cicadas were chirping.

The boy went swimming for fun and accidentally fell into the deep pool. His legs suddenly cramped and he was drowning. His cries for help went unheard. Just when he ran out of energy, he appeared!

【How are you? 】

【Thank you for saving me! 】

[We will be friends from now on. If you have any difficulties, just come to me! 】

After a cliche "hero saves handsome man" story, two boys of similar age became friends who talked about everything.

This friend who rescued people was sunny, handsome, and willing to help others. He dreamed of being a great wizard. He always said that he wanted to become a wizard like "Mr. Kira". The boy felt that he was his best friend, so he kept Support him mentally.

But recently, the boy found that his friend seemed to have a lot of "sexy bitches" around him. He often pestered his friend to play, causing his friend to have no time to practice magic.

That's all, these can be regarded as demons that temper one's will. The boy believes that his friends can overcome them! But there was a girl who often spied on and followed his friend, which gave the boy an inexplicable sense of crisis - he felt that this girl was far more terrifying than those demons! It is very likely to shake the ambitions of friends and even affect the friendship between the two!

So the boy made a wish to Santa Claus, hoping to keep this friendship and not let it deteriorate.

"It has gone bad!!!"

Kira threw the wishing card angrily, and then calmed down after a moment, "Yeah... it does happen occasionally. This guy didn't get the male protagonist template, but the female protagonist template. This is normal, it's no big deal. of!"

Santa Claus is supposed to solve all kinds of troubles for children, so no matter how strange things happen, they won’t feel weird!

"Friendship...that's what I'm best at!"

So Kira left behind "100 sets of tricky toys".

"I believe that with these things, that friend will be able to realize the importance of you again!"

Except for the three weird children at the beginning, the gifts that the other children want are more normal. They are all "the latest novel by the author Hope Light", "Fairy Tail Wizard plush toys" and "beautiful clothes". Magic weapons" and other wish gifts.

Some ask for less, and some ask for much, just like Santa Claus’s gifts really don’t cost money.

However, Kira didn't care much whether it was more or less. Anyway, the client would reimburse the money for the gift, so it was just a door-to-door, cash-on-delivery business.

It took Kira two hours to place seven or eight orders. By the time he returned to the Hope House, it was already late at night.

"It takes so long to deliver several gifts, which is unbearable for anyone! No wonder Santa Claus is laid off!"

After returning home, Kira, who had tidied up and was about to go to bed, suddenly found a gift box under the Christmas tree at home, and then heard several strange noises coming from the wind outside the house.

Kira opened the window and took a look, and sure enough she saw a familiar short figure, dressed in Santa Claus clothes, jumping up and down between the houses with a big bag in his hands, his movements a little funny.

"Haha...Thank you very much, President!"

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